Materialism, the valuing of goods and services over personal relationships. is spreading throughout the world, and with it comes an arrogance of the rich and famous, the Nouveau-Bourgeoisie. …
This year again confirms my long-held belief that Hannukah marked the birth of Messiah Yeshua, Christ Jesus, the long-awaited Savior described by Isaiah as the “Light to the…
Our greatest Human frailties usually lead us to regret, but if we dwell on the “what-ifs” of our lives we can become miserable, even depressed, or we can…
I’ve been thrown off track by all the politics lately but tried to reconcile my Soul with reviewing my real purpose in having this blog — advancing Messiah…
Today’s politics cause many to fear loss of our basic Human rights, while some fear gender modulation, racial integration, and immigrants of foreign countries. Deceivers warn us not…
I started writing this Essay on Shavuot, one of Judaism’s holiest days, but most Christians have little to no knowledge of it’s significance to Christianity. Most Christians, especially…
In writing these Essays, I find myself repeating the same phrases and Bible verses, especially those that leapt out at me while I was looking for an answer…
Messiah Yeshua’s birth was prophesied for centuries by the Prophets of Tenakh (Old Testament) and even into surrounding civilizations. Matthew tells of the three Wise Men traveling from…
When I started writing my Essays for my purpose was primarily spiritual, even religious, for I’ll always respond that I’m a born-again Christian, even though I don’t…
When I wrote Parts 1 and 2, I had no plans to write a third section to discuss partisan politics, particularly POTUS 45, whose very name gives me…