Ruakh HaKodesh — Hebrew translation is Holy Breath — refers to the Spirit of LIFE itself, that which is Energy Spark alive in plants and animals alike. Yet were Human Beings created to bear Their Image (Genesis 1:26-27) — Eloheem, Who is G-D, the Great Universal LifeForce Who is all color in Presence, all gender in Science, and all inclusive in Power.

Our Souls were given by the Divine Spirit through the Children of A’Dam, both male and fe-male (Genesis 5:2), who likely mated with others of genus Homo and another species, yet their offspring were Homo sapiens, bearing the Soul of our Creator. (Note: This is theory, for little scientific proof exists. After all, with whom did Cain and other siblings mate?) Those species are long-extinct, while the Souls of Mankind continued undiminished from generation into generation, the Spiritual world dominating the Physical.

From East Africa, families formed tribes, spreading northwest and northeast, then eastward into India and north into the Caucasus Mountains (See Essay 4 on DNA), forgetting their ONEness through the rivalries and hatreds conjured by an Aura of Evil, the Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3). Their wiles are still evident among us, for Kings and Generals always sought to separate us, forcing concepts of “for” or “against” to feed Ego through wealth, popularity, or even a sadistic nature to harm, instead of seeking compromise in brotherly love.

The reason that our forefathers trusted in the Presence, Power, and Knowledge of G-D was that they knew we are “aliens and temporary residents” on Planet Earth (Psalm 119:19a; Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11). G-D sent H-S Sevenfold Spirit to live among Human Beings (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) to teach them their Spiritual origins and provide Paths back to Paradise, for Life on Earth is torturous karma, while G-D offers Eternal Ecstasy.

Since A’Dam, the first of G-D’s Seven Spirits sent to Earth as First Messiah, the Spirit of AntiChrist has prevailed over us, seeking shelter in our minds and hearts. Even as we choose goodness to gain peaceful contentment, the Demons within each one of us are personal, utilizing psychological defense mechanisms that will be driven out or nurtured. As unique as our personalities are, Demons and Angels lead us in and out of conscious and unconscious states of being.

We unconsciously feed the Spirit of AntiChrist as IT attempts to divide us as Children of ONE G-D, striving for dissent and discord, although rebellion is characteristic of everyone’s Human Nature. Evil is revealed in any damage caused anyone else, even collateral damage by voicing prejudice and thoughts of revenge. Demons hide behind insincere words of conciliation, but actions speak louder than words, especially those inciting violence “between the lines.”

Our Souls scream out for peaceful Joy, but few of us find it, especially in today’s world, with disease, hunger and meteorological or geological upheavals all around us, stunning us into numbness, yet hopefully inspiring us with actions that will unite us to benefit all Mankind. The Spirit of AntiChrist is overcome by the Seven Spirits of G-D, Ruakh HaKodesh Sevenfold, Alpha to Omega, personified in Yeshua HaMashiakh. In Yeshua lies Salvation for the world, all inhabitants of Planet Earth, Whose Souls are H-S (HE-SHE).

I will lift up my eyes to the hills. (Note: The “hills” were filled with sites of pagan worship.) Where does my Help comes from? My Help comes from G-D, Maker of Heaven and Earth… Behold, HE (Hannah-Ezra) Who keeps Isra’el neither slumbers nor sleeps. (Psalm 121:1-2, 4)