Angels and Demons are part of all lore, called many Names in Earth’s various cultures, particularly honored by the pagans of the world. All religions seek to maintain Spiritual Connections with G-D, but most become steeped in rote ritual and physical obedience. The Souls sent forth from the Angels of Eloheem in our Creation never diminish in strength of Power, giving each of us Their Good and Evil Energies that have lived in us since Time began.

It’s for us to accept or reject either in our lives, but all Judgement lies in our relations with others. Only the first three of the Ten Commandments order proper appreciation of G-D, to honor and praise HaShem, The Name of our Creator, while the remaining seven command our treatment of others. We cultivate trust and personal honor by acting honestly and unselfishly, serving Justice, avoiding greed, vengeance, falsehoods, and all unethical behavior.

Brotherly Love was endowed to the world through the unified fe-male threads of mitochondrial DNA that bind together the seven male origins of DNA haplogroups found on Planet Earth, certainly given to the nations settled by Yeshua’s Semitic forefather, Noakh, with whom Covenant was renewed. This Holy Covenant of Brotherly Love was still honored by Esau as he welcomed back his errant brother, Isra’el, with open arms, a feast of rejoicing, and gifts to include fertile lands of his own.

Demons and Angels are only as effective as we allow. We can suffer in despair, making everyone around us miserable in our negativity, or we seek harmony with others, offering ourselves in empathetic Conscious Awareness that fosters positive trustworthiness. No one really wants to be unhappy except by programming in one’s bio-computer Psyche, for Peace and Love are innate desires of all Human Beings.

As we learn about our own personalities, we become aware of long-used psychological defense mechanisms of which we seem to have no control, yet anyone can change, and Self-examination reveals one’s Soul, every heart redeemable. Denial is a primal reaction, evident since infancy, while Deflection and Rationalization abilities increase with age. Repression is the brain’s natural “forgetting” system, helping to protect Ego from regrets of indiscretions and remorse for any damage we’ve caused someone, but it also blocks other painful memories, the traumas we each endure.

As the Soul takes flight from the body, Cosmic Consciousness reveals our hidden thoughts, and the process of evaluating our lives begins, and even though we entered this world physically alone, as we leave it, we fall into the arms of loved ones who passed before. We will judge ourselves by the karma of our relations with others, and although poor behavior is a matter of perception, one basic tenet rings true — harm to any other Human Being is sin, as is harm to any Living thing beyond its purpose.

Both Demons and Angels will face G-D’s Judgement on that Last Great Day on Planet Earth, before it’s swallowed by Hellfire, ending our Tribulation — Jihad, Armageddon, the Ultimate War of the Worlds, accomplished. No Living Entity is exempt except as deemed Chosen by H-S (HE-SHE) WORD, the Universal Cosmic Presence of G-D, and other WORDS were Spoken (John 12:47-48).

For every curse there are blessings, and even though it may take Time to recognize them, we have a Spirit who knows our weaknesses, who bore our burdens in his death, experiencing mortal excruciations, yet resurrected into a “body” renewed, bearing physical wounds to Tomas’ touch, appearing and disappearing before their eyes. Messiah Yeshua came to live on Earth as a man, a male Human Being, but is Shekinah, the fe-male Glory of G-D, Who will know our names, for we will be like H-M (Hannah-Malkizedek) in that Realm of Joy, Peace and Unconditional Love.

One of my favorite “soapbox” phrases is that NO FEAR should be the Christian motto. Jews and Muslims are ingrained in this fearlessness, for they’ve endured much abuse, but Christians have thrived on fear. Religious leaders have “come out of the woodwork” during this pandemic, scaring everyone to “come to Jesus,” but my paths to our Messiah are from a different perspective, opening our hearts to the Unity of all Mankind to fight the Demons among us.

Let Brotherly Love continue. Don’t forget to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels, unaware. (Hebrews [Messianic Jews] 13:1-2)