The Demons inside us seek to kill us — in every moment of every day. It’s only by the Hand of G-D through individual Guardian Angels that we resist Evil and seek paths of peace and joy in unconditional Love. Our choices and “earned” karma determine everything in our lives.

H-S Hand gave us Yeshua HaMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) and six former Incarnations (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6). We can rationalize Their Identity but Alpha to Omega is here now, alive in the Holy Ghost of Messiah Yeshua. He was the seventh and final Spirit of G-D sent forth to dwell among us, and although he was male, most of us believe some in the past were fe-male.

Yeshua was the oldest child of Miriam and the carpenter Yusef, born in Beit Lekham, brought out of Egypt, and raised in Nazret. He effectively accomplished his Bar Mitzvah in Jerusalem’s Second Temple when he was 12 years old, and was not heard from again until he was 29, when he returned from his “travels” to begin his ministry. All written about him were memories, for Yeshua told his talmidim (disciples) he would return, but he hadn’t, so in Time they decided to write down their recollections.

It’s believed that Matthew was first of the Gospel authors, writing his book around 60 AD in Hebrew, but all manuscripts accepted into the New Testament (Rosh Hadashah) by Eusebuis in 324 AD were written in Greek. John was a beloved friend and spiritual brother, while Mark was a teenager who “ran with the gang.” (See Mark 14:51-52.) Luke never knew Yeshua, but received H-S Spirit and was educated enough to research stories of our Messiah’s life on Earth.

Scholars believe that the Book of Acts of the Apostles was written by Rav Sha’ul (Paul) but translated from Hebrew into Greek by Luke. With all written of Yeshua, no one could match his perfection — sinless, performing miracles of Love, speaking only Truth, in constant service to others, showing wonders not seen since the days of Moses. With a touch, G-D’s Energy flowed through him to heal all nearby who believed.

Yeshua drove out Demons, and would not let them speak, for they knew Who he was, and he even raised the dead back to life. He refused no one, regardless of any Human label, and treated everyone as a beloved brother or sister. John tells us that all the words Yeshua said and all the things he did, if written down, would rival in volume all the books (scrolls) ever written.

Yeshua HaMashiakh was the seventh and final Incarnation of G-D, but all we really know is H-M (Hannah – Malkizidek), THE ONE Who came not to judge us, but to lead us into Salvation by helping us find ways to love one another, even as he loved everyone. Messiah Yeshua is Goodness and Light — all color, all power and all knowledge — beyond Human comprehension, a mighty Warrior for our Souls as Lion of Judah — Demon slayer!!

For G-D so loved the world that HE gave H-S Unique Son, that whosoever believes in H-M should not perish but have Everlasting Life. (John 3:16)