Messiah Yeshua asks us not to be anxious for anything, yet feelings of fear and anxiety are rampant in today’s world, causing us to accept an unknown fate. I’ve said before NO FEAR should be the Christian motto, but all of this dystopia has caused me to resign to Destiny. It’s easy because I’m old, and it’s hard to imagine what’s going on in the minds of our children — they’re traumatized and should be dealt with honestly and assuredly. I don’t know anyone who isn’t afraid of the personal consequences of this worldwide pandemic, but we’re strong Children of G-D who persevere, grateful even for small blessings.

Messiah Yeshua lived on Earth as a “sinless” Human Being, yet none of us are righteous, for even the Gods who lived on Earth in ancient days (Genesis 6:1-4) were imperfect Beings, and all will be judged on that Last Great Day. Only the Seven Spirits of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 3:4; 5:6) were Goodness Incarnate, Alpha to Omega. The Seventh and Final Spirit sent to dwell among us lived in the man Yeshua of Nazret, who was perfection personified.

He walked through the countryside and towns of Palestine 2000 years ago, speaking kind words of Unconditional Love. No one proved unworthy of his care, for he saw into our Souls, disregarding our bodies. He refused no one a request, although his Orthodox Jewish talmidim (disciples) were taught to avoid Gentiles and “known” sinners, and they often questioned his comprehensive acceptance and genuine love for everyone he encountered.

Yeshua never saw our differences, only our similarities, for he’d lived on Earth six times before, and had memory of all Time of Life on Planet Earth, even before, when Darkness reigned. He reminded us to love everyone as a beloved brother or sister, even as we love ourselves, being willing to serve others as to our Gifts and abilities, those of our own making and cultivating. We can never match his Gifts, performing miracles not seen since the Days of Moses, healing the sick, driving out demons, and even raising the dead to life again, but each act of kindness we perform magnifies H-S Power.

Messiah Yeshua asks that we avoid judgement of others, for outward appearance often disguises true character with a “show” of defense mechanisms in full force, natural Human rebellions, and only G-D will judge falseness and truth. Yet’s it’s hard not to judge when we see injustice, and our unconscious perceptions depend solely on past experiences, As Messiah Yeshua provided an example, everyone deserves loving kindness, forgiveness, and help through life’s difficulties. The greatest mitzvah is done in secret, expecting nothing in return.

A life of service means many things today, but none are more righteous than in our medical community, where selflessness reigns. The “helpers” of the world provide food for us, from farmers to grocery store clerks, restaurant and fast food workers, delivery people, those who maintain our safety and sanitation, and those who provide various merchandise and clothing to fulfill our needs. Everyone has a Gift to help, if we look deep enough to find it.

Surely the Hindu and Buddhist monks of ancient religion were disciples of one of the Seven Spirits of G-D, for the sense of Harmlessness is ethically beyond that portrayed in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions, for these are perpetrators of forceful violence and abuse of unbelievers. While Messiah Yeshua emphasizes that we shouldn’t be anxious for anything, it’s difficult in today’s society, where a Spirit of Discord constantly thwarts happiness.

Yeshua desires that we’re happy in the HERE and NOW, that we accept what Life brings with peaceful, loving calm. We weren’t meant to suffer as he did, but to enjoy each other. A good Ego arises from promoting a positive environment and making others happy, preparing us for G-D’s Eternal Ecstasy.

The person who blesses others will prosper. He who satisfies others will be satisfied himself. Proverbs 11:25