Disclaimer: I often repeat myself, especially when I’m describing the attributes of Messiah Yeshua, but I also tend to use too many euphemisms, common sayings that have become part of everyday language. Thank you, Ms. Sanger (May she rest in peace.), for I deny any attempts at plagiarism.

“He/She is the liar, not me,” says the liar — we’ve all been there, hopefully not often since childhood. Of course, we lie when we have to, even what we call “white” lies, to protect another’s or our own psyches, and it’s easier when we think we can get away with it. Some people learn as young children how to cheat at board games and cards, never learning how to lose gracefully — Ego enhanced by false pride.

But some of us continue lying and cheating far into adulthood, by teenage years beginning to create scenarios that highlight us favorably. Many among us become adept “playing mind games” with the lives of others, but these things are done for selfish motives. A few of us think we have to lie or cheat to increase our power, for “money talks and bullshit walks” all the way to the bank or any profitable venture, but eventually Truth will be revealed.

All Human behavior lies in the development of our psychological defense mechanisms. Our personalities are exceptionally unique, each one of us molded by past experiences, our bio-computer brains protecting valuable Ego by repressing some memories and aggrandizing others. We’re simply ourselves, though highly complex, accepting or rejecting the offerings of Angels and Demons. (You know the cartoon — a little angel sitting on one shoulder while the devil speaks into our other ear.)

We’re indeed products of our environments, although most immediate reactions to situations are astrologically ingrained, but as we maintain awareness of the world around us, we will concur with, disregard and neglect, or rebel against things that appear out of our control. Too often we’re “slapped in the face” by unwanted circumstances, and individualized defense mechanisms kick in. A healthy Ego develops as we refuse to deceive other people, to resent them or seek vengeance.

Bad behavior such as lying and cheating easily develop into bad habits, especially if our influence with others has increased, if they seem to agree with us regardless of anything we do. Greed is Mankind’s greatest motivation, especially today when there are so many homeless and hungry people — we don’t want to become one of them. The need for money is not the “root of all Evil” but love of money is, that which is borne out in ostentation.

But what’s really important in our everyday lives — people or things? We’re forced to accept coincidence as karma, for what is, was meant to be, and as we attempt to live in the “here and now” we learn to persevere. As we mature into adulthood, we either “go with the flow” of lies and deceit to get what we want or we practice honesty as the “best policy,” avoiding all deception.

Sin is found in the things we do that hurt others, physically or spiritually, for harm to one’s Psyche is of the Soul, the Consciousness that lives on after death of the body. We harm each other unconsciously or with intent, some in blatant vengeance that attempts to balance their own perceived pain. Feelings of unworthiness can seep into one’s persona, but Conscious Awareness of our own “harmless” behavior and selfless service to Mankind, each as to our Gifts, instill trust and unconditional Love in our hearts. As we practice acceptance of others in tolerance and forgiveness, we drive away a Spirit of Fear.

Yet too many of us prove Self-righteous, but “pobody’s nerfect” (love it!) and only ONE was — the Sevenfold Holy Spirit of G-D Incarnate (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), manifest today in the Ghost of Messiah Yeshua. HE walked among the citizens of Planet Earth, filled with all Power, Glory, and Knowledge now offered to Mankind, regardless of allegiance to another WORD (John 12:47-48). Therefore we are Gods (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35), Aliens and Strangers living here on Planet Earth (Psalm 119:19a; Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11).

Yeshua said to Shimon Kefa (Simon Peter): Can’t you see that things which go into the mouth don’t make someone unclean, for it goes into the stomach and passes into the sewer? But the things that come out of the mouth come from your heart, and that’s what makes a person unclean. Matthew 15:17-18