Polls in the USA in recent years have concluded that the percentage of people professing Christianity is the least it’s been in America’s history, with more people denying any religious preference. When I think of those I knew who died in the last fifty years, I realize even though some did not practice any religion, most of them expressed belief in a Higher Power, and a large number claimed to be unaffiliated Christians. Fewer of those replacing them, the “under fifty” crowd, admit they’re religious or believe in any G-D.

Even the good people among us devour vampire stories and decorate themselves with signs of evil. But who have we seen as followers of Jesus Christ? Bellowing bigots — White and Black! They’re poor examples of his teachings, raving against skewed perceptions of sin instead of instructing unconditional love and kindness. Who wants to be associated with them? They shame us by their intolerance of those who are different than themselves, especially gays, immigrants, and any non-Christian, even other Christian sects, often inciting fear in our hearts.

We’ve seen too many preachers and “faith healers” prove to be big sinners, just like the rest of us, so people scoff them. They charmingly say the “right” things, exuding charisma, but live lavishly in self-centered delusions. How many of our leaders will invoke H-S Name in their orations, yet ignore the conditions of those less fortunate than themselves? How many will ask us to keep them in prayer, but will not reach out to others in secret charities?

As worshipers of Christ Consciousness in the embodiment of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) we seek unity with our brothers and sisters of all races and creeds, rejecting discord, and we refuse to harm or deceive any other person. Christians must give the people of the world reasons to believe that G-D is real, active in our lives. A good American acknowledges that we inherited from our Creator “certain unalienable rights” at the core of our nation, yet I patiently tolerate, even pity, those who don’t believe in G-D, by whatever Name G-D is called among us, including in all non-Christian religions.

Ordained in our Constitution, we have separation between “church” and state, but G-D is not “church” or any particular religion. Espousing G-D is simply admitting Mankind had a Creator, giving DNA, making us in Their Image, our Spark of Life and Human Soul Donor. Our historical government documents and the words inscribed on our national monuments, also on our currency, both coin and paper, IN G-D WE TRUST, are reminders of our forefathers’ desired legacy, that we continue to honor the Almighty ONE. (Sorry, Ron Reagan, but those who created our government were believers.)

It’s time for Americans to ensure for our progeny that we can overcome fear and be hopeful for the future, that we can work together to take care of each other, people of every color and creed, indivisible if under G-D. The Power of One has never been more visible in spreading viruses and other infections, but also essential in spreading Truth that each of us has a role in promoting Justice and Unity as Americans, as compassionate Human Beings — one working for all, E Pluribus Unum.

Even the best of us has a down-side, so we forgive in loving-kindness and love our children with all of our hearts, also our families and friends, Souls matched by G-D in Divine Destiny for our spiritual growth towards nirvana. Christians and believers in another WORD (John 12:47-48) can persevere, nurturing faith, for G-D will confirm H-S Power and Majesty, and, if we choose, if we can acknowledge the Presence of the Holy Shekinah around us, every conscious moment can be blessed, even through trauma.

Those who freely admit agnosticism, even atheism, belief in oneself with no spiritual influences, I mourn for you, yet hope for revelation. Most who refuse to believe in G-D are scarred by their own injustices and the tragedies they endure. We question why innocents die and why some lead violent and tortured lives while others thrive, but the karmic realm, both past and present, is of our own making, for we each reflect and contribute to the Universal Spiritual Aura which surrounds us, the World Psyche. All answers, all roads to true happiness, lie in G-D’s Everlasting LOVE.

These are the messages Messiah Yeshua left us, that we do not judge one another for personal differences, that we accept everyone we encounter as a beloved brother or sister, treating them as we wish to be treated, that we acknowledge another’s identity with no condemnation, and that we do whatever we can to improve their lives and the lives of all around us, each as to our individual Gifts. We will reap the Negative or Positive Energy that we sow. Judgement of others belongs to G-D alone, the Great Universal Lifeforce Who is Creator of Life on Earth and Soul Donor to Human Beings.

Don’t let yourselves be troubled. Trust in G-D and trust in me. In my Father’s House there are many Homes. If there weren’t, I would’ve told you, because I’m going There to prepare a Place for you. Since I’m going to prepare a Place for you, I will return to take you with me, so that where I AM, There you may be also. John 14:1-3