Yokhanan (John) was given a vision of “...the Tree of Life, producing twelve kinds of fruit, a different kind every month…” Revelation (22:2b)

I believe in correlations between Astrology — Spiritual Astronomy — and Christ Consciousness, that personality traits are endowed by various G-D Energies emanating from the Heavenly bodies of our Solar System. The Sun is the greatest influence, making most Cancers (born on/near June 21 until on/near July 22) sensitive people, most with Aries sun signs (born on/near March 21 until on/near April 19) good at “butting heads” with others, and Libras (born on/near September 23 until on/near October 22) more likely to weigh both sides of an issue.

In modern western Astrology, the positions of the Planets in these signs also give us tendencies towards certain behaviors, especially planetary magnetism closest to Earth (Mars, Venus), while the Moon reflects emotions, and one’s Ascendant, exhibiting “secondary” personality, tends to confirm the conscience of one’s Soul. The oldest Zodiac belongs to the Chinese, with Hindus also having twelve-faceted signs defining one’s birth. Those adhering to Chinese Astrology believe that Divine Destiny is absolute fate, while Hindus (also modern Vedic Astrology) adhere to the constantly changing Zodiac to help us determine Life choices — the paths we should take.

The Mathematics of Astrology is indeed from G-D, for H-S OmniScience consumes all mathematical computations, angles and exponents, in the alignment of the “stars” and the power of their Spiritual Forces in our lives. Throughout the Ages, Astrologers sought connections to Holy Realms, but their credibility has been ransacked by practiced deceivers, those who infect our minds with Evil intent to control us, often to satisfy sadistic natures, just for fun.

Some practice Astrology for the money people will pay to “hear what they want to hear,” and only a few have a true Gift for making connections to the Spiritual Dimension. Those who use their talent for fame, inflating Ego, or fortune are subject to scrutiny, even as the Visions at Fatima and Medugorje have warned, that those declared righteous on Earth are singled out for intense Justice. The ones truly Gifted are already blessed by G-D, and must practice wisdom in Truth, for those who use their Gift for Evil are doomed for Second Death, the death of the Soul.

Modern media provides our primary source for Spiritualism or Disharmony — you can find anything you want on-line, and the liars and provocateurs cause fear and incite chaos while waving invisible banners of prejudice and injustice, seeking to destroy Human Unity, that which is driven by Strength of Character. It appears to me that people who find the most happiness in life exist in the Here and Now of Christ Consciousness, the Power of One instilling a sense of harmony through times of despair, contributing as we can to the little joys we find in everyday life, like admiring the smile on a dog.

What do we hope to gain by explorations to Mars, except to see if there was once Life there? If there was, was it us — our Souls in different bodies, for after all, we are Strangers and Aliens here on Earth (Psalm 119:19a; Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11)? Even though our bodies may have evolved here, our Souls apparently came from somewhere out in the Universe through the Aura of G-D, the Universal Conscious Mind flowing through all Life’s Creations.

As unique as our personalities are, there are certain personality traits we develop for which we have no explanation. We fail to understand our own Psyches because our Human bio-computer brains have documented every moment of our lives, with unconscious motivations rising through defense mechanisms we utilize that protect valuable Ego. The moment of one’s birth is chosen in Karmic Justice, and each one of us is given Gifts to find and fulfill through the Spirit of G-D’s OmniScience — all knowledge is impossible for Humans, but all things are possible with G-D.

We can’t be afraid to acknowledge the character traits we possess, even our tendencies for initial reactions to situations, but we learn from experience, especially things over which we seem to have no control. We decide for ourselves our paths in life or we choose to comply with choices others make for us, but through Conscious Awareness of the feelings of those around us, our Hearts are formed. Our personalities are so different, yet Messiah Yeshua lived on Planet Earth as a Human Being, one of us, loving and serving each person he encountered as a beloved brother or sister. He sees our hearts, and if compassion and forgiveness are suppressed, hope for Eternal Ecstasy fades.

NOTE: I want to reiterate that my beliefs as expressed in my essays do NOT represent the tenets of Messianic Judaism, and in the opinion of some, these views disagree with some of the values of many members of Messianic Jewish organizations, especially those who adhere to traditional Christian teachings.