Dear Nancy and Mitch — You can facilitate passing all the laws possible to bolster and protect our underprivileged citizens of all colors — Black, brown, yellow- and pink-beige hues — all genders and creeds, but the laws made in our legislatures and interpreted by the Court system won’t facilitate true justice and subsequent healing until they reflect the minds and hearts of the Universal Human conscience. E Pluribus Unum — One for All — isn’t that what America is supposed to be about — freedom and equality for everyone who chooses to live here, uniting the nations of the world while maintaining and sharing our cultural identities? (Note: In Hebrew, “all of us as one” is Kulanu K’ekhad.)

It’s our children who will benefit, and they’re screaming at us much as we rebelled against the adults in our young lives, to see them not for race or sex or belief, but as individuals as valuable as any other person. In TIME Hearts will change with a type of Christ Consciousness Christians only glimpsed as an Earth-like Realm with mansions and streets paved with gold. Today’s young people see beyond our visions of the American Dream of Peace and Love, and they are prepared to fight to obtain their dreams. Who doesn’t want to exist in Harmony and Justice, to be happy — free of worry and anxiety? Is it possible?

There’s good and evil at every turn — in everyone — and as hard as we try, we can’t seem to shake off the shackles of Injustice. But we will survive and become proud Americans again, removing the Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3) that spreads discord and conflict, while those who practice kindness and compassion, acceptance and respect for people who’re different from ourselves, inherit the Earth. The youth of the next generation are shining Lights of G-D’s Truth, promoting equity under the Law of the Land, hopefully within the framework of the United States Constitution, whose Amendments have long needed overhauling. Dear Nancy and Mitch — Who can do that?

Our Executive Branch has one leader — the President — who approves or vetoes Congressional laws and appoints vacancies in our Federal Judicial System, particularly those of nine Supreme Court Justices. The President is the head authority of various Departments in the Executive Branch — Treasury, Justice, Defense, Health and Human Services, et. al. — and even though many positions are appointed by the President, the departments must abide with laws passed by Congress and ruled by the Supreme Court.

Congress is supposed to be the true Voice of the People, for we elect Senators and Representatives to enact laws that make our lives better. Of course, “better” is a relative term, for people resent laws that violate their moralistic values. They refuse to compromise, but must consider that Human opinion is ultimately subject to G-D’s Judgement. This is why Messiah Yeshua asks us not to judge others for religious beliefs, sexual orientation or any other physical difference, for we will be like One in H-S Realm, ablaze in Unconditional Love. (Read Essay 6 — Christian No-Nos.) In good government, cooperation for “majority rules” is fueled by tolerance, compassion and forgiveness, providing understanding that leads to Justice for all.

Within Christ Consciousness lies Love of Life — the Universal Divine Energy Spirit which remains undiminished in each of us, the Spark of the Human Soul. As we attempt to live in the Here and Now, especially as we practice meditation or prayer, we accept others with no pre-judgement and fulfill our responsibility as Nurturer and Protector of all Lifeforms of Mother Nature, of our planet’s environment. Therein we are Gods (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35) and in G-D, we trust — in ourselves, we trust.

So, Nancy and Mitch, you likely won’t be around to see it happen, but America will become a just and righteous nation neither of you could imagine. Everyone is liberal in some things and conservative in other ways, but we can find a common middle ground. All it takes is implementation of Christ-like qualities, loving everyone we encounter as a beloved brother or sister and offering ourselves in service for the betterment of Mankind, regardless of personal labels of rich or poor, dark or light, male or fe-male.

In Messiah Yeshua, Alpha to Omega of the Seven Spirits of G-D sent to Earth to live among us (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), there is Salvation for anyone who chooses, and (sorry to repeat myself) as said by my generation’s Bobby D: You have to serve somebody! The Spirit of AntiChrist shows us falsehoods, lacking compassion and care of others’ welfare, while Christ Consciousness offers Joy beyond worldly comprehension, that which exists in G-D’s Eternal Ecstasy.