In the beginning, American forefathers were mostly of English and Dutch descent, but soon Germans, Irish, Scotch, French, Italians and other European countries settled among them. Those of African descent, first brought to America as slaves in 1619, were of several nations, mostly from the west coast of Africa. Men who farmed their lands needed workers, and there was no cheaper way than “free room and board,” but we all know how that turned out.

In the next 200 years, many African-Americans lived free in our northern states, and most of them integrated into society as any other immigrant. It was in southern states that America’s Greatest Sin manifested itself, for greed and false pride are Mankind’s worst enemies. Interracial relationships were Southern Man’s biggest fear, for sexual attractions were evident in their own hearts, and they coveted their children’s inheritance by practicing racial prejudice, the false idea that any ethnicity is superior to another, also demon-inspired perceptions of class divisions.

The United States of America has become the Great Melting Pot of Earth’s nations, and because of this, we’ve been blessed with exceptional knowledge and ability, G-D’s OmniScience, even as tribal and national intermarriage in other countries has decreased injustice and increased freedom and individual liberties. All Human Beings, Spiritual Homo sapiens, are Children of G-D, Creator/Source of Life on this planet, descendants of First Man and First Woman, making us one family again, proved by DNA. (Read Essay 4 on DNA.)

What happened to the compassion in Emma Lazarus’ words inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty? “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” The first Americans were Christians of many denominations, but in our Constitution we opened our arms to all religions, instilling freedom to practice one’s own religion as a basic tenet. Tolerance in Unconditional Love should be a primary Christian characteristic, but today’s Christian values are nearly unrecognizable from the way Christ lived.

Are we still a nation that welcomes the poor and downtrodden that Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) honored and blessed during his time on Planet Earth, accepting everyone he encountered as a beloved brother or sister, serving them to the best of his abilities, never refusing any request? He served the multitudes with his powerful words and magnetic, healing Energies, even raising the dead back to life. Some people contributed money to his welfare, and at the end of every day, anything left over after paying his expenses (for him and his talmidim, also any other followers) was taken into the streets or countryside and distributed to those in need.

Are we so callous as to deny our advantages to anyone wishing to share them, to help us make our world a better place for all our descendants? Times have indeed changed, but we’re all from immigrants unless we’re Native Americans, and concepts such as “chain migration” need not be denied, for having a good support system in place helps attain success. Also, current immigrants of Latin American, Mexican or other descent, legal or illegal, should be given pathways, special consideration for citizenship. Closing our doors serves to close one’s heart, causing society to build walls instead of the bridges of Oneness G-D intended for our happiness.

In America we retain the cultural heritage of our ancestral dynasties and create new families that celebrate all that we stand for. We’re truly one race of many colors, shapes, features and beliefs, the Human Race, and in the Divine Destiny that is America, we should tolerate and accept those who’re different from ourselves. We must avoid judging others as to one’s persona, which may or may not identify true Self, depending upon the psychological defense mechanisms of our complex personalities. Our similarities far outweigh our differences.

Racial and political discord plague our nation today, and we’re so personally traumatized that we tend to shrug off and forget the traumas of others. Evil, in all its negativity, is more of a threat than any virus, for what does it help to save one’s physical life if one’s Soul will die in the Second Death? Too many of us are complicit in ignoring injustice, hardening our hearts away from any empathy, neglecting to care for others as Messiah Yeshua instructed us. Yet it’s the tragedies we go through that can bring us together responsibly, finding joy in helping others, each as to our own individual Gifts, serving to make our world a more loving, peaceful place.

For brothers, you were called to be free, only don’t let that freedom become an excuse for allowing your old nature to have its way. Instead, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13