We loosely use the word Karma, our Subconscious Minds sensing Presence greater than ourselves, seeking control within us in some aspect of Divine Destiny. Each of us perceives G-D differently, knowing through Science the Spark of physical Creation, yet G-D is Soul Donor to Homo sapiens through OmniScience, giving us access to H-S (HE-SHE) Knowledge, creating individual Human Beings with unique personalities and Gifts. Most of Earth’s religions teach that we reap what we sow, by whatever WORD the author’s words employ, and that we’re judged by our relations with others, our treatment of all Lifeforms, and our nurturing and protection of the environment of our planet.

Scary thought, huh? Judgement by G-D, yet of Gods, for we answer to one another through the Spirit/Holy ONE Who is many – Elohim, in Whose Image we were created (Genesis 1:26-27) – ONE not simply with us, but HE-SHE is us, of the past, present and future. We who connect with the WORD of G-D, the Great Universal Fire of Life, through Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), draw our strength in assurance of final relief from Karma, accomplished one Passover long ago by the shed blood of Jehovah’s Last Sacrifice. Yet if we sin willingly after the Anointing of H-S Holy Ghost, there remains no more sacrifice for sin (Hebrews [Messianic Jews] 10:26), and therein one’s Karma takes over.

We are Gods from birth (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35), made innocent of worldly ways, yet we’re soon assailed by Spirits of Disharmony, Negative Forces seeking to damage us, physically or psychologically. One’s Psyche is constantly bombed or blessed by our own Karma, some earned unconsciously in carryover from birth, also consciously by the choices we make minute to minute of every day. Reconciliation for sin is achieved through Positive Energies of Love, and our WORD will provide the Way.

Here on Earth we see too much chaos and despair, wrought in disease and personal prejudice – it doesn’t seem to stop, day to day, hour to hour, for Life as we know it is drastically changing. It appears some quatrains of Nostradamus proved true, and John’s visual interpretations in his Book of Revelation are borne out in metaphors and Jewish parable, misunderstood in all generations, anachronisms being fulfilled. With so many unhappy people among us, bathed in the traumas of our painful experiences, we still drag our past lives with us, tormenting ourselves, Ego wanting vengeance against those who harmed us.

Some among us find joy in making life difficult for others, doing anything, however unethical, to make their own lives easier, controlling the movements and manipulating the behaviors of others. Personality development is such a complex function within our bio-computer brains, influenced from the moment of birth into certain behaviors, reveling in success, vengeful in failures. That any person works within the Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18,22; 4;3) is not for us to judge, even as Messiah Yeshua requested.

We owe it to various Media forms to present both truth and lies, yet those who speak with forked tongues will be revealed for their deceptions. Even as we’re shown the injustices all around us, we see the rise of the Human Spirit within the Goodness of G-D. It’s not just our front-line workers, who are innately “chosen” because of their intended Service for one’s fellow Human Being, it’s anyone who helps any other person, believing in the Power of One to promote and accomplish Brotherly Love.

It’s by resisting the Discords of Evil that we drive towards Nirvana (a rose by another name), reconciling our hearts in conscious service to others, especially blessed when done in secret, for Salvation of our Souls. As we choose our paths we stumble and fall – it’s Human Nature – but the Light at the end is Complete Peace and Unconditional Love in Yeshua HaMashiakh, the Last WORD of G-D, Alpha to Omega embodied as the Sevenfold Spirit of G-D (Revelation 1:4: 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Who will also accept many who don’t believe in Him (John 12:47-48).

In the Beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with G-D, and the WORD was G-D. He [Messiah] was with G-D in the Beginning. All things came to BE through Him, and without Him was nothing made that was made. In Him was Life and Life was the Light of Mankind. The Light shined in darkness, and the darkness didn’t understand it. John 1:1-5

NOTE: I want to reiterate that many concepts expressed in my essays do NOT represent the tenets of Messianic Judaism, and some of my views disagree with the beliefs of many members of Messianic Jewish organizations, especially those who adhere to traditional Christian teachings.