Many families are estranged, brothers and sisters no longer speaking, much less visiting. Family members prove to be blessings or curses, and we remove ourselves from toxicity and negativity as much as we can. But we should remember that our Souls, sensed through the Conscious and Unconscious Mind, were placed in these bodies through G-D’s Karmic Universal LifeForce. The Energy we call G-D is called many Names in all languages, being Creator/ Spark of Life and Holy Breath (Ruakh HaKodesh), and we’re not in these bodies by accident, but through G-D’s Aura of Reckoning and Conciliation.

We were “given” to our parents for reasons only G-D knows, although we’re shown our Way throughout our lives, often not recognizing our Gifts, perhaps ignoring them to protect Ego or satisfy another person. So also are our children given to us, to nurture and protect, making us responsible for another Human Being until they’re able to make their own choices in life. Herein lies a problem, as some parents refuse to acknowledge maturity in order to maintain control, some with “ownership” tendencies, but the reasons are as varied as our individual personalities.

There’s so much more to life than dealing with the physical world, for parenting lays a basis of one’s personality in the beliefs that separate us politically, spiritually, sexually, and ethically. All any parent should do is teach our own psychological values and let our children go peacefully with blessings, prayers and unconditional love. Mature adults experience Life’s joys and pains, learning from our mistakes and taking responsibility for making reparations that promote reconciliation and healing. All we need is Love.

Our individual Psyches are exceptionally complex, with every moment of our lives recorded in Human bio-computer brains — how we felt and how we reacted to traumas and periods of happiness. We are each unique persons, yet Gods (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35), in charge of our own lives, making choices that benefit us and our families, and we’re also responsible for the nurturing and protection of all Lifeforms and our natural environment. Messiah Yeshua asks us to accept everyone we encounter as a beloved brother or sister, and we can enrich our relationships with “those our Karmic G-D presents to us,” sometimes creating new families.

Normal Human rebellion, fueled by hormones and pheromones, fill our conscious and unconscious thoughts, aiding development of one’s personality. We must each make our own space, as teenage behavior that says “Here I am! Accept me as I am, regardless of my words or actions against you.” This is where unconditional love abides, even where treachery exists, in parents and children, brothers and sisters, extended family and those who share our lives. Even if it’s healthier for us to avoid contact, the love must never change.

Messiah Yeshua reminds us that forgiveness is a key to happiness, that we must have kindness and compassion towards everyone we encounter, refusing to judge, and be willing to serve. All events of our everyday lives are monitored by G-D (G-D in us, our subconscious minds) in Humanity’s Spiritual Realm , the Place from which we came at birth and the Place we fly off to at death. Some, as they cross over, cannot easily reconcile their fate, and must, in G-D’s TIME, “process” any Truth not resolved while on this planet.

While our Souls exist in these flesh and blood bodies, we must deal “Here and Now” with those around us, for our lives are entwined, frequently or occasionally, and in The End we will be judged entirely upon our relationships with others and our treatment of all Life. We speak of peace and love, but if we can’t desire it with all our hearts, we scorn Spiritual Reality and risk Second Death, the death of the Soul. Salvation is open worldwide, made manifest in the Seven Spirits of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), the Last WORD appearing in Yeshua HaMashiakh.

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil-speaking be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as G-D, for Messiah’s sake, forgives you. Ephesians 4:31-32

NOTE: I want to reiterate that many concepts expressed in my essays do NOT represent the tenets of Messianic Judaism, and some of my views disagree with the beliefs of many members of Messianic Jewish organizations, especially those who adhere to traditional Christian teachings.