I often repeat myself, but always have a good reason to do so. I’ve long-believed that the sticker I used to see on sports vehicles, NO FEAR, should be the Christian motto. But I see Christian leaders incite fear, if not for one thing, then another — always have to be afraid of something — if not for hellfire, then to influence and control, and a majority of Christians are complicit, being fearful and magnifying its effects, yet wallowing in inaction. The Devil’s Greatest Tool is alive in each of us, a Gift of Mother Nature in our electro-chemical “flight or fight” responses.

Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions teach that we’re reasoned and calmed through the Spirit of our Heavenly Father, a male figure we can envision as painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, while many of Earth’s religions worship fe-male or animal figures as Mankind’s Creators or Protectors. Yet G-D is more Spiritual than physical, being called many Names in all the world’s languages, ONE Universal Omnipotent, Omnipresent LIFE Force Who gave us H-S (He-She) Omniscient Soul — Eloheem/Shekinah as ONE, both male and fe-male.

Down through the years, we’ve misinterpreted scripture that says we must FEAR G-D, for Awe of something Greater than ourselves, especially the Unseen, evokes Human emotion akin to fright. Our behavior is indeed under Karmic scrutiny, but to fear the Wrath of G-D for misbehavior is relative only to religious doctrine, except for causing harm to others or to our planet. When we abandon these carcasses, we peacefully join with our ancestors once again, and in terms of Christianity, together we are the Bride and Jesus is the Groom, but for all religions of Earth, Messiah Yeshua is ONE WORD Spoken seven times for Salvation of Souls (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6, also John 12:47-48).

Messiah seven-fold last inhabited Human form in the body of a Jewish male, Yeshua, called Jesus through his Greek name, whose ministry 2000 years ago revealed the treasures of the Hebrew Torah. The man Yeshua loved everyone he encountered as a beloved brother or sister, and he never refused a request, performing miracles not seen since the Days of Moses, teaching the tolerance and respect of brotherhood, selfless service to help others, kindness, generosity and forgiveness. The Spirit of the G-D of AvRaham flowed into him from Noakh’s Covenant of Brotherly Love.

We’re taught that “all good things” come to those who love and trust H-M (Hannah-Mikhael), being reminded to count our blessings — HERE and NOW — but that’s hard to do when we’re continuously traumatized by the tragedies and tortures, even deaths, of others, those of us who’re compassionate imagining their pain. More empathetic ones often suffer psychologically, feeling Spiritual imbalance that can damage one’s Psyche, yet all can be reconciled in ONE of seven WORDs sent to Earth to live among us.

The Negative Aura of Anti-Christ (1John 2:18,22; 4:3) has lived among Human Beings since the Days of A’Dam, creating Conflict and Discord that separated us into the world’s nations and continues to separate us by color, wealth, and power. There are demonic forces that infiltrate various Media sources and try to alter our thoughts and behaviors, causing us to FEAR for our own lives and safety, leaving us stressed and anxious about future possibilities.

Hearts have grown cold, and some mock godliness, refusing to acknowledge the Strength personified in the Humble Love of Yeshua HaMashiakh. Recent deaths of Civil Rights icons remind us that all of G-D’s Children are led in Love (Step out with your “love” foot.) and Perseverance for Truth, that the Souls of Human Beings are achieving Providence in our unity. We’re a warring people, judgmental, jealous and vengeful, too often uncaring of the harm we cause others, but Christ Consciousness is naught but Peace and Love.

Spirits of Evil live in each of us, always present, and we dare not close our eyes to injustice, but must take action towards resolving Justice within one’s own power to do so, while maintaining constant Positive Meditations and Prayers that G-D’s Will be done in our favor, especially if we conquer with NO FEAR. We will process our misdeeds, any harm we’ve inflicted upon someone, even abuse of any living thing beyond it’s purpose, and will answer as best we can.

Every one of us has been given a Gift — it’s up to us to find our talents and cultivate them within ourselves to benefit someone else, to bring about joy, then go on to help others in our lives, remembering the Power of One, for final judgement lies completely in our personal relations, even interactions with all Life on Planet Earth. Thereby do we meet our Maker and Judge, ONE of the WORDs G-D Spoke to Human Beings, and therefore I am thankful for the Holy Ghost of Messiah Yeshua, Who promises us Love’s Eternal Ecstasy.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my Heart be acceptable in Your Sight, Adonai, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:15(14 in Tanakh)