What is America? We were created to welcome the world to a country where one can freely practice the religion of one’s choice, where we can say what we want as long as we don’t become liable for lawsuit for any untruth or profanity, to arm ourselves with guns as we choose, and to give equal protections and Human rights to everyone. We invite people of all nations to live here and become citizens, welcoming those who choose to come, who no longer feel safe or satisfied with their country of origin, and those who were forced, whether in slavery or servitude, especially inviting the poor and downtrodden.

DNA studies have proven that all Human Beings of Planet Earth are descendants of two Homo sapiens, a male and a fe-male. Tribes and nations were separated by rivalries and wars, the greed and pride of Evil ones causing periodic bouts of genocide as Human Beings covered the surface of the planet. Male DNA further evolved into seven haplogroups, notably after atmospheric and geological catastrophes such as the Great Flood, and in TIME our physical bodies were altered by varying climatological environments. Fe-Male DNA maintained the same mitochondrial strain, keeping us all Children of ONE G-D, Mother Shekinah/Father Ruakh. (Read Essay 4 for more details on DNA.)

Contrary to theories in Eugenics studied in the 1800’s and 1900’s, there’s no such thing as a “superior race,” for we’ve discovered that there are people of every ethnicity who may be geniuses or mentally deficient. Therefore we’re all brothers and sisters, regardless of our physical differences, each of us able to choose our own paths in life while helping or hindering others in choosing their own. We must be aware of Negative Forces that cause us pain — physically or psychologically — for it’s those Energies that separated us since the Beginning of Human TIME, and seek to divide us today. FEAR is Evil’s greatest tool.

Here in America we have the freedom, and no doubt the responsibility, to once again become one family, to be the Greatest Human Experiment of any nation in known history, the official Melting Pot of the world. The Constitution of the United States of America was created to secure our liberties as well as authorize and support a balance of governmental power. As we work together in Conscious Awareness for the greater good, a matter of ” the majority rules,” respecting one another’s cultural heritage as we honor our own, we may find happiness, developing and nurturing our individual Gifts and abilities.

Pessimists remind us that our Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee every resident an equal chance to succeed and live a satisfying lifestyle. It holds no “class” over another, rich or poor, famous or unknown, although Modern Media has significantly altered our concepts of success. James Madison was the primary author of our Constitution, and the design of the seven Articles lays down an excellent framework to enable disagreement and compromise within the three equal Branches of our Federal government. Subsequent Amendments guarantee us inalienable rights, especially the first ten, the Bill of Rights, but Amendments often take years to be ratified by each state’s voters, as the Constitution itself, from 1781 until 1789.

As Americans we attempt to thrive as our forefathers intended, as “One Nation Under G-D,” Mankind’s Creator/Soul Donor Who has no one religion, in Whose Presence “We Trust,” as written on our currency and most Federal monuments. Negative Auras disrupt our cohesiveness, creating chaos in personal discord and disengagement from our Fellow Man, Americans of every color and creed in conflict, even between brothers, sisters and parents, yet there’s always hope for resolution, remembering the loving strength of those who came before.

An explosion of mass Media requires that we be aware of those who cause imbalance with their corruptions, also telling truths splattered with false suppositions and inane conspiracy theories. Various Media sources exploit our thoughts with propaganda that reflects the hearts and minds of others, both good and bad, and each of us weighs out justifications or rejections of their ideological creations according to our unique perceptions. It’s the Far Right and Far Left factions of our political parties who’re ruining it for the remaining 80-90% of us, also making many of us choose to become Independent.

Rights for wo-men and the LGBT Community were first enacted in several states, creating District and Supreme Court cases that would judge basic Human dignity and equity under the law. Most “laws” are already written into our Constitutional Amendments, but have met disagreement and seek to be interpreted differently. Everyone has a right to voice opinion, and we should not compromise our values as we change our minds on controversial issues. (Example: I believe that abortion is a sin, but not a crime. Who are we to judge another’s “dealings” with G-D?)

Changes in our laws evolve with our beliefs and social practices. As we think of the welfare of others as much as we do for ourselves (and what we’re “getting out of it”) we pray that our blessings will multiply exponentially, even as Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) promises us. As we thank the ONE Creator (by whatever Name you call G-D) for the small moments of joy in our lives, even the traffic light turning green, just for you, so will HE (Havah Ezra) bless us. In the same measure as we enrich the lives of others, physically and emotionally, so will our lives be enriched. All “front line workers” are to be cherished.

I have faith in our American youth, that through their dissent and natural revolutionary efforts, evident in every generation, “level heads” will prevail, and I pray that by the time they’re old enough to run for President, age 35, our nation will have progressed to have the best government Madison, Adams, Jefferson and their compatriots could have imagined, that we can “tweek” their intentions to suit modern society. George Washington’s greatest fear was the rise of political parties, Federalists and Anti-Federalists in those days, and even today we have difficulty balancing federal funding and oversight with states’ rights to operate and regulate various agencies.

Each of us is liberal in some things and conservative in others, whether we identify as Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, or any of the other political parties on our ballots. (Most people don’t realize that Socialists and Communists have the right to nominate their party’s candidates in every election.) America was conceived in equality with Justice for all — we say it but can’t live it, for the prejudices, fears and resentments of our fathers are deeply ingrained in our psyches, both individually and as a nation, and only TIME will heal our wounds. We can feel the Positivity of Christ Consciousness all around us, and we accept or reject G-D’s Unconditional Love for us as Nurturers of all Life on Planet Earth as well as Protectors of the Constitution of the United States of America.

“…in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”