Every January 6 Christians around the world, and even many Muslims, commemorate the Epiphany, the day that honors the Three Wise Men from the East giving gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn Messiah to the Jews, Yeshua (Jesus), son of Yusef and Miryam of the House of David. The Epiphany of 2021 changed celebration into mourning, slapping the face of democracy, embarrassing the Republic we’ve highly valued for 240 years.

In every past Essay, I’ve avoided personal political criticism, for I believe that we’re all Conservative in some ways and Liberal in others, but my current state of mind is beyond these labels, even beyond Democrat and Republican, as I contemplate promoting G-D’s LOVE for us in the Unity of all Americans. I can’t do so, however, without pointing out the root cause of the insurrection and subsequent horrors of January 6, 2021 — the lies of one man and his minions.

“Find something,” he told Georgia election officials, implying “so I will win,” and nothing, not even the Constitution of the United States of America, was going to stop him from winning. From the beginning in 2016, he told us that if he lost the election would be rigged. I considered calling this Essay “The Big Lie” but my Christian conscience tried to stay centered in Christ Consciousness, the concept being proliferated by today’s youth around the world, that we’re all one people, the Human Race of Planet Earth, with a sincere desire to enhance brotherhood for the well-being of future generations.

The Epiphany Insurrection began with this one lie, proliferated by someone who could earn it a new name in history, the Trump Rebellion. As patriots, we were trained from childhood to respect and honor the Office of the President of the United States, but it’s a fact that POTUS 45 emboldened extreme Right Wing activists, many of whom were White Supremacists, towards revolution against their own country, and he encouraged his supporters to believe he was justified to do so for their freedom and ideological survival, building irrational FEAR, when his true motivations were strictly personal.

For two months he blamed his seven million vote loss on corruption in our voting systems, authorizing “doctored” videos while spouting rhetoric to increase doubt in our minds of free and fair elections. The results of our 2020 November election were eventually declared valid by local, state, and federal officials, even verified in over 60 court cases, many of them with Judges he appointed. Former Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed the election results, and any fraud is subject to prosecution, but some still proclaimed “a steal.”

His Administrative skills proved autocratic, even bullying, and we quickly became aware that anyone who crossed him in any way would be the object of his Bully Pulpit, his revenge often wrought by his thumbs. When he left office, the large number of vacant departmental and agency-related positions were evidence of a toxic environment, and he attempted to defame anyone who told the world of his true character and managerial incompetence.

For many years now, bigotry has spread through White Christian communities by “wolves in sheep’s clothing” who sought to divide us and make us FEAR others instead of treating them as Yeshua instructed, beloved brothers and sisters. It wasn’t G-D’s Will that the world was divided into separate nations, but the workings of Evil that kept us apart with conflict and eventual wars. As good Christians, we should love our enemies and never seek revenge, “turning the other cheek” when we must, self-confident in G-D’s Karmic Justice. That which is ethical and honorable will be upheld, while that which is dishonest will be unveiled and justified.

2016 marked a new era in American History, for the Socialistic leanings of the Left, mostly Democrats, preyed on our minds as Evil. We’d seen the death of democracy in Cuba as well as some Central and South American countries, that attempts at Socialism and Communism left the people destitute and desperate for relief. But their governments were desecrated by the greed of autocrats, dictators who demanded “more of the pie” than their constituents would receive, who were adored, but then ruled with forced compliance. Most Americans feared the word “Socialism” for good reasons, but the word itself describes a system of self-governance operating equitably “for all people.”

The first Christians, Messianic Jews, are an historic example of pure Communism (Acts 4:32-35), but they quickly found out that it didn’t work. Americans don’t want to give up their Social Security benefits unless they’re independently wealthy, and it would be wonderful if we were never charged with medical bills, but these are Socialist concepts that prove effective in many countries. Most Scandinavian nations have higher standards of living, from health to wealth, even in educational standing, than America. Should we continue to fear the word “Socialism” and allow our tax money to flow into the pockets of capitalistic corporate executives or be used to benefit the welfare of our people and the growth of small business in a free enterprise system?

I pray that this Day of Infamy will create a true Epiphany for the psyche of our nation, that hope for better times ahead can become a reality. It appears that the youth of our current generation will present many Liberal causes, and it’s good that our Courts will contain Conservatives to weigh out all matters, for things that are honorable and honest will be upheld, while that which is prejudiced or corrupt in any way will be revealed and reconciled. Don’t be afraid (Yeshua’s desired motto — NO FEAR) that our young people are establishing an equanimity of the sexes, perhaps because they sense that in the Next Life they will be as Angels, having all color, all gender and all harmony.

If we put ourselves in G-D’s Hands, practicing kindness, compassion and forgiveness, having faith that “everything’s gonna’ be alright,” we open ourselves to the Positive Energy Forces readily available for healing of wounds and success in various facets of our daily lives. G-D’s Divine Purpose for America, and for every nation on Earth, is the Joyous ONEness of Human Beings in Total Peace and Unconditional Love in H-S (Havah-Simon) Spirit of LIFE and Ruakh (Breath) of Soul. May every future Epiphany be remembered as an Awakening of Conscious Awareness for all Americans, for worldwide Christ Consciousness, so that we can respect and honor our differences while celebrating our similarities.

G-D bless America, land that I love. Stand beside Her and guide Her, through the Night with the Light from Above. From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam, G-D bless America, my home, sweet home. Irving Berlin