Samoa, the country, not American Samoa, has been ruled by the same political party nearly 40 years, and for 22 years, it’s had the same the same Prime Minister, Tuila’epa Sailele Malielegaoi, A new political party recently was elected into Parliament, and their leader, Faimi Naomi Mata’afa, was to be sworn in as Prime Minister on May 24. On Saturday, May 22, Malielegaoi dissolved Parliament, but the Samoan Supreme Court overruled him the next day. On the 24th, he locked up the Parliament building and refused to leave office, but Mata’afa was sworn in at a separate location. At this writing we don’t know who is Prime Minister in Samoa, but the Media, in bringing this to light, will give us details of democratic justice or tragic, unjust events. Throughout the world, the “rule of law” is being challenged.

Autocrats of many nations are doing everything in their power to usurp truth in reporting and present their own “alternate facts” to their citizenry. Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus since 1994, also Putin’s buddy, was likely voted out of office last August, but he declared that he “won by a landslide,” and refuses to leave office. Now he’s hijacked an Irish airliner in order to arrest Roman Protasevich, a journalist for a Belarus opposition Media source. We know what these authoritarian leaders do to journalists, because we know the horrors committed against Jamal Kashoggi and James Foley of recent memory.

Fascist autocrats are afraid people will hear of their Civil Rights violations, as genocide of the Uighurs in China or the Rohingya in Myanmar, with villainy occurring all over Africa, Central and South America. Putin has a “controlled” Media at RT, but he can’t stop his people from learning of his injustices, especially when he’s suspected of ordering the poisoning of several opponents. Such leaders saturate the airwaves with flattering propaganda of their accomplishments, but refuse to admit any avarice, notably the greed which pads their bank accounts and houses their extravagances. In democratic countries, would-be autocrats are more afraid of discovery of unethical business practices, particularly among politicians.

Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t considered an autocrat, but he sure doesn’t want to give up his office. On May 14, he authorized a power move that clouded his own corruption by totally destroying the Gaza headquarters of most major networks employing journalists representing many nations. Of course, Israeli forces (IDF or IOF? Defensive or Offensive? It’s often hard to determine.) warned the Associated Press and others to leave the building, and everyone was evacuated, but what was the point of the bombing? Hamas was there? Well, they apparently got out, too. Only the long-standing building and Media equipment were destroyed — overall, too many innocent ones.

There’s only one thing that will bring peace to that region and to the world, acts of unconditional Brotherly Love, as featured in an ABC network story by correspondent Matt Guttman on May 27, 2021. Yigal Yehoshua, a 56 year old Israeli Jew, was stoned to death by a Palestinian mob on May 11. His wife, Ira, agreed to donate her husband’s organs for transplants, and one kidney was given to 53 year old Randa Oweis, an Arab Israeli. The story ended with Ira and Randa meeting in the goodness and hope of true humanity, G-D’s LOVE bonding us as Human Beings of Planet Earth.

When I first became close with Jewish people, I realized that most Israeli Jews and Muslims lived harmoniously, one shopkeeper closing the store on Friday while the neighbor was closed on Saturday. Scattered throughout any shopping area were those who closed on Sundays, and everyone got along well, bartering their goods, respecting, even honoring, one another’s culture and religion. Many Palestinians are members of Israeli military and police forces, for all young adults, regardless of religion, are encouraged to enter the armed forces or continue their education, somehow finding an avenue for 2 years service to their community. It’s been at least 7 years that peaceful coexistence has been disintegrating, but we must continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all of the Middle East, and to show our beautiful Positive humanity in the Media.

Today’s information services must be allowed to thrive, and we will never know ourselves as Americans until we know what’s going on around us in this world, for we are them and they are us, now thanks to the Internet and all wireless connections. There are deceivers who brazenly lie to us, but their evil ways will be revealed by their denials of duly adjudicated corruption and “woke” public opinion of their immoralities, many villains becoming obvious through their vicious, slanderous deflections onto others. It’s notable that many who are guilty will accuse others of their own sins, projecting their own characteristics upon innocent ones. Those who adhere to the wiles of Negative Spirits employ skilled manipulations to “make a show” that they care for us, but too often they take us into fearful spaces, creating divisions among us, grasping at our anxious hearts from dark chaos, and they lack regret or empathy for another’s pain.

Albert Einstein passed away in New Jersey in 1955, previously making this statement, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” What would he think of how we’ve used the advances of the last 66 years, that perhaps we’ve lost all our humanity? America has been blessed for one important reason — that we can believe or disavow G-D as we choose, but we’re expected to respect and pay homage to our neighbor’s religious choices. As Americans, we’re endowed with certain freedoms, the pursuit of happiness foremost among them. Unless one is judged unworthy in public courts, we can live where we want and be occupied in whatever field our talents and wishes lead us. Mankind’s only stipulations — money and education. G-D’s only stipulations — harmlessness and honesty.

George Washington, a Federalist who really didn’t believe in political parties, was emphatic that our nation would never be ruled by a king or autocrat who would refuse to leave office. We’re rooted in Equal Rights, the reason for the first ten Amendments to our Constitution and most which follow, yet there are many Americans made visible by various Media who would deny those rights because of their prejudices and “learned” hatreds, usually based in FEAR of others. Science shows our DNA makes us one Human Race, so what is “color” anyway, with everyone a shade from ecru to ebony? Some who claim to be American patriots have no understanding of the nature of our forefathers, for even though they weren’t perfect men, they wanted to lay the groundwork for a perfect society, which they acknowledged should be altered as society progressed, with “majority rules” holding fast.

The Media is responsible for reporting “what’s happening,” and eager journalists often find themselves sensationalizing or exacerbating the Unity or Discord they perceive, but I’m reminded of Thomas Jefferson’s words, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or a newspaper without government I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Lies can be spread far and wide, but public opinion will be justified in truth as sanctioned by reasonable, compromising people, unassuaged by FEAR, the godly peacemakers among us.

Americans come from all nations, and each one of us has the right to love, even marry, whomever we choose, just as we choose our hobbies and our homes, for this is true freedom in one’s pursuit of happiness, but never at the expense of hurting someone else. In our liberties of Union, we find agreement, not division, the United States of America thereby destined for greatness by Almighty G-D, by Whatever Higher Power one may exalt as Creator and Spiritual Guide. As the Melting Pot of the world, we return to the LIVING UNIVERSE’s Original Plan as ONE family, for we may look different, but we’re assured as brothers and sisters of Paradise in H-S (Havah-Simon) LOVE. As for me, I await the Return of Yeshua HaMashiakh, for HE has prepared a Place of Eternal Ecstasy for our Souls, our Conscious Awareness, somewhere out in the UNIVERSE.

In the past, G-D Spoke to our fathers through the Prophets, many times and in various ways, but now in the end of days (akhareet hamayeem) HE Speaks to us through the Messiah, H-S Son, Whom HE appointed the Heir of all things and through Whom HE made the UNIVERSE. The Son is the full radiance of G-D’s Glory (Shekinah) and the flawless manifestation of H-S Essence, sustaining everything by H-S Powerful WORD. After HE (Messiah Yeshua/Christ Jesus) made atonement (purification) for our sins, HE sat down in the Place of Authority at the Majestic Right Hand of G-D (HaG’dulah BaM’romeen). Hebrews (Messianic Jews) 1:1-3