Our children are the future of America, just like we once were, but don’t be afraid, for most of them are showing us a promise of true Christ Consciousness, that Aura of LOVE confirmed as they attempt to live in peace and brotherhood as much as possible. Even the rich and ostentatious of the “under 30” crowd serve as they can, and those whose selfishness is obvious are confronted in social media, chastised for the hardness of their hearts. Their truths blaze from their mouths and thumbs, and we remember how our words seemed to fall on deaf ears, but we’re learning how we were right or wrong from our children. Because of regulations being created for modern technology, enacted through a media company’s conscience, the FCC or Congress, we pray that there will be fewer among us who will degrade others, deceive people for self-gratification, or blatantly abuse another Human Being or any part of Mother Nature.

The Spirit of Brotherhood was given to the world through the Covenant of Noakh, father of at least one of the seven DNA haplogroups, whose roots were from East Africa in G-D’s Covenant with A’Dam (Essay 4). As we make physical and Spiritual connections with others we can see H-S (Havah-Simon) WORD alive by studying the life of the Jewish Meshiakh, Yeshua HaMashiakh, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Sevenfold Spirit of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) sent forth to live among us here on this planet and teach us, Adonai’s Light to the Gentiles, the seventh and last time the WORD (John 12:47-48) would be spoken. We’re to love one another, even those who consider themselves our enemies, as Yeshua loved everyone he encountered, completely honest and empathetic. Every person on Earth is our neighbor, everyone in our lives is someone to serve to the best of our abilities and Gifts, and we’re to treat everyone with lovingkindness and in forgiveness, even as we would wish to be treated. LOVE is indeed the answer to everything, but the Spirit of HATE invades each of us.

It’s especially disturbing that injustice has become so flagrant, and it seems that too many of the “over 40” crowd don’t care unless it affects them personally. Our isolationist society is asking us to close our eyes to the plight of others, to look out only for ourselves, forgetting Messiah Yeshua’s messages of selfless service for each other. As we live in Conscious Awareness of the Evil Forces that surround us, that plague us all, we must not judge anyone, for only G-D judges. That which is criminal or unethical will be reconciled in government Courts or in public opinion, yet the Spirit of Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3), Who is no one person but a Force of Evil, a Gift from our ancestor Gods in Whose Image we were created (Genesis 1:26-27), is rearing its ugly head in every corner of our lives, as we allow and accept, our choices completing our own Karmic personas.

If any good thing came from last century’s Sexual Revolution, it’s that males and females of our species have become more alike than since recorded Time on Earth began, with positive female energy providing Universal Compassion and Unconditional LOVE. This doesn’t depend upon gender at birth and physical hormones but in the psychological personality development of each of us as unique individuals, encompassing our spiritual and animal bodies. We know that wars are usually negotiated and waged by male Homo sapiens, exhibiting violence saturated in false pride and revenge, but Negative Energy, found in males and females alike, is balanced and made whole in G-D’s LOVE for all of us, not just for Christians but Muslims, Jews, Taoists, Buddhists, Hindus or any of the various sects of our world’s religions, even those calling themselves Pagan, even those who consider themselves atheists.

We’re no longer all male or all female, for our Spiritual connections are catching up to the physical ones we’ve been forced to deal with since caveman days — the “you, Jane, me Tarzan” perception of Self. Today’s young people are using Evil to recognize Good, and we need not worry for their salvation — they’re like Angels, having both male and female energies. I originally intended this essay directed at women but it’s for men also, as it doesn’t seem that the effects of testosterone one has to display the “manly man” matter much in today’s society. All males carry the Positive Energy of mitochondrial DNA through their birth mothers, thereby uniting all Human Beings of Planet Earth in compassionate, unconditional LOVE, allowing everyone to express themselves as individual personalities. Mothers and fathers of the world, let your sons cry in emotion as you allow your daughters, and never shame anyone for tears arising from our inner beings, the subconscious Presence of our Souls.

Belief in Messiah Yeshua is the WAY, the Path, to the Joys of Eternal Ecstasy, for in H-M (Havah-Mikhel) we celebrate our personalities as part of the Whole, for that which is unique in flesh is part of G-D, filling our hearts with the complete, peaceful LOVE we crave within us in total elation. Each one of us is alive on Earth for some Spiritual Divine Purpose, to contribute in positive or negative energies. Only the Universe knows how many lives we’ve lived, but we were told in the Bible that G-D put up a physical barrier to keep the Souls of many lost in the Great Flood (8000-10,000 years ago?) from returning to live again on Earth (Psalm 104:6-9) and that Messiah Yeshua preached of Salvation to those behind that barrier (1 Peter 3:19-20; 4:6), so his messages could have released many of them from that prison to live among us now. As Human Beings we’re required to make recompense for all sins, past or present, with sins, of course, being a relative word. The greatest sins are Harm to any living thing and lack of compassion for our fellow Human Beings, any of them.

Nirvana (“a rose by any other name”) is attained through the connections we have with each other — family and friends nurtured and protected — and our voluntary use of our Gifts, each one our own, to do the things that make us happy, finding avenues to perform “work” that we like and even enjoy, in humble fulfillment of Inner Self. Being consciously aware of any harm we cause another person, even of desecrating a “lower” lifeform beyond its purpose, awareness and just recompense are crucial to satisfy Karma, for if we don’t choose our own personal reconciliations, the Universe decides for us, to our benefit or detriment. We’re G-D-given caretakers of this planet, but our youth is loudly reminding us that we’re ignoring the blatant Messages of Shekinah, the Glory of G-D in female Presence, of Environmental catastrophes ahead.

When our Souls depart these carcasses and fly away into that ethereal Realm, called many names in all the world’s languages, we join with our loved ones then are made “like Angels,” good and bad alike, yet both male and female entities, affirming Messiah Yeshua saying that there’s no marriage in Heaven. Because we’re both genders in Spirit, perhaps our young people today are closer to G-D than we who separate ourselves, giving each other salacious labels. All the troubles of this world are left behind, and we see for ourselves the True Magic of the Seven in ONE of Christ Consciousness Who guides, each as to our own karmic choices, Who loves, consoling us in our times of need, giving us hope for complete satisfaction, and Who blesses us in countless, often unseen ways, especially in grace for our hindsight.

I will pour out My Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your elders will dream dreams, and your youth will see visions. Joel 2:28