There’s only one answer for the Spirit of Chaos permeating today’s world — Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), for in his lifetime here among us on Planet Earth, this Jew taught us G-D’s Truth, the truth about Good and Evil. As a man, he was Hebrew, steeped in Judaism, through and through, sent to his own people as fulfillment of Torah, so in Olam Haba they will recognize his teachings and see him as (silent — Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh) Jehovah’s Final Blood Sacrifice in completion of Akeida at Pesakh, and be eligible for guaranteed Salvation.

Yet he was sent to be the Light to the Gentiles, the “others” he spoke of who would adopt his persona as Christians, and he also knew that he was the Sevenfold Spirit of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Alpha to Omega, sent to live on this planet as a Human Being. In his time, Meshiakh was supposed to drive out Rome and become a great political leader, the New King whose Kingdom would last forever. (Yes, they’re still waiting for that Messiah.) But as he later told Pontius Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” His mission — to leave the same messages of Brotherly Love as each Holy Incarnation had done.

Yeshua’s ministry on Earth was to live as Torah instructed — treating everyone as a beloved brother or sister, a kindred spirit, with respect as an equal person (no master greater to G-D than the servant), having no judgement of another person as to any physical characteristic, national, religious or political aspect, opening our arms and households even to strangers. He amplified LOVE, asking us to love each other as we love ourselves, moreso than we love ourselves, putting the needs of others before our own when Goodness is served.

Again in history, there’s increased animosity towards Jews, even though they were ostracized, less honored for their achievements, throughout Europe for twenty centuries. In many nations, their religion caused them to be tortured and killed. “They killed Christ,” we’re told, and people ridicule them, making jokes and sarcastic insults. Some Christian leaders refused to stand up for them in the love “our Jew” ordered, and even took up the mantra of Anti-Semitism. Semites are those of the Middle East who are descendants of Noakh and his sons, and today their DNA represents many cultures, not only in Isra’el and Palestine, but from Morocco to Turkey, eastward from Jordan to Afghanistan and into surrounding nations, mostly representing the three religions of the Children of AvRaham — Jews, Christians and Muslims who originate from that area. (Read Essay 4 for explanation of DNA worldwide.)

It should be especially alarming to us as Christians and as Americans that incidents occur like those at Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and the White Supremacist population attending the January 6, 2021 riot, with one man brazenly wearing a shirt labeled Auschwitz. Can the Evil of Hate be more apparent? For those who  practice prejudice in any form (racial, sexual, religious, political, etc.) and truly believe that they’re good Christians, we listen to the words from their mouths and wonder if Human conscience ever will allow the Love of Messiah Yeshua to take root in their inner hearts.

If we’re good Christians, we simultaneously live up to the tenets of Judaism and Islam in a Spirit of Brotherly Love, also the teachings of Harmlessness in the Way of the Far East that resulted in Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism and related religions. Even the pagans of the world incorporate rituals, lessons and folklore from the Seven Spirits of G-D Who were sent into the world to live with us and teach us, so we cannot judge any religion that practices Love and rejects Evil. Messiah Yeshua tells us that he came for all who hear his messages and believe in him as their Savior, but those people who don’t believe in him have a WORD he Spoke Who will judge them (John 12:47-48). Herein lies the secret of the Seven Spirits of G-D, Who is ONE MESHIAKH.

We know it’s not possible to live in today’s disharmonious society with the perfection Yeshua exemplified during his time on Earth, but it’s possible to incorporate the concepts behind his thoughts — be “of service” to others and “do unto others” as we want to be treated, not as they may treat us. Our psychological defense mechanisms, unique from person to person, engage in innate reactions, being primitive in animal nature as “flight or fight,” or in “learned” behavior that’s often quick to enact revenge. Even Messiah Yeshua had negative reactions, but they weren’t evil, only Human anger intended to correct injustice, also as a forest burned that fosters new growth.

Practice kindness and generosity, listen to what others are saying and accept people as friends, being patient and compassionate, serving others as to our own individual Gifts and abilities. As Christians, we’ve heard these words all our lives, and if your upbringing was anything like mine, the devil was always there, right around the corners of our minds, telling us, “Go ahead. You want it and deserve it.” The devil was with Meshiakh also, tempting him, but he recognized the demons that plagued Human Beings, and they knew him, obeying his every command. They still know him and recoil at the mention of his name, more powerful than Holy Water or any physical instrument. The Spirit of Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18, 22: 4:3) is an Aura of Evil that has existed since the Beginning of LIFE’s TIME on Earth, since MESHIAKH ignited H-S (Havah-Simon) Soul in the waters, and saw that it was GOOD.

Good Christians can never justify Anti-Semitism, for we must treat everyone the same, Jew or Gentile (any non-Jew), loving and serving them from our hearts, even those who consider themselves an enemy. We don’t love simply those who love us, but everyone we encounter, also those around the world that we’ve never met, and as we bless each other, one person at a time in the Power of One, we also receive blessings, if not in this lifetime, then in the next. This is the Promise of Messiah Yeshua — Eternal Ecstasy.

Come, let us go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the House of the G-D of Ya’akhov. HE will teach us H-S Ways, and we will walk in H-S Paths. For out of Tzion will go forth Torah, the WORD of Adonai from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:3