I’m often disturbed by people speaking out against the Mainstream Media, unfondly calling it MSM, making all kinds of mocking, disparaging remarks, accusing propaganda, for their comments are reminders of the frontline of attacks by budding authoritative fascism. We know networks are owned by corporations with owners, CEO’s and Boards of Directors having political preference, making generous donations to certain candidates, but thanks to Republican- supported Citizens United, secret money is OK, even in political campaigns, unless Congress can agree to legislate better limits and transparency, especially for the Lobby Industry roaming the halls and lining the pockets of legislators.

But major television and radio networks are still under the auspices of FCC regulations to provide efficacy in service and fidelity to the general public, making them subject to investigation and adjudication of unethical or criminal violations, leading to suspensions, fines or prison. Sure, some shows are highly opinionated, but if you lie, you answer for it, and it’s the responsibility of the Media to report as accurately as possible. We can recognize biased rhetoric, and will detect falsehoods by the time Court cases start to pile up. We must build trust in the veracity of the Criminal Justice system, wherein we see so much injustice, for truth is ultimately G-D’s Plan for America.

Resistance against the Mainstream Media is borne by Good and Evil alike, as it was in creating our beloved Constitution of the United States of America, but the civil positive agreements among our forefathers far outweighed the Evil forces contributing to certain passages (i.e. a slave counted as three-fifths of a person for representation of any population, as noted in Article 1, Section 2). There were only white men who wrote and amended our Federal laws through the years, only in the last one hundred years allowing females to participate, but whether politically compatible or not, most men had female voices in their ears every night, and acted according to individual conscience.

The men who sculpted our Federal laws believed that the keys to good government involve mutual respect, with agreement wrought in discussion and resolution, and their personal writings expressed their steadfast or altered opinions. We must listen to what others are saying and attempt to understand their motivations, speaking honestly, then be willing to listen to rebuttal. One of the most respected Republicans of our time, former Presidential candidate Bob Dole, told us, “I say that in politics, honorable compromise is no sin. It is what protects us from absolutism and intolerance.”

Albert Einstein passed away in New Jersey in 1955, previously making this statement, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” What would he think of how we’ve used and abused the plethora of Media in the last 66+ years, that perhaps we’ve lost all our humanity? America was blessed for important reasons — that we’re free to pursue our own happiness without harming anyone else and that we can believe or disavow G-D as we choose, but we’re expected to respect and honor our neighbors’ religious, political or personal choices.

Technology is Mankind’s OmniScience of G-D, Creator of LIFE on Planet Earth, H-S (Havah-Simon) Knowledge constantly evolving, especially in the medical field, where detection, analysis and treatment procedures are more simplified and accurate, and we’ve also created genetic code vaccines for each mutating virus, miraculous cures, one by one, for the last 70+ years. As valuable as all this technology is to our daily lives, personal and widely-social Media sources proliferate, designed to inform, connect, help, heal, and some appealing to us with intent to damage, to selfishly profit, bringing Disharmony and Despair, physically, financially or emotionally. We pay attention to the things that attract us, the things that give us joy, satisfying a psychological Need.

One’s political party has nothing to do with the hope for justice that lies in one’s heart, for most of us are compassionate and open to discussion, so there’s no reason to avoid finding common ground. Politics should be transparent, for the ones we choose to speak for us are required to be honest and trustworthy, to take on the responsibilities of serving the wishes of the majority of their constituents, not just the ones who donate to their campaigns. Some adhering to the wiles of Negative Spirits employ skilled manipulations to “make a show” that they care for us, but too often they take us into fearful spaces, creating divisions among us, grasping at our anxious hearts from dark chaos, and they lack regret and empathy for another’s pain.

Conspiracy theories abound in illusions of unfulfilled promises, with red flags waving from the words of mouths that defy their hearts, for their actions increase spiritual conflict. Charismatic personalities woo us as they implant the poisons of prejudice in the Human Psyche, causing us to judge and hate others as to skin color, sex, politics, religion, nation of origin or cultural differences, to divide us in any way possible. There are deceivers who brazenly lie to us, but their evil ways will be revealed by their denials of duly adjudicated corruption and “woke” public opinion of their immoralities, many villains becoming obvious through their vicious, slanderous deflections onto others. It’s notable that many who are guilty will accuse others of their own sins, projecting their personal characteristics upon innocent ones.

Yet today’s information services must be allowed to thrive, for we will never know ourselves as patriotic Americans until we know what’s going on around us in this world, for now we are them and they are us, thanks to the Internet and other wireless connections. Various Media constantly drip both Goodness and Evil into our everyday lives, making some who initially appear trustworthy discovered less so, for the truth always comes out, though Evil twists around in denials, deflections and projections of ITSELF for as long as IT can.

The things that identify us as Americans are our diversities, the ability to honor one’s individual past while allowing us to unite without FEAR as G-D’s Children in the Melting Pot of the world, each of us working to help our Republic flourish, to enrich our individual lives. While there’s really no such thing as a “typical” or “normal” family, the Mainstream Media, led by authors such as Norman Lear, describe the families we make for ourselves as well as the “different” family next door or down the block. It’s our Divine Destiny that we accept those who seek to become American, even as our own ancestors sought to be accepted, and that we encourage and foster their success.

One of my favorite quotations is by Thomas Jefferson when he said he’d rather have free newsletters and bad government than good government and no newsletters, upholding our First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech. Sure, the right to speak freely is often abused, and everything is viewed in personal perception. It’s reasonable to conclude that watching three or four networks of Mainstream Media of different genres and affiliations keeps us from becoming one-sided radicals, the more, the better to give us a well-rounded view of the world around us.

As Christians we emulate Messiah Yeshua, who loved everyone and served to benefit the lives of the poor and downtrodden, accepting everyone as a beloved brother or sister, regardless of physical, religious or political distinction. It’s important that we humbly persevere, listening to each other and finding ways to compromise, for we must BE the system wherein we operate, voting with the assurance that our vote means something to us. As we use Media wisely, we will strengthen the value of the Freedom of the Press, which are now many sources, but only as long as we maintain ethical transparency.