Most of us in America feel safe in our own homes, for there are no bombs falling around us, although from time to time in our neighborhoods Evil rears its ugly head — too many incidents to enumerate — in injustice and inhumanity, varying in nature, in our cities and the countryside. Putin is a tool of that Negative Aura, wrought in false pride of Ego-Self, but he’s up against powerful, unified Positive Forces of Goodness that prefer peaceful, rational solutions to end his horrible war to own Ukraine, whose generational consciousness will fight to the death to defend their nation’s sovereignty, assured they will prevail.

Thanks to the advances of mainstream Media and our ever-evolving social technology, the whole world is watching, united in Holy Purpose to end this fascist dictator’s desire to control Ukraine, to squelch the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians, as he wages war based on lies he concocts. We pray that the Russian people will see Putin for who he is, and will punish him for his violent atrocities, including the imprisonment and deaths of his enemies, which are any who oppose him. We can’t blame Russians who support their leader, especially considering the intense propaganda they’re fed, which sounds similar to ideas being dished out by a few American broadcasters.

Anyone with an ounce of compassion winces in emotional pain for the suffering of the residents of Ukraine, whose homes are blown up as they sleep, that sight causing many of us to shed tears in profound empathy, mourning with them for their loss of home and family. The elderly and disabled are carried out, and families are severed as mothers with children seek safety in neighboring countries while able men and women remain in Ukraine to fight the advancing Russian Federation troops. Millions flee west to the border, carrying few possessions, and those countries take them in, giving them food and shelter, as well as the basic necessities for daily comfort. As we think of each other as beloved brothers and sisters, we unite as citizens of Life’s Universe in Christ Consciousness, Eternal LOVE’s Awareness.

Yet some try not to watch the horrors unfolding in front of us, and others feel apathetic, even when saying the right words and giving charitably, for too many people really don’t care about others as long as their lives are ok. But we’re not ok, because those of us who survived the covid pandemic were just beginning to shake off the headaches of financial and social complications, and even the most psychologically healthy among us exhibit effects of everyday traumas.

Putin knew all too well that America and other United Nations countries were tired of losing their children in wars and would not resist him, being especially aware that his threats of nuclear weapons would deter World War III. But when it was clear that POTUS 45 would no longer be in office, he realized that he’d lost a chance to control Ukraine politically, to take back the “breadbasket of the world” into the old Soviet fold with him in charge, an idea he’d fostered his entire Presidency, even before as an ambitious, fervent ex-KGB Agent.

Since January of 2021, Putin has painstakingly built up his military, and with fear that Ukraine would join the European Union and, eventually, NATO, he fabricated the rise of Nazis in the country, and kept accurate information about the invasion from his people, shutting down all communications which may reveal his deceptions. There’s a good possibility (conspiracy theory?) that he hoped to gain leverage in order to escape financial corruption investigations being conducted in NATO countries, but everything may backfire, for he should fear most the increasing evidence of War Crimes in The Hague’s World Court.

Sometimes it takes “an entire village” for Justice to be served and healing to begin, and many countries are contributing to the safety and well-being of Ukrainian refugees, especially the thousands of children sent into neighboring nations with their mothers and other relatives. But people are also coming into Ukraine from all over the world, bringing their skills to fight and Gifts to work miracles, helping their fellow Human Beings in need. Those of us who cannot physically or financially support Ukraine are praying, meditating for a peaceful end to this war, and for an abundance of ways to rebuild that nation, to promote the freedoms and responsibilities of a strong, ethical democratic republic that Volodomyr Zelenskyy envisioned for his part in the Revolution of Dignity.

Putin has no Christ Consciousness, for he’s causing immense suffering and is still refusing to back away from his slaughters. We can see for ourselves that Brotherly Love doesn’t rule his heart, that his greed shines in the rain of bombs and missiles. He’s giving all Ukrainians good reasons to unite under Zelenskyy, who refused to submit as Lukashenko did in Belarus, and if he is martyred, others will be legally elected to step into his shoes, with the same goals of ending corruption and honoring the peace of the people.

But Christ Consciousness also evades many Christians in America today, for many are bigots, with petty, judgmental and self-righteous attributes that defy use of Jesus’ name. In the Eyes of our Karmic G-D, Creator of LIFE on this planet and SOUL Donor Elohim to Mankind (Genesis 1:26-27), Christ Consciousness encompasses Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and any other spiritual or religious denomination, even those considered pagan. Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) came for Salvation of all Souls, being G-D’s Seven-in-ONE Spirit, sent to live among Humans here on Earth and teach us (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Meshiakh as a Light to the entire world, the seventh and last ONE WORD They spoke (John 12:47-48), Alpha to Omega.

King David’s prophecy for Ukraine, a prayer for Volodomyr Zelenskyy:

You who live in the shelter of Elyon (the Most High), who spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai (Provider), who say to Adonai, “My refuge! My fortress! My G-D in Whom I trust!” HE will rescue you from the trap of the hunter, and from the plague of calamities. HE will cover you with H-S Pinions, and under H-S Wings you will find refuge. H-S Truth is a shield and protection.

You will not fear the terrors of night, or the arrow that flies by day, or the plague that roams in the dark, or the scourge that wreaks havoc at noon. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it won’t come near you. Only keep your eyes open, and you will see how the wicked are punished. Psalm 91:1-8