It’s hard to define Wholeness of Spirit without acknowledging that each of us has goodness and evil within us, but it’s our choices and the lessons we learn from them that mold one’s persona. Yet the tragedies of the world around us, like what’s going on in Ukraine right now, invade our daily activities, making it difficult to focus on anything constructive. It takes determination, conscious effort to force ourselves to perform our routines, life feeling as difficult as in early Covid days, when we were mostly afraid to leave our own homes. We could usually find things to do, and many developed new hobbies while others started on-line businesses, but agonizing over the death and destruction right in front of us wrenches our hearts loose from times of joy.

Medical Science proves that poor mental health can fester within and affect one’s physical body, for the messages in our Human bio-computer brains control everything we are. As we age, we handle fear, guilt and remorse differently, most of us being hard on ourselves, but all of us employing psychological defense mechanisms we’ve programmed as useful to help us cope through troubling times. It proves true that the healthiest people are optimists, and if we can’t hope that things will be better, negative emotions can kill us.

There are those who feel unworthy of our innate Human desire to be healthy and happy, physically and mentally whole, not fractured, and as we think we’re “less” we lose peace of mind. Some people are so unhappy that they cause everyone around them to be unhappy also, and it’s Human nature to blame others for our unhappiness. But we should remember that we’re unique individuals, that there’s no such thing as “normal,” and our personalities are seen by others as to their perceptions. But Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) warns us not to judge unfairly, for we’re to be judged in the same manner, “reaping what we sow,” perhaps even as John Lennon said, in “instant karma.”

Narcissism is common, stoking Ego that builds conceit and false pride, and in the minds of power-hungry autocrats like Putin, tremendous harm can be inflicted upon a multitude of innocent people, trumpeting Man’s inhumanity to Man. Harmlessness is a primary teaching of each of the Seven Spirits of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Life’s Creator and Soul Donor to Mankind (Genesis 1:26-27), being a tenet of Taoism, Hinduism and most of Planet Earth’s ancient religions, in respect, nurturing and honoring the Souls of all Lifeforms. Messiah Yeshua is Alpha to Omega the last of Seven Spirits of G-D incarnate, yet his messages of Brotherly Love and Eternal Peace have a two-edged sword, alive within us.

A distinct Aura of Evil invades everyone’s thoughts, and we accept or reject its messages as it distracts and negates our conscious and subconscious thought processes, even causing us to give harsh labels to others for personal opinions that oppose our own. Some will try to destroy the self-confidence and joys of others. Injustice rears its ugly head throughout the world, damaging our psyches by traumatizing our emotions, and we often find ourselves peering over the precipice of an abyss of doom. We’re all so different, yet Love for one’s fellow Human Being is found in the Goodness of G-D. As individual as we are, the values that unite us in Christ Consciousness (Eternal LOVE Awareness) are far greater than any Negative Forces pulling us apart.

Many of our religious and political leaders incite Fear to gain fealty, yet our fears are Evil’s greatest tools for compliance. Reality lies in Science, the G-D-given Omniscience within us that has advanced Medical and Technological fields beyond average comprehension. Media sources inform us and seduce us, manufacturing ideological conceptions of Life’s events, manipulating us, but only as we allow, and, ironically, much of what appeals to us secretly poisons us. The Great Evil Aura denies wrongdoing, then deflects and projects its traits onto its opponents.

The Media remains basically unregulated, honoring the First Amendment to our beloved Constitution, and evaluation of information avenues is subject to our various personal views. There are many agencies in government and private sectors that determine “fake” news and rate opinion pieces, and every media outlet should be subject to scrutiny under reasonable regulations, then also adjudicated as necessary, upon revelation of corruption or unethical behavior. On paper, our Court system provides Truth to the public, but we lose trust as injustices and frauds are uncovered, and good Mental Health suffers, just as it does seeing dead children being carried from bombed-out buildings.

Throughout history, G-D’s Goodness has prevailed, although two in the last one-hundred years, Hitler and Stalin, slaughtered millions and left behind a generation of shame for their people. So, too, will Putin be remembered as such a man, lying, cheating, violently devouring adjoining territories and absorbing their wealth while imprisoning or murdering those who oppose him. Such Icons of Harm may destroy homes, businesses, hospitals, churches and temples, but they will never take personal dignity and hope from people’s hearts.

As Human Beings, Children of the Creator of Earth’s ONE Living Universe, may G-D unite our strength in kindness and forgiveness, and guide us in service to one another, each as to our own Gifts and abilities, even as Messiah Yeshua taught us, with no servant valued less than the master, no person “less” than another. Help us practice harmlessness that promotes healing, good health and happiness in the Wholeness of the Spirit of Everlasting LOVE.

Anyone who hears my words and doesn’t believe, I (Jesus) won’t judge them, because I didn’t come to judge the world, but to save the world. Anyone who rejects me and doesn’t believe my words has ONE Who judges them, the WORD that I have Spoken, the same will judge them in the Last Day. John 12:47-48