It had been raining, and hundreds of umbrellas closed as the sun seemed to scatter the clouds apart. People on surrounding hillsides and in nearby villages were also alerted to the bright light, fulfilling a child’s promise of that day’s Miracle. All at once the silver-blue “sun” whirled around and scarlet flames flashed, causing a purple and yellow aureole to form around it.

Suddenly it fell towards Earth, zig-zagging at speeds beyond Human imagination, radiating heat in the cool autumn air, causing people to fall to their knees in fear. The entire spectacle lasted about ten minutes, and three times brightly colored lights burst forth in rainbows scattered across the sky. People found it hard to describe what they’d seen, but these descriptions were reported by thousands concerning the October 13, 1917, event near Cova de Iria, Fatima, Portugal. Even some secular newspapers reported this phenomena to the public.

Six months prior, on May 13, 1917, three children, 10 year old Lucia dos Santos, and her cousins, Francisco Marto, 9, and Jacinta Marto, 7, were in a field tending sheep when a bright light revealed the presence of a woman who later described herself as the “Lady of the Rosary.” She told them she would appear to them again in exactly one month. The children excitedly told their parents, and on June 13 many people were present, but they saw nothing except the children smiling and nodding in unison, their attention fixated on one spot.

Lucia, the oldest, was the only one who spoke to “the Lady,” and on July 13, 1917, Lucia was given messages to tell the world, as well as three secrets she was told to keep until an appointed time. The first of the three secrets that day involved a scene of fiery Hell which no doubt significantly frightened these young children, revealing tortured, burning demons that appeared animal-like and horribly repulsive. The second secret explained about both World Wars and warned that the world would suffer if the people of Russia were not converted to Christianity.

The third secret was told by Sister Lucia by Holy Order in 1944 as she suffered from influenza, but it was not revealed to the public until June of 2000. First, the children saw a large, terrifying Angel brandishing a flaming sword, appearing to set fire to the entire world. The secret also prophesied the persecution of Christians, the assassination of a Pope, and the end of Communism. Sister Lucia wrote many dissertations during her life as a Carmelite nun, finally passing over to Jesus in 2005. She’s currently in the process of canonization for sainthood, as many have declared miracles in her name.

The sun-swirling, rainbow of multi-colored lights seen during the Miracle at Fatima was shown to the world again, much the same, beginning on June 24, 1981, at Cmica Hill, Medugorje, Yugoslavia, USSR, and many have reported seeing the colored lights there since that time. Six children were witness to visions of “The Lady” who appeared there, Vicka Ivankovic, the oldest at 16, Ivanka Ivankovic, Marija Pavlovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Mirjana Dragicevic, and Jakov Colo, at 10, the youngest. Because of developed technology, it was determined by computers that each child’s eyes were fixed on the same point, and each also answered in unison to questions others couldn’t hear.

Even though the Catholic Church acknowledges this event, and some “healings” have been declared there, they were hesitant to confirm it a Miracle until now, as Pope Francis has declared it so. One reason for the delay may have rested upon one question Church leaders told the children to ask The Lady, “Who is the most righteous person in your town?” The Lady named a Muslim woman. (I’m sure Pope Francis keeps it in his heart, for he is all-inclusive in ONE G-D.)

Messages are apparently still being given once a month to Marija Pavlovic Lunetti and Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo, both born in 1965, both of them married. The Lady described herself as the “Queen of Peace” and the “Mother of G-D,” and most of her messages have involved kindness, compassion, brotherly love, and patience that leads to endurance, as well as pleas to turn from sinful ways and live righteously as to the words and exemplified life of Jesus, the Christ (Yeshua, the Messiah).

Overlooked, but nonetheless significant, are accounts of public visual experiences that sound like visits by aliens from other worlds. Silver-blue discs (the sun?) flashing and flitting at speeds hard for the Human eye to follow, colored lights strung out like rainbows – these are sights we would love to experience, but here they’re intrinsically entwined with religion, notably with appearances by the mother of Messiah Yeshua, her Ghost, in Spirit form.

We used to call these other-worldly enigmas Unidentified Flying Objects, but today they’re referred to as Aerial Phenomenon, lights flitting to and fro at supersonic speeds. They’re particularly seen by military personnel who are more scientifically oriented than religious, and as yet, no one has classified their sightings as originating from G-D, that mysterious Image that has many Names and descriptions worldwide. G-D is simply the Creator of our Living Universe, physical and spiritual, existing on Planet Earth, that which provides for our presence and well-being as well as our suffering and death.

Yet it’s only through the Seven Spirits Who were sent to live here among us as one of us, a Human Being, in whatever form was necessary for G-D’s Truth at that time, that Mankind can achieve Soul Salvation, to be united in total Peace and Unconditional Love in Spiritual Paradise. The last of those Seven Spirits came in the body of a Jewish male, making him Alpha to Omega the same ONE Meshiakh to the entire world, Messiah Yeshua, Christ Jesus, alive within us, as we ask. References to the Seven Spirits of G-D are found only in the Christian B’rit Hadashah, the New Testament added to the Jewish Tanakh to form today’s Bible, as written by Yokhanan (John) during his visions while in prison on the Isle of Patmos, found in Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; and 5:6. (More secrets? Most of us wonder about the things he was told NOT to write down.)

Messiah Yeshua has the only answer to G-D’s Truth – LOVE our fellow Human Beings as beloved brothers or sisters, treating them in empathy with kindness, compassion and complete honesty, while we consider that we reap what we sow in G-D’s Universal Karma. LOVE for G-D manifests itself in Brotherly Love as we participate in joyful service to others, regardless of any differences between us, especially the obvious ones like skin color, gender or chosen apparel and accouterments, and even the unseen ones, like politics and religion.

While alive on Earth, Jesus loved everyone the same, even the sinful Samarian woman at the well and the Roman centurion, for he accepted them as he did everyone, knowing that as he encountered them, he would bless them. He never refused a request from anyone, telling us to walk two miles with someone who asks for one mile, and he reminds us of Moses’ law, that when someone asks us for something, we must give it to them, and not demand its return.

We’re here for each other, for healing and happiness, for growth and stability, but today’s tumultuous society will not allow that. Everything is potentially toxic, even our relationships with those we love dearly, so we must do what Yeshua said and have endurance, forgiveness, awareness of spiritual guidance, and faith that everything will be alright, refusing to worry about anything. (Easier said than done. We all fall short.) The power of one of us serving one other person spreads exponentially into the Positive Aura of our Universe, and Salvation from further pain is imminent through our belief that is wrought by the shed blood of the Last Passover Lamb who is now Lion of Judah.

The Messages received at Fatima and Medugorje have been sent around the world many times and in various ways, for now at the End of Days the WORD Spoken is Messiah Yeshua. The Lady who appeared at Fatima emphasized that Jesus was displeased by people’s ingratitude for his blood sacrifice, for his blood is present in all of the world’s tabernacles, and to me this means churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and any other place of worship to the ONE and only G-D of LOVE, Who abides in Spiritual Truth.

At Fatima and at Medugorje, the Mother Figure warned that those proclaimed righteous on Earth will receive greater scrutiny in Heaven. It’s written that Yeshua will say to some, “I never knew you.,” but in their hearts, they never knew him. Messiah Yeshua didn’t come to judge the world, but to save our Souls, to represent those who have manifested him in their hearts, humbly serving others. Anyone who doesn’t believe in him has another WORD that will judge them, as he explained in John 12:47-48, yet the Goodness of G-D is the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow. Even so is the Sevenfold Spirit Who promises Eternal Ecstasy in the ultimate peace and love we all desire.

I looked and saw four wheels next to the k’ruveem [cherubim], one wheel next to one k’ruv and another wheel next to another k’ruv. The wheels were the color of beryl. Their shape was the same for all four, like a wheel inside a wheel. When they moved, they could go in any of the four directions without turning as they moved… Ezekiel 10:9-11a