Those who are godly are Christ-like, but few Christians know who Jesus really was — a complete Jew, immersed in Hebrew theology so much that he taught the rabbis of the Second Temple when he was twelve years old, performing his own self-proclaimed bar mitzvah, bringing forth the Treasures of Torah and Truth of Tenakh, the scriptures he said held all answers. He is Alpha to Omega, first to last of Seven Spirits of G-D sent to Planet Earth to live among us (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), G-D incarnate in flesh and blood yet without sin.

Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) performed miracles not seen since the days of Moses, and even those who touched the hem of his robe in faith were healed. He Spoke G-D’s WORD (John12:47-48) seven times, and is therefore Mankind’s final call for Salvation of Souls, so choose his godliness as others chose ONE Who came before. “HE [Havah Ezra] is ONE, there is no other, H-S [Havah-Simon] Nature to H-M [Havah-Mikael], H-S Separateness, without Beginning, without End, to H-M be the Strength and Position.” (Adon Olam, stanza 3, taking liberty with additional interpretation.)

Most Christians are hypocrites, with prejudices and vengeances overshadowing that they must treat each person they encounter as a beloved brother or sister, in loving-kindness, never false in any way, being willing to serve them as to one’s abilities and Gifts. Messiah Yeshua never refused anyone their request, satisfying their needs regardless of religion, color or creed. He also reminded us to forgive people for their trespasses against us, for we’ll be forgiven in the same measure, to never judge unfairly, and to serve others with a whole heart, for it’s in our personal relations with others that we’ll be judged.

We think of godly people as those willing to help others, but Messiah Yeshua warned us that those who desire recognition for their charity or good deeds often aren’t sincere, for we know Ego may outweigh humility. It’s the ungodly who deceive us, and many are well-groomed to be adept in pursuit of ultimate derision and discord, particularly in prejudice and hatred for Yeshua’s own bloodline, the Jews. Some commit acts of violence or play games with our minds, torturing and warping our perceptions, being dishonest, unethical or vengeful, usually displaying Self-aggrandizement.

The ungodly have invaded Modern Media, so beware of those who try to discredit Mainstream Media (MSM, they call it), thereby mocking our First Amendment’s Freedom of the Press. They build up fear in our hearts, and conjure stories to damage reputations and cause mistrust of our system or its institutions, their denials of wrong-doing usually projecting blame onto others. Some have become Entertainment Masters, promoters of Negativity, liable for Harm, but all will be revealed as to G-D’s Will, not in possibility or speculation, but in fact, with much injustice adjudicated in American Courts.

Messiah Yeshua came to live among us on Earth one last time so we may have NO FEAR, and may someday live with him in immortal Paradise, the New Eden or New Jerusalem, for even as he left his Holy Ghost as Comforter and Healer, he promised to return and take us to another Realm, our New Home in the Sky. (Thanks, Neil Young.) Because G-D lived as a Human Being seven times, HE now knows the Nature of A’Dam, Men and Women, for when Yeshua ascended into the sky, his once-physical body reuniting with G-D’s Shekinah, he took with him our pleasures and pain, absorbing our Human Psyche, our desire for PEACE and Unconditional LOVE in complete satisfaction of Eternal Ecstasy.

Even as a good parent loves a child, so also does HE (Havah Ezra) love us, and sent H-S (Havah-Simon) Unique Son to deliver the messages of H-S WORD, to know our hearts, even to know our names and the number of hairs on our heads. In Messiah Yeshua we’re given hope and strength to fulfill our destinies, to persevere, carrying on each minute of every day, to find our Gifts and nurture them, to count our Blessings, and to find ways to become a blessing to others. Greater is the Goodness of G-D in us than the Evil that’s in the world, for not only will we conquer, we’ll leave it far behind in our New Life.