These are the exact words Roman Governor Pontius Pilate said to Yeshua (Jesus), perhaps being sarcastic, for he walked away, not expecting an answer to such a rhetorical question. We say it all the time, as it’s very Human to wonder — What is Truth? Even honesty may not be truth, for it may involve opinion, not fact. As we grow up, we’re educated into the ways of the world by our parents, extended family, friends and the talk of people around us, showing us their perceptions and values with an expectation that we think the same. As the songwriter said, “You’ve got to be carefully taught.” (Oscar Hammerstein in Rodgers & Hammerstein’s 1958 movie “South Pacific”)

We make mistakes and we learn from them as we seek healthy avenues to discover just who we are and for what purpose we’re here, alive on Earth. We find our greatest joys with those we love most, and although we may have to avoid those who bring negativity, we must never cease to forgive and to count our blessings. Our personal relationships bring us happiness and pain, and it’s through our relations with others, in thought, word or deed, that we’re judged, whether by G-D (Karmic Living Universe), our peers or our own conscience, the Conscious Awareness within ourselves. Equally so, forgiveness is granted to us in the same measure that we forgive others. Another Truth — Multi-Media makes us more aware of those who have no conscience in their abuses, their inhumanities and injustices, appealing for correction.

Truth has a deeper meaning than anyone can define, not simply through our Animal Vertebrate Mammal Primate Homo sapiens Nature, but by possessing H-S (Havah-Simon) Spirit of Omniscience in our Souls, being in THEIR Image (Genesis 1: 26-27). We were created to be set apart from others of the Animal Kingdom by this knowledge, but we’re responsible for the protection and nurturing of all LIFE-forms, ensuring use for practical purpose, and for maintaining a healthy environment of clean air, water and soil.

Biologists proved the Bible’s Creation story true, that all Human Beings descend from one male and one female of our species, although a Day likely involved thousands, perhaps millions, of years. Medical Science is discovering many secret Truths, such as the utility of our own stem cells, replacing chemical concoctions with living organisms like herbs and other plants, and using skeletal remains of aquatic creatures for cures and prevention of ailments. Some of our newfound Truths were known by various shamin of our ancient ancestors, but Christian FEAR and false pride declared them demonic.

DNA Science revealed many of G-D’s Truths, especially that we were once one family, with the oldest and therefore original Human DNA found in East Africa. Among those truths is that all Human females share the same mitochondrial strain from Havah (Eve) into each woman, its Life-Force unchanged in each generation, a single direct connection to our Creator, a pure bond with G-D. Part of DNA Truth is that males inherit this female genetic energy from their mothers, but don’t pass it to their children.

Since the Beginning of Mankind’s Time on Earth an Evil Aura has existed among us, named in the Christian New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) as the AntiChrist (not a person but a Spirit, described only in 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3), destroying Truth, using jealousies and greed, violence and vengeances, rivalries and wars to separate us. Thereafter the Great Flood helped create DNA’s seven male haplogroups, aided by native climate to develop our physical differences, such as thinner nostrils and decreased melanin in the skin of those living in colder regions of our planet.

The Spirit of AntiChrist spread disease throughout the world, but it wasn’t quickly contained in one place as in more recent epidemics, for within months the Covid virus invaded cities and rural areas in most countries. The pandemic drained all resources — travel, education, the economy, our mental and physical health, every aspect of our work, personal and social lives. We suffered with others through the loss of loved ones, seeing the millions of innocent ones who died, the multitudes of people on beds lined up in hospital hallways and tents, and stacks of corpses in body bags stored in refrigerated trucks.

The Greatest Truth of G-D’s LOVE at that traumatic time was the courage and devotion of millions of healthcare workers who were forced to commit to their jobs, that they should be forever honored — medical staff at every level; food, beverage and grocery suppliers and distributors; all sanitation workers, our cleaners and garbage collectors; our educators, who did what they could to make life as normal as possible for our children. People from many forms of work shared themselves selflessly, also needing the money to survive. Being confined to our homes and necessary-only contact with others caused stress in our bodies, tensions with others and many hardships. No doubt many of our youth likely will deal with the emotional upheavals for years to come.

This Global Pandemic made us realize many political Truths. Corporations of nearly every industry, especially oil/gasoline companies, saw profit margins fall, and as restrictions for physical contact were eased, they hiked prices to make up for their losses, also knowing that higher taxes were coming. Circumstances exacerbated by that Evil Aura built distrust in Law Enforcement and the Justice System, but although these institutions faltered, Truth will be revealed as long as we keep them ethical and transparent. Americans have a right to see judicial proceedings as they unfold, judging Truth for ourselves, although the Path to True Justice may be long and painful.

This essay has become more politically motivated than I intended, for I mainly wished to affirm my Personal Truth that Messiah Yeshua came for Salvation of Souls from all over the world. I believe that G-D sent H-S Spirit to live among us in Human flesh seven times, as described in Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5 and 5:6. Yeshua told us in John 12:47-48 that there would be some who didn’t believe in him, but that was ok, because they would have a WORD he had Spoken as their Judge, being him sevenfold, Alpha to Omega. Messiah Yeshua was sent as the Last Pesakh sacrifice, Akeida fulfilled, and Gospel Messenger to the three religions of Father AvRaham’s descendants, who number as the stars in Heaven. Lion of Judah, Yeshua HaMashiakh is my own greatest Truth.

However, one’s religious beliefs should never dictate government and its laws, for our forefathers made these things clear, G-D is the Creator of inalienable Human Rights. and we should continue using our motto In God We Trust, but legislation should not reflect tenets of any organized religion. I believe that only about 5-10% of Republicans are Extreme Right Wing and about 5-10% of Democrats are Extreme Left Wing, with the remaining 80-90% of us having both liberal and conservative views, depending upon the issue. In a perfect world, there would be little difference between Democrats and Republicans in values and strength of faith, having respect for others’ religious beliefs, with the only conflict being between the things that should be Federal laws, all-inclusive, and laws that are considered States’ rights.

Because G-D Created Human Beings as one family, with the Spirit of AntiChrist driving us apart, America may be H-S Truth as the Melting Pot for H-S Children. As Americans, we’re of varying bloodlines, revealed in DNA gene testing, giving credence to Truth that it’s been our policy to open our doors of citizenship to the world for nearly 250 years, allowing intermarriage and its accompanying blessings of knowledge. Yeshua said to have NO FEAR and don’t be anxious for anything — easier said than done, right? But we can’t give up on finding Truth, sifting the grain from chaff and powder. LOVE is the Answer to all things.