Section 5, Biblical Proof of Reincarnation, should be read first in order to get a better grasp on the concepts of Section 6.

Messiah Yeshua instructed us to search and study the Hebrew scriptures (Tenakh) for the answers to all questions, but, of course, he knew that B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) would be written in his wake. Yet Christianity has forsaken its namesake, for he would respect and honor all homosexuals and abortionists among us as beloved brothers and sisters, as he did everyone he encountered, loving them unconditionally, never condemning.

If we indeed have lived former lives of which we have no remembrance, then would we have been male at one time, fe-male at another? Is it possible that we’ve been born under other Astrological signs, or maybe at exact moments in Time, being influenced by different people and living environments, perhaps in karmic Destiny, and yet maintained our personas in Cosmic consciousness throughout our generations?

Angels, as gods, were given holy names in many religions, and are known as escorts for our “going out and coming in,” also guiding our everyday lives, knowing what’s best for us even when we don’t know. Hebrew Angels were given masculine names – Michael, Gabriel and the others – but where are the girls? They’re found in the Presence or Glory of G-D, the Shekinah, Who has a fe-male connotation. Angels have no one gender, but all genders, also all colors.

It appears that the New Christ Consciousness touted by our youth has an answer to the question of homosexuality, for it’s hard to differentiate males from fe-males in today’s world. They’re achieving an equanimity unknown in past generations except certain tribes, illogically found in far-flung areas of Planet Earth. In some South Pacific islands, boys and girls were naked and intermingling from birth into adulthood, yet their concepts of marriage and sexual relations were more psychologically healthy than in Christian, Jewish and Muslim cultures where secret deceptions and shame thrive.

In America and some other progressive nations, if you ask someone under 30 what gender they are, they may not hesitate to answer with something you’ve perhaps never heard before – like pan-sexual, open to sexual relationships with persons of any possible classification, and there are many, including fe-male or male transgender. But we must consider that perhaps these young people, being all genders, are closer to the identities of Angels than the rest of us, that they will be better prepared for “processing” one’s afterlife, especially if we receive knowledge of reincarnation when we cross over.

Christians live by the words of Rav Shaul (Paul), adding that Yeshua didn’t say anything about homosexuality, but he did. In Matthew 19:12a he told his talmidim (disciples), “There are reasons why men don’t marry – some because they were born without desire…” Medical research has proven that each of us has varying hormonal levels, even that males with several older brothers, perhaps those born to older mothers, have less testosterone than estrogen.

It’s natural that in childhood we wonder if we wouldn’t be happier as the other sex, and some of us end up altering physical realities (“born” this way, not that way) while most accept the gender we’re given. If there’s sin in sexual relations, it’s in promiscuity and infidelities, not in choice of spouse, and did you ever wonder why homosexual rules weren’t written for wo-men?

Wording in the Bible is entirely through interpretation, for Hebrew words translated into Greek often lose their original meeting. For instance, the Anglicans (Church of England) who translated the Bible for King James I wrote “For G-D so loved the world that HE sent H-S only-begotten Son,” when the best translation from its original Hebrew meaning is “H-S Unique Son.” The English word “abomination” is a far-cry from it’s original Hebrew word, which translates simply as “a no-no,” but nothing as severe as the Book of Leviticus would prescribe, death by stoning.

The opinions on abortion range from committing murder to a birth control method, so surely the answer is somewhere in between. I personally believe that abortion is a sin, but not for reasons one may think. It’s my opinion that the Human Soul isn’t “placed” into a Homo sapiens fetus until sometime between the sixth month of gestation and birth, a tenet of some Far East religions, so aborting an embryo ends the life of an animal, gills and a tail in full evidence.

Laws to deny or regulate abortion were enacted by those who believe one’s Soul is present at the moment of conception – sperm and egg merging, cells dividing and multiplying – making the rights of an unborn child as important as adult Human Rights, zealous that they’re righteously doing G-D’s Will. In past generations, babies born with deformities were legally killed at birth, and in more recent times, due to gender. Of course, all life is precious, animal or plant, each existing as to its purpose in the Circle of Life, and abortion is nonetheless depriving the Presence of G-D’s Soul in a Human body.

Wo-men of the world sought termination of pregnancies throughout history, and in societies where it was discouraged, they practiced illegal abortion. Countless millions succumbed to heartless, bloody medical procedures, and the horror stories are endless. It’s in compassion for the rights of fe-males to choose their paths in life, taking control of their own bodies as a personal freedom, that governments began to ease restrictions on abortion. Recent years have seemed to separate the mantras of American political parties, but it’s more likely that just as many Democrats don’t approve of abortion, and just as many Republicans believe in it.

Think of all the abortions which weren’t carried out – the wonderful people you love and some who contributed goodness and worthwhile service to Mankind. Where would we be personally, or what would the world have been without them? Therein lies the sin, denying existence, nevertheless a wo-man’s choice is between her and G-D alone, and will be judged by G-D alone, not to be legislated by government. No one should judge any other person – Messiah Yeshua asks this of us.