How can I start? Maganuts will be offended by what I have to say, but I love them as much as anyone, for I follow the teachings of Love through Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus). and I hate only their words supporting their American Idol and the violent actions of some of them. (Also, some precious ones of my own blood are Maganuts.) POTUS 45 is a blatant traitor to the United States of America and the Constitution we live by, allowing espionage by the Russian government run by a greedy Fascist dictator of Soviet Communist KGB origin, in order to gain power, wealth and fame. (Example: telling Lavrov secrets from Israeli intelligence.) He is perhaps the most authoritarian, corrupt, non-Christ-like President we’ve ever had. That may be untrue, for we have glimpses of the lives of past Presidents, portraits written by those who knew them or studied biographies and autobiographies to dissect their personalities.

How many were narcissistic? Certainly, Self-confidence is necessary to govern the Administrative agencies of our country and to participate in debate nationally and globally, but that’s not necessarily a characteristic of narcissism. Narcissists believe that if they’re not Gods, then certainly they’re someone chosen to get everything they want. Even Jesus, who taught that humility is part of godliness, confirmed King David that we’re Gods (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35), for Human Beings are descendants of LIFE’s Creator, They in Whose IMAGE (Genesis 1:26-27) we were made omniscient, having the Knowledge of H-S (Havah-Simon) Soul, the Science of the Spirit of G-D, Planet Earth’s Universal LIFEFORCE.

Yet some among us have advanced their Narcissism to believe they’re destined by G-D to rule over others, and they place their own needs and desires over the needs and desires of any other person. Many are Masters of ostentation, grandiose declarations and unfulfilled promises, “in it” only for their own gain. Some feel infallible and immortal, although we know deep within we must face each — fallibility, being wrong about something, and mortality, for we all die.

POTUS 45 told us he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and murder someone and not be held accountable for it, so what’s he going to do about these numerous criminal indictments with penalty charges adding up to hundreds of years? People who did his bidding are already serving prison time, and most blame him for inciting their misdeeds. Is everyone a liar except him? His paranoia and desperation have increased, and he foments fear of others.

Christians, we heard this Maganut cult leader say he’s never had to pray for anything and he couldn’t quote one Bible verse, but he charismatically practices manipulations in clever slogans and sets stages to feed his Ego. Was he ever humble in any way not feigned for his audience? Does he express compassion for his fellow Human Being or does he spout vengeances and declare enemies of those who reveal his true character that cheats, steals and lies. Yet there are some too blinded by his “showboat” glory to see that he isn’t trustworthy, but slick. He’s right to say that he’s become a victim, not of the Leftist Dems but of the Far Right Rat Fuckers, who used him for their own gain.

Herein lies our true Deep State, for they began to organize during the 60’s Johnson Presidency, and were in full swing to elect Nixon and empower the Republican ideal of favoring corporations over social institutions. As Civil Rights became a major political issue, they attracted White Supremacist groups, and throughout the South, white Senators and Representatives switched from Democrat to Republican. The Rat Fuckers, the group had called themselves, and even though no one wants to call themselves this name any more, the mentality is the same. They wrote fake letters and burglarized Dem headquarters, even offices of psychiatrists to gain advantage of their perceived enemies, then also sold guns to radicals, defying Congress. Not that there wasn’t espionage or dirty tricks in both parties, but the Rat Fuckers of the Republican Party developed deception to an art, especially when technology opened doors to our minds.

Misconceptions permeate cable and wireless internet sources to promote POTUS 45’s lies, to allow him to bully anyone who opposes him, and to encourage intimidation and violence by his Maganut crazies. They love him, and he loves their adulation, much like past cult leaders Charles Manson and Jim Jones, whose paranoid, narcissistic love destroyed his followers. I encourage everyone to look up dt’s past Court cases, but if you don’t, please read all the charges against him right now. Bob Mueller was right when he summed up his Mueller Report that there may be reasons to charge this man with treason against our great country, at least Conspiracy to Commit Sedition. He’s being encouraged and supported by the modern-day Rat Fuckers, some left over from the Nixon Era, some jumping on board who’re former Klan and Neo-Nazi sympathizers, and they’ve seduced his Maganuts.

I think most past Presidents were prejudiced, and some had a hard time showing Christ-like humility and compassion, but POTUS 45 was pretty obvious when all he could talk about was how wonderful and intelligent he was and how much everyone loved him. But of course, he projects his own corruptible behavior onto others, trying to create evidence of their criminality by use of supposition and innuendo, spreading fear and hatred for anyone he considers an enemy, especially those who worked closely with him and have turned against him — his lawyers, Cabinet Secretaries, Generals/Admirals, advisors and others who worked in the White House. The books are still being written, and they will show Maganuts real truth.

His biggest mistake is thinking everyone is as corrupt as he is — there’s a “Biden crime family” that should be feared, and all Democrats want to turn our country into a Communist nation, but none of this is true. The first Christians were pure Communists (Acts 4:32-35) and they soon found out it just doesn’t work, for we’re all individuals with our own personal needs, desires and sins. Don’t let the Rat Fuckers make you fear words. Promoting Globalism does not interfere with American sovereignty, for every nation has its place in the world, its own resources to offer as a service to Mankind.

Our concepts of Socialism have evolved since FDR’s New Deal, and its failures and blessings are revealed in each generation, making it necessary to follow our Christian values towards fairness, equity, and justice for all, especially for everyone who’s “the least of these.” Other nations have shown us that Social programs don’t work well in autocratic societies, for they easily turn into fascist dictatorships, wherein “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” But Socialism has worked well in Democratic Republics, with expected kinks in maintaining a fair and equitable system of oversight, both conservative and liberal, to balance the abuses of governance. We learn from others’ mistakes.

Maganuts are sabotaging themselves, for Republicans of good conscience have become our true patriots by reporting the sociopathic nature of this man. As we were recently reminded by one of them, someday he’ll be gone, and many will be left with the shame that they supported him for so long. We must never lose faith in our Criminal Justice system, as government should be an extension of ourselves, for we voice our beliefs and vote for people to represent us in creating laws and doling out federal funds. We must listen to the opinions of others who think differently than we do, being willing to compromise and agree through “majority rules.”

Christ Consciousness encompasses all, accepting and respecting others as beloved brothers or sisters, regardless of color, sex or any other physical appearance, religion or politics. As Messiah Yeshua humbly washed the feet of his talmideem (disciples), even the one who betrayed him, he reminds us that selfless service to others is a primary concern of a good person, especially of a good American. POTUS 45 would never lower himself to cater to any other person, much less wash their feet, unless he made a show of it, to exalt himself.

Our unique individual Gifts are G-D-given, and we each discover how we can use them to fulfill our true selves, also to serve others. Happiness is achieved in the Love and Harmony of Messiah Yeshua, embodiment of Torah, and in having peaceful, loving relations with others, not simply our loved ones, but everyone we encounter. Herein lies Meshiakh’s two-edged sword: Maganuts must dislodge from the Evil chaos of Rat Fucker influence soon, or they will be ostracized as few in history have been.

(Sorry — I’ve used this verse before.) Keep your eyes open, and you will see how the wicked are punished. Psalm 91:8