It’s Human Nature to FEAR — we’re all afraid, and most of the time we fight it off as well as we can. It’s the Animal part of us, the Fight or Flight Response, that we must learn to control, for the Spirit within us has the ability to keep us masters of our own lives. We constantly fear what’s going to happen next to disrupt our world, like what that person’s going to say or do, creating harmony or discord, traumatizing and damaging our psyches, one’s Self Image. We’re all unique individuals, incorporating various psychological defense mechanisms that have proven effective in the past to defend inner Ego or get what we want.
What we need to understand is that we’re each other’s therapists, “there” for each other, for our behavior patterns that develop into habits aren’t often recognized or acknowledged as a problem, but can be understood by others “on the outside, looking in,” who’re compassionate, even empathetic, as one’s good friend. (Walk a mile in my shoes.) Of course, offering unsolicited advice, telling others what they should be doing, is unacceptable. In “being there” for others, we shouldn’t be judgmental, complaining about the choices they make, yet logically making them aware of the options they have, also helping them assess possible harm to oneself or others, stopping them if necessary to prevent harm.
Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) told us we’re to treat every single person we encounter as a beloved brother or sister, as he did, and to use our Gifts in service to others as opportunity arises. Judgement is G-D’s alone, and Karma is a bitch. We can’t tell others how to live their lives — we’re all individuals with choices of Free Will, and it’s no one’s business what we do or say as long as it isn’t hurting another Human Being. Yes, suicide traumatizes others and abortion may be a sin, but the final ONE we must answer to is G-D.
Of course, none of us can live a sinless life, we’re more controlled by our Animal bodies than we admit, with hormones and other bio-chemical fluids influencing our behavior and subsequent relations with others. We’re creatures of habit, and say and do certain things that are characteristic of our personalities, but we change, often by consciously re-programming our bio-computer brains. (Say Jose Silva’s mantra: Every day, in every way, I’m getting better, better, and better.) Our minds are constantly processing the traumas and joys of our lives, making the past more or less influential in our everyday reactions, giving us the confidence to admit mistakes and move on.
We must look to our youth who will be in charge of the world someday, to make the world a better place, not an unhealthy one, environmentally, economically, socially or psychologically. Homo sapiens Human Beings are Children of G-D, by whatever NAME our Creator/Soul Donor is called in Earth’s languages and religions. Most of today’s young people live in Christ Consciousness, aware that Goodness always wins over Evil, that open minds open doors to G-D’s Omniscience, the Science of LIFE, physical and spiritual.
We see our young people today as they stand up for individual liberties and speak out against injustice wherever it appears. They wear many colors, and sometimes it’s hard to decipher whether they’re male or female. What does that matter? Aren’t Angels also both masculine and feminine? Our Imperialistic society, derived from the Colonialism of our European ancestors, has warped America’s Universal Conscious Mind with prejudicial hatreds for many reasons — racial, sexual, political and all the labels that separate us as Human Beings, tools of Evil since the First Days of Mankind. As true American patriots we seek to unite as citizens of our great nation, under G-D, in Whom we trust, yet we keep all religion separate from the running of government.
The American Criminal Justice system may be flawed, but it’s not beyond repair, and we, the American people, soldiers in truth, not deceptions, will find ways of Justice. Yes, individual voting machines can be rigged, but oversight is necessary by representatives from all parties on ballots from each state, district or local government. Within Law Enforcement, particularly the FBI, employees are ordered to act apolitically, not favoring any political party, and most co-workers don’t know one another’s affiliation. Most high level Law Enforcement agencies require psychological testing and even lie detector tests, and an unethical dereliction can be reason for dismissal.
Facts are facts, and there’s no such thing as an alternative fact, for something is true or it’s not. Deceivers trick us with their lies to coerce or intimidate others, in today’s world mostly in revenge for perceived insult. Young people stand up for each other to ensure the “right” thing, so injustice will be revealed for what it is. Most people today really want to do the “right” thing, even if it means leaning philosophically Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, whose labels are becoming expansive. Socially Liberal to Socially Conservative and Fiscally Conservative to Fiscally Liberal — we’re all somewhere in between.
Our youth believe that we adults are to blame for the Chaos in the world, and of course, they’re right, we did vote into office these people that afterwards we may see as charlatans. So we need to speak for ourselves in the Voting Booth, and find solutions by debating our foes, learning to listen, understand, and compromise as to “majority rules” decisions. With all the money flowing into the profits of Mega-corporations, it’s shameful that we can’t afford to pay for free breakfast and lunch for every child in America, whether through school systems or at designated locations. The Hand of G-D is on today’s youth, and even though they disguise themselves and speak Fantasy’s languages, their hearts are true, identifying with each other more harmoniously than in past generations, male and female in equity.
Never equally, for women were designed to have children and men were always the protector and provider of meat, having physical prowess and dominion that set up Patriarchal societies only recently receiving adjustment. Today, many women desire great physical strength or professional power while many men are homebodies, loving to care for and nurture the children. If there’s such a thing as reincarnation of Souls (See Psalm 104:6-9; Psalm 121:8; Matthew 11:14 or Mark 9:11-13) and if there’s residual emotion (memories) from past incarnations, then perhaps we’ve all been male or female at different times. This is, of course, Spiritual conjecture, unable to prove unless we’ve “been there” and certainly not proved factual in the world of Physical Science — yet!
Back to Jose Silva — Say it and your mind will unconsciously program it. “I can’t” is used most often, and the synapses in our brains make corrections as we’ve instructed them. If we spent as much time counting our blessings as we do complaining, we could better control peaceful sanity, and treating others as we want to be treated, accepting them, along with their flaws, is Messiah Yeshua’s greatest wish for us. There’s so much to distract from happiness, but we can refuse the invitations. Revenge should never be an alternative, for anything that harms another Human Being, or even any valuable Lifeform beyond its purpose, must answer by some means of restitution.
So we learn to “Carry on!” In his Letter to the Galatians (5:22), Rav Sha’ul (Paul) wrote that “the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, Self-control.” These things are given in Grace and earned in practice of each of them, to include forgiveness. With endurance comes happiness, and we never know how many blessings we have until we count them. Our greatest Blessing has been the life example and teachings of Messiah Yeshua, the Seventh Spirit of G-D sent to dwell among us here on Earth (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) Who was the Promised Meshiakh to the descendants of Ya’akhov (Jacob), of whom Isaiah spoke as a Light to the Gentiles, whose Kingdom/Realm/Paradise is not of this world, but the Next.
ADDENDUM dated 11-28-23:
When I wrote this Essay, I was inspired by the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song, but today I’m inspired by the life of former First Lady Rosalyn Carter, whose ability to carry on is unmatched by 99% of us. Her Earthly existence is characterized by charity, hope for Human equality and male-female equity, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Her great love for everyone she met gave her the endurance to carry on the Work of Jesus (Yeshua), to show us how to be of service as we can. One of her favorite messages is “God loves you” whoever you are, whether you know Him or not. Rosalyn is truly one of the Great Souls who ever lived on Planet Earth, and she’s “home safe” in the Arms of Messiah Yeshua.