My mother never talked to me about sex until after I was married, and even then it was only surface stuff. When I started my menstrual cycle, she placed pamphlets in my dresser drawer instead of telling me what would happen, but my friends had already told me anyway. She was simply a product of her time, for I’m sure her mother didn’t talk to her about anything either. My maternal grandmother gave me advice after I was married, and that was to simply submit and allow my husband to “do his thing.” Sad that she didn’t know otherwise.

Just like most Animals, we’re born with reproductive organs of Male or Female genders, but as all living things, plants included, we’re more than Physical, we’re also Spiritual. Yet our Spirit Souls were endowed by THEY in Whose IMAGE Human Beings were created (Genesis 1:26-27), making H-S (Havah-Simon) Glorious Omniscience alive within us. DNA Science proves that B’nai A’Dam, Children of First Man and First Woman (Genesis 5:2), mated with other species living around them, THEIR SPIRIT born in their offspring, ITS intensity unchanged in each generation, giving Homo sapiens Knowledge and Power within the Universal Presence of G-D. (Read also Genesis 6:1-4.)

When we’re children, it’s one of our many natural impulses to wish that we were born the opposite sex, feeling the way we do for unique individual reasons, with our personalities evolving as to life’s experiences, our reactions in acceptance or rebellion. Millions are born with genitals of both genders, but they’re usually kept secret in shame by parents and immediate family members. Could this also have a Spiritual connection as well as a physical one? We know that Reincarnation exists through scripture, the Tenakh and the B’rit Hadashah (Psalm 104:6-9, 121:8; 1 Peter 3:19-20, 4:6; Matthew 11:9-14, 17:12 or Mark 1:2-4, 9:12-14 or Luke 1:16, 7:26-27), so have we lived past lives as both male and female? What is within us by Choice and what is Destiny?

Our Human bio-computer brains easily trigger hormones that seek to overpower us, but each of us is alive on Planet Earth for a reason, to become instruments of Truth or Lies, to comfort or to harm others. The more we identify as we choose, we make a personal commitment to know our true selves. It’s no longer simply a chemical testosterone vs. estrogen issue because we all have varying combinations of both hormones, even others as we mature. Testosterone is for bold strength as well as reproduction, yet some women have developed physical abilities to rival most males, and some are ambitious business tycoons. Increased estrogen may even aid parenting skills. Marriage laws have changed because love is love and commitment is commitment.

Masculinity is sorely over-rated and outdated, but is necessary for physical battles, yet real Human strength is of Character, not muscle. Femininity was exaggerated and exploited until the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 60’s, and generations of women have changed the definitions for femininity. As we’re evolving from our past Patriarchal norms, some males accuse women of emasculation, yet those whose Egos aren’t threatened by societal expectations have welcomed role changes. We’re becoming more rational, with families more realistic, and although both Right and Left Social Extremes often promote Evil ways, we each have traits of biological and spiritual male and female.

Of course, our Bible has several references implying that males should not have sex with other males, and while many argue these laws were for procreation purposes, others say that translations and interpretations have been lost through the centuries. America’s three largest religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are based on the laws for desert tribes wandering for 40 years as a city of various humanity (descendants of Jacob and intermarrying bloodlines). It’s written in Deuteronomy 22:11 that you shouldn’t wear two types of fabric together, but that isn’t the only law which is significantly archaic. Did you ever notice that there are no laws written for the sexual behavior of females beyond infidelity with a male outside of marriage?

THEY gave us G-D’s Omniscience to bring out Science of the Spirit, for G-D is not only Biology but Chemistry, Mathematics, and even Astronomy. It’s the Science of Personal Relations, Psychology and related studies, that helps us realize that any harm to another person, any dishonesty, spurs Negative Energy within us and around us, crying to be set free to commit Evil acts. Of course, Human perception of Evil also lies within each person’s psyche, but the Truth of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), that we love one another as he loved us, free of all prejudices, is a Promise for Everlasting Paradise.

Yeshua told us that there’s no marriage in Heaven, for our coupling is Spiritual, more fulfilling than anything we’ve had on Earth, united with others from our past lives in the Heart of G-D’s LOVE. If there was ever any real Sin taught by my Baby Boomer generation then it was promiscuity, for infidelity became popular in the 60’s, making “swingers” of some, and many of us sought blatant “sex for sex’s sake.” It became mechanical, and we performed, even when we didn’t know anything about our sexual partner beyond surface representations. The flagrant openness we taught our children nearly destroyed them, with sexually transmitted diseases becoming more prevalent, but it gave their children a more realistic impression of sexuality, for they see our mistakes, and as they awaken to adulthood, most are wise in their choice of partners.

Today’s youth describe themselves with many labels, but in past generations, people were considered and forced to be either heterosexual or homosexual, with common sense realization of Human sexuality making the concept and the term “bi-sexual” to become popular by the early 70’s. Gender Identity is within ourselves, and has little to do with Sexual Orientation, which varies from asexual to pansexual or omnisexual. The latest non-binary “they-them” generation is rebelling against society’s strict expectations, seeking to be recognized as both (or neither) male and female, perhaps even as we’ll be in Heaven. But people are people, and we’re more apt to accept someone’s sexual identity when they’re just being themselves, however we see ourselves.

In Matthew 19:12 Yeshua explained to his talmideem (disciples) the reasons why men don’t marry — because they’ve been castrated, made so by one’s fellow Man, because they weren’t born with the desire, or because they chose celibacy for monasterial purposes. Being born with no desire is perhaps as spiritual as it is physical, with each of us attaining a unique distribution in balance or imbalance of estrogen and testosterone, yet controlled by the continually developing psychological defense mechanisms of one’s personality. With all the Media exposure to today’s youth, there are many choices to make, but the bottom line for us all is: Will the world be a better place because we were here? Will it matter to Almighty G-D whether one was male or female?

Studies seem to prove that most people who transfer gender, whether by dress or surgically, are happier, more satisfied with their lives than in their past, although most are made to feel ashamed and humiliated. I firmly believe that children shouldn’t be altered surgically until adulthood, age 18, at which time we’re eligible to vote, enter the Armed Forces, and attain other privileges and responsibilities of citizenship. Science proves that most Human cognitive brain cells don’t reach maturity until sometime between ages 22 and 33, and one’s psyche is constantly changing, often due to circumstances in life over which we have no control.

To summarize, in our first 18 years or so of life, we can easily convince ourselves that we’d rather not be the sex we were born with, but we must remember that birth sex is the one the Karmic Universe gave us. John of Patmos, beloved talmid of Yeshua, wrote in Revelation 22:2 that the Tree of LIFE yields12 different kinds of fruit, one each month, the basis of Astrology to ingrain one’s personality at the moment of birth, with each of us re-programming Conscious Awareness of the Here and Now through our choices, that which is of Free Will. Within this concept, if our youth were meant to prove to the world that sexual inequity is unjust, then G-D’s Universe has come to the right generation. Separate sexual identity is part of the physical world, but in the Spiritual Realm all genders are present, united in the Love of Messiah’s Eternal Ecstasy.