In writing these Essays, I find myself repeating the same phrases and Bible verses, especially those that leapt out at me while I was looking for an answer or simply something interesting to read. (Please excuse occasional alliteration.) One by one, the Spirit revealed Jewish history, beginning with the fact that our Creator gave First Man and First Woman H-S HOLY SOUL. From the “dust of the Earth” they were creatures of the flesh and blood of the Animal Kingdom — Vertebrate, Mammal, Primate, Homo sapiens — having organs and systems akin to other animals. Yet we were created separately from the World of LIFE in THEIR IMAGE (Genesis 1:26-27) by the Knowledge of H-S Omniscience, the Science of G-D. All Human females distribute the mitochondrial DNA of First Woman (Havah), being our connection to the Universe of Christ Consciousness, Eternal LOVE’s complete Awareness, and the males of our species extend seven-fold our genetic characteristics within seven main DNA haplogroups that reflect the Beauty of Mother Nature.

DNA thereby proves that there’s no such thing as RACE, for we’re from one family and one tribe, Forces of Evil driving us apart from the Beginning. Our genes make up our differences, curly or straight hair, dark or light skin, height and weight, and the concept of race developed because the Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3) brought jealousy, hatred and other reasons for separating Human Beings. As previously discussed, darker people were affected by the sun and humidity, while “cavemen” stayed in caves and avoided the sun, also being covered to protect from the cold. No contact with the sun decreased the amount of melanin in the skin, so blondes likely evolved within the same time frame as browner people. But we’re all the same, descendants of those two and their children who’d apparently mated with lesser Homo species, yet were given the Spirit of G-D in the Souls of Mankind, that which passes from generation into generation unaltered, of the same presence and intensity.

Souls reflect one’s psyche, highly individualized personalities imprinted at the moment of birth, with each month of the Sun giving out one of twelve different kinds of “fruit” falling from the Tree of Life as described in Revelation 22:2. But the Universe of G-D is more highly complex than we can imagine, offering various character traits as to Astronomical positions in our solar system that spark one’s own personal moment in time, Magnetic Science giving us our unique Astrology. As we pass from childhood into adulthood, we find out things about ourselves that we want to hone and the behaviors we avoid, making conscious or unconscious changes to our personalities as we choose or as forced upon us.

No two people are alike, even twins or other multiple births, for within minutes one’s Ascendant shifts, being our second-most influential Astrological sign after the Sun. We also can’t rely upon those who read the signs and predict the future, for few have a real Gift, and will profess that the Spirit of Love gives them a heart to serve, even to heal. There are many deceivers, and we must not question the Will of G-D, for all Karma is in H-S Hands. So also is Redemption, for even Evil ones placed behind a physical barrier so they couldn’t reincarnate to live on Earth among us (Psalm 104:6-9) were shown Resurrection of Souls into Eternal Life in Messiah Yeshua (1 Peter 3:18b-20; 4:5-6). But don’t worry, for G-D will protect our “going out and coming in” (Psalm 121:8).

Of course, my primary motivation in writing my blogs isn’t to present what I consider Spiritual theory that I think is likely true, for we won’t find out about that Realm until we’re physically there, but to proclaim Messiah Yeshua as the Savior to the world, the Straight Path to Paradise, as the Great Prophet Muhammad called him. G-D, called El-Ah in Hebrew as the G-D of AvRaham, or by whatever Name HE’s known in all of Earth’s languages, sent H-S Spirit to live among us in flesh seven times, as noted in Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; and 5:6, to guide us and teach us. The Jew named Yeshua ben Yusef of Natzeret is the Seventh Spirit, H-S last Human incarnation, Alpha to Omega ONE and the same.

John Lennon wrote in his words to “Imagine” that the world would be better if there were no religion, and he has a good point, for organized religions have competed with each other in injustice and inhumane atrocities for thousands of years. Jews were easy victims, their economic intelligence causing jealousy and covetousness, their godly teachings trusting others to be as honest as they, having forgiving natures, but Evil has influenced many to see kindness as weakness. If there were no religion, there would’ve been fewer wars, but John’s message is that our main Gift is Spirituality, having a Soul of Love for one’s fellow Human Being, full of compassion, accepting of others, especially those less fortunate than ourselves or labeled by society as sinners.

I was reminded of John’s lyrics once again — “Imagine there’s no Heaven” and “no Hell below us” — when watching a movie about Carlton Pearson, a Black Pentecostal preacher who said that everyone goes to Heaven when they die, a concept that shook 20th Century religion. I believe he was right, but instead of calling that sacred place Heaven, I prefer to call it a Well of Souls. It’s like the Catholic Purgatory, where we exist in a nearby Realm, being all-seeing and all-knowing the lives we left behind, also being a place of Regret and Resolution. (Look for podcasts by Tyler Henry.) I believe that there’s a Heaven and a Hell, and I believe in the death of the physical Soul in hellfire, but that will not be determined until the Fateful Day when all Human Beings are called to account for ourselves. We can call Heaven the place Messiah Yeshua is preparing for us, somewhere out in the Universe of LIFE. (Neil Young’s silver spaceship always comes to my mind.)

Yes, the Bible speaks against homosexuality, but there’s recent discussion of a rumor that the original Greek text said “man shall not lie with boy,” not man. The English word “abomination” also was mistranslated into ancient Greek from a Hebrew word meaning “a no-no.” In the Beginning of our Time on Earth, procreation was the most important thing, but homosexuality has always existed, especially in other animals, representing what is hormonally natural. “Be fruitful and multiply,” was HaShem’s Great Commandment, and HE (HavahEzra) blesses us in doing so. Note that there are no scriptural sexual rules for women beyond adultery, having sex with a man one’s not married to.

Messiah Yeshua answered the question “Why do some men choose not to marry?” by saying some are “born without the desire” (Matthew 19:12). He asks that we not judge others because of Earthly traits, but to accept everyone we encounter with Brotherly/Sisterly Love. For centuries, treatment of homosexuals in Christian countries was cruel and unjust, and even today some Muslim sects require a death sentence. Gender is often indistinguishable in our present world, and it’s not as important who we love as how we love, committing ourselves to one another’s well-being and happiness with faithful devotion. Yeshua said that there’ll be no marriage in Heaven, but I think we’ll be who we are, yet sinless, taken to Paradise as Angels, all gender, all color, all harmony.

With all the Love we’ve attempted to spread throughout Planet Earth, we continue to harm one another, and especially egregious are psychological abuses that are revealed in prejudices against people for their appearance, gender, color or size, their religion, political beliefs, wealth, popularity or any other man-made reason. G-D’s Universal Conscious Mind lives within us, for both David and Yeshua remind us that we’re Gods (Psalm 82:5; John 10:34-35). As we learn to count our blessings, we’re given more, adding signs of G-D’s Love for us. In the Awareness of Christ Consciousness we trust and become trustworthy, forgive and are forgiven, treating each other as beloved friend or family, even as the WORD of Noakh’s Covenant guides us.

As fulfillment of Torah, modern Messianic Jewish liturgy calls Messiah Yeshua “the full radiance of G-D’s Glory and the flawless manifestation of H-S Reality,” adding that “HE sustains all things by H-S Powerful WORD.” The WORD Spoke to the Prophets, being a Holy MESSAGE, not a Spirit per se, and especially not a book, which may contain a WORD. Yeshua is Isaiah’s Light to the Gentiles (goyim — non-Jews), living up to his name as Salvation for the whole world, for he’ll be known in every nation and town. (Note: The Hebrew word for Salvation is Yeshua, and we can hear it often in traditional Jewish liturgy, particularly the Amidah.) The Great Prophet Isaiah foretold many things about the coming Meshiakh that proved true in Yeshua’s life, and was right when he said that all Mankind should “go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the House of the God of Ya’akhov (Jacob, renamed Isra’el)” (Isaiah 2:3), for Yeshua will teach us H-S Ways, and we’ll follow H-S Paths into righteousness and redemption.