78- Hodgepodge: More Politics Than Religion

Today’s politics cause many to fear loss of our basic Human rights, while some fear gender modulation, racial integration, and immigrants of foreign countries. Deceivers warn us not to befriend any of them, and lead people to believe that “they’re all alike,” hostile and dangerous, when the percentage of evil ones is the same in every group of people, potentially alive in each of us. First they instill fear (“You won’t have a country anymore!”), then enticement (“I’m the only one who can help you.”), also leading us to believe that this truth can convince us of that lie by connecting our thoughts and concepts. They try to elicit a response to victimize themselves, wickedness revealing itself in vile overtones, harsh words, sadistic and cruel. Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) loved everyone he encountered, and he held no vengeance within him, forgiving even those who mocked and killed him.

Maganuts worship him as Savior, but who believes that anyone is Christ-like when they bully others and blatantly declare themselves righteous, denying any wrong-doing when accused of a mountain of evidence? POTUS 45 was recorded saying that he’s never had a need to pray, but Messiah Yeshua continually prayed. No one can be a bearer of Love and Peace (Sar Shalom– Prince of Peace) if vengeful, boldly intimidating and unforgiving, making enemies of all who show opposition to his will, so Self-absorbed as to have any empathy or humility, that which filled Yeshua. The Media-enhanced idolatry of dt began in the tabloids and spread into our living rooms with entertainment that scintillated with charming humor, yet having an underlying rancor that tantalized and captured our thirst for worldly satisfactions. Post-Sopranos, overweight, emphatic men like him were in style. People enjoyed his satiric rhetoric, reminiscent of Mafia mentality, and made excuses for his debauchery — a man of his time.

First came the fame that led many to admire him, his smirk showing sexual, self-confident charisma, but as the years passed, his words changed, beginning with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue, which we scoffed at as conceited rambling, then souring us after hearing the Hollywood Access tape. But the Maganuts remained faithful, especially those pro-Klan, being blind to his ways promoting violence and revenge for perceived enemies, causing weak minds and perverted psyches to threaten death to those who oppose him. But to be politically fair, the man who shot Senator Scalise was Far-Left, his mind as twisted as anyone with intent to kill. Evil performs well in every genre of Humanity. (Note: Right before publishing, I watched the assassination attempt on dt, and while I detest the level of violence in America today, he instigated much of it.)

Yet dt represents a mere symptom of the presence of a Spirit of Evil at work in all of us, not a source or cause of its effect, only a facilitator who’s destined to speak falsehoods and lead people into estrangement from one other. This Aura didn’t suddenly appear but has existed since the Children of First Man and Woman inhabited Planet Earth, killing one another and driving families apart. Modern Media chose Rush Limbaugh to foster its growth, for he was quite adept at speaking truth and distorting it with lies. (Alternate facts?) Now that he’s gone, having admitted to opiate addiction, we wonder that his banter was warped in esoteric fantasies, designed to bring doubts to true reality.

POTUS 45 is a Master Manipulator who paid and likely bribed to have his propaganda reported in the news, and his projections onto others of his own character and current situation became increasingly obvious. (i.e. If Hillary was so corrupt, then why couldn’t his loyal Justice Department ever charge her with anything?) Cabinet members and other White House staff began to tell the truth about him, what he did and what he said, and he fired, then ostracized, often slandering, every one of them. He claims that everyone is wrong except him, and are evil, “the worst” on record, “never seen before” in history — because his Ego has taken over his sanity. I encourage everyone to look at his past court history, for more people have sued him or accused him of a crime than is reasonable and acceptable by any moral, patriotic standard, especially for someone in a position of power.

How many of his former employees and supporters went to jail or were disbarred for continuing his lies, especially beloved former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani? Talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones may have to liquidate his assets in order to pay the judgement for a lawsuit brought by the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims. Jones repeatedly announced that the event was invented by fake media to promote stricter gun laws, and he stuck to his story years after the funerals for twenty children and six adults were over. But in a custody battle with his wife, he had to admit that he was only a showman, that he really didn’t mean most of the things he said to rile the public. These clowns play games to promote distrust in our institutions and system of government, and today Steve Bannon is a king of untruth.

Anarchy lies the real Deep State that was dug by the RF’s (Rat-Fuckers) created after the Goldwater craze, nurtured and utilized by the Nixon Administration, then were entrenched by those using Reagan’s popularity to increase corporate profits by lowering their tax rates, all under the concept of “trickle-down” economics. In the 1980’s, Republicans discredited labor unions and allowed businesses to slow down salary increases and additional employee benefits, to eliminate profit-sharing programs and market share cost-matching, and then they padded their pockets with personal wealth by inventing more tax loop-holes. Of course, big-money Democrats consented and benefited also, but the RF mentality churned ahead, from drug deals to gun sales, publicly in the Iran-Contra fiasco, wherein Reagan’s henchmen violated Congressional authority by buying guns from Iran and selling them to Nicaraguan rebels. Many military and intelligence officers were used and corrupted by greedy, ruthless men of power. To again be politically fair, illegal guns found in Mexico and Central or South American countries were provided during both Democrat and Republican Administrations, for Evil thrives on.

Of course, the Grand-daddy of today’s RF’s is Roger Stone, a left-over from the youth of the Nixon Era who worked his way through his own corruptions, his reputation growing in recent Steve Bannon years. After his business partner’s death in 2012, Bannon operated the network he and Andrew Breitbart founded in 2007, but he changed it from creative, comical Conservative satire to Right Wing political theater that promoted misinformation to cause discord, chaos and distrust. There’s a lot wrong in government, but one’s voice should be suggesting how to fix it, not to dismantle it completely. Bannon’s War Room monologues continue to spew lies with indignant vitriol, and if Joe Biden is corrupt, if there’s a Biden Crime Family like the Trump Crime Family, with many cohorts in prison, then let’s all see the evidence — not simply supposition and innuendo. POTUS 45 inherently believes everyone’s as corrupt as he is.

Paul Manafort was a main connection to Russia in 2016, never explaining the reasons why he gave American voter information to Russian government officials (it’s on film), because it’s “deny, deny, deny” anyway. Steven Miller orchestrated edicts as the master-mind for brutal anti-immigration tactics, causing fear and hatred of foreigners with ever-increasing violent vengeance. Steve Bannon promoted the “it’ll be wild” call to January 6 rioters, and he encouraged his sycophants to elicit invitations to Maganuts to protest losing their beloved leader, to secure the 2020 election for him “by any means possible” like the strongmen of his generation. Now, he’s in prison for four months for Contempt of Congress, and eventually must face the public to account for his actions, but unfortunately there’re no cameras in Federal Courtrooms. dt pardoned Stone, Manafort and Bannon for their federal crime convictions, but they appear subject to new charges, both federal and state.

Until recent polarization, most federal and state employees didn’t know their co-workers’ political affiliation, and they still aren’t allowed to campaign for a candidate or political party while on the job. Too many law-enforcement agents were corrupt in past years, but Evil exists in every organization and even in every person, yet everyone will be called to account in the Courts of this life or the next. In Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, Messiah Yeshua said that if someone sues us, make things right as soon as possible, paying any restitution due, and if we argue with our brother or sister, quickly find peace. These guys and gals in Congress who spew venom back and forth are simply pawns of the Forces that invite karma into the poetic justice of the Wrath or Grace of G-D.

Pride goes before a fall, and arrogance before failure. Better to be humble among the poor than share the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19

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1 Comment

  1. Jessica Barrios

    You’re so amazing mom!! So proud to be your daughter. You rock!