With all the BS we’ve dealt with in the last year — covid-19 circumstances, social injustice, destructive, dehumanizing rhetoric from every direction — it’s hard to tabulate the many ways Americans have suffered, and other nations of the world have undergone tremendous upheaval. Mental health problems are more common than viral infections, and likely more intense, traumatic, lasting far beyond any long-term physical effects, but G-D, our Universal Spirit of Life Creator/Soul Donor, resolves all. We’re each on Earth for a purpose, even innocent ones whose lives end far too soon in tragedy, although it’s not for Human Beings to understand Karmic reasoning.

The United States of America was designed and destined to be a “melting pot” for the world, a home for people of other nations seeking freedom of religion or political belief, also simply welcoming those wanting a new life away from their own country. Our Constitution begins with three words, “We the people,” that document written by the White men we saw in our elementary school history books, but the ever-evolving Media changed the image of ourselves, making us aware how Americans look different, behave differently, and come from every culture and station of life. As we learn more about people in the cities and countryside of our sacred Union, “We the people” often takes on a convoluted meaning, for there are some who refuse to accept others as fellow Americans, “everyone a neighbor” as Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) explained, who we’re to treat as beloved brothers and sisters, who we’re to love as we love ourselves.

Separation of Church and State is foundational to our democracy, for no religion should ever enact civil or criminal law. Neither should any organized religious group mandate or intimidate its members towards political action. As practitioners of Freedom of Speech, each person’s opinion is perceived as valuable as one’s individual persona portrays, yet Messiah Yeshua told us not to judge anyone, allowing Evil to reveal its own falseness. Most of us are liberal in some ways and conservative in others, also Democrat for some reasons or Republican for others, but we agree that G-D, the Great Universal Life Force, is not any one religion, and we uphold “IN GOD WE TRUST” on all our currency and on most Federal buildings.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived for three main reasons as the consummate American martyr and prophet. His primary purpose was to spread G-D’s Love for all Human Beings of Planet Earth, and his secondary goal was the Message of Universal Brotherhood as personified by Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiakh), who sacrificed his Human body for Salvation of our Souls. The Spirit of Brotherhood has all color, all gender, and all harmony, and as individuals we’re known by the content of our character. Yet it was his third ideal that dominated most of his sermons — the care, nurturing and uplifting of the poor and needy.

A humble yet brave Man of Peace, Dr. King was more closely aligned with Democrats, but he was conservative in many things, a devout Christian who spoke Yeshua’s words and attempted to exemplify his acceptance of others regardless of their differences. If we’re to exist as good Americans we must find ways to take care of and educate those less fortunate than ourselves. His messages continue to awaken the Conscious Awareness of true American patriotism, which has no one cultural or religious distinction, but respects and honors everyone. His words for “all G-D’s Children” will live in perpetuity as much as we know the words of ancient Greek philosophers or Asian monks.

There are many reasons why someone is needy — economically, physically or psychologically — especially during this pandemic, and too many of us have experienced pitfalls at some time in our lives, occasionally needing “outside” help. It’s concerning that our American Black population has a reputation for cheating welfare and government-assistance programs because an equal percentage of Whites has done the same, and it’s especially disturbing because the idea reeks heavily of personal racism that overflows into various government and social systems. In the past year, 2020, we saw evidence of systemic racism, from blatant police brutality to fewer initial Covid-19 vaccination sites for Blacks and lower income communities, and on the Christian Epiphany of 2021 we witnessed and understood the prejudice and hatred that lay dormant for years.

In spite of the disappointments and horrors of the last year, various Media sources have shown how we serve one another with our individual Gifts and abilities, especially in our medical fields, yet even on basic levels “people helping people” reveals our common goals, our similarities, uniting us as Americans and citizens of the world. We look for positive ways to help people, doing good deeds (mitzvahs), celebrating our diverse cultures, not harboring negativity or doubting the Power of Love, and we reject corruption, justifying equitable government in the name of all Americans, its purpose to heal our Souls.

We’ve been blind too long to G-D’s Love for us as the Human Race, for we’re one DNA family, Homo sapiens in the ONE Spirit of G-D. What can it hurt us to exist, and even thrive, as one family again, to fulfill the Promise of America as a nation that welcomes the world to join us in our diversity? As we respect and befriend one another, acknowledging and honoring our differences, we find we can work together, regardless of Republican, Democrat or any other political designation, to resolve all inequities and create systems that work well for everyone, especially children, the elderly, the poor and downtrodden among us, as Messiah Yeshua ordained.

But the needy HE raises up from distress and increases their families like [flocks of] sheep. When the upright see this, they rejoice, while the wicked are reduced to silence. Let whoever is wise observe these things, and consider G-D’s Loving Deeds. Psalm 107:41-43