Too many of us have been in frequent manic-depressive states in the last year, even the most patient and forbearing of us having signs of personal resilience worn thin. The disharmony invading the world around us is either acceptable or unacceptable to one’s psyche — a little of both — and we must balance it out if we’re to achieve sanity, or even any happiness in our lives. So, along with all the fear and Negative Energy in our environment, I believe that a powerful Positive Consciousness has emerged that explains G-D’s Cosmic Design. DNA Science has revealed the discovery of the Beauty Quark, offering the Human Race an open door to the Truth of the Universe and Life on Planet Earth.

Our youth grew up amid threats of terrorism from multiple directions, and, as we all did, they found escape and solace in visual entertainment. G-D surely knew when to allow us these inventions, for the Internet absorbed it all — music, movies, news, fun and games — just in time for this pandemic isolation from the world that we knew. Some of the things our children see are not age-appropriate, providing avenues for trauma, with much behavior today likely horrifying our ancestors one hundred years ago. Many of us will need mental health therapy in the years to come, but whether today’s Media is good or bad is subject for debate, for our perceptions are guided by the opinions of others, deceivers or otherwise. Everybody’s got one, right?

Justice is too often evasive. How do we place a value on someone’s life, and who are we to judge another’s sins? Our sins are as any other individual person, for even evil thoughts are evidence of malware. Our brains are bio-computers, and scientists agree that our minds contain the Universe’s Greatest Secret, greater than any mathematical puzzle among the stars. Albert Einstein said that to discover the origins of Life on Earth and our connection to the Universe, we must “read the Mind of G-D,” but in his time it was fashionable for “men of science” to be atheistic or agnostic, existential, with Man at the center of everything, not some gray-bearded father figure.

But Einstein was right if his theory of the Einstein Rosen Bridge is more spiritual than physical, for the complex Human mind biologically has something scientists call the G-D Particle, a subatomic quark of a living cell. All lifeforms, plants and animals alike, even some viruses which may be both, have a Divine Spark of Energy, while the Spirits within Human Beings make us Gods, as David wrote in Psalm 82:6 and Yeshua (Jesus) confirmed in John 10:34-35. A’Dam, male and fe-male (Genesis 5:2) Homo sapiens, were created in Their Image (Genesis 1:26-27), the Presence of G-D’s Soul being the bridge between our physical and mental states of being.

Stephen Hawking did much to advance the “string theory” of Life, only to conclude that there exists a “higher vibrating string” yet to be discovered. In studying DNA, scientists found cell unifications, and in comparison to all other living cells there was one deviation they could not find. On a physical level, this new discovery is called the Beauty Quark, for it’s as beautiful as it is perfect. On a Spiritual level, my theory echoes Einstein, the G-D Particle in both Realms, Nature and Soul, not to be seen under a microscope or on a computer screen, but found in the Hearts of Human Beings, in our connections with others, even with all living things.

We’re unique creatures, receiving Astrological characteristics at birth that offer a roadmap to personality development, but from birth each of us discards or nurtures these basic traits as our surroundings and experiences formulate. Every moment of every day of our lives is permanently imprinted upon our bio-computer brains, and even deeply repressed instances can be retrieved through hypnosis or some trauma. Personal psychological defense mechanisms must protect Self-image, the natural Ego through which we function, and can alter personality. Babies develop their manipulations to achieve their needs and desires, and we carry many of these, altering them as we grow into adulthood.

As individual as we are, there is ONE G-D Who is Source of LIFE on our planet, a Cosmic Force which encompasses every living thing, from generation to generation never to diminish in presence and strength, the Omnipresence and Omnipotence of our Creator. Yet in Mankind we find H-S (Havah-Simon) Omniscience, the Science of G-D Almighty, Who gave us knowledge of medicine, technology, and every aspect of scientific study through Their Soul, through the Beauty Quark, that “higher vibrating string” of the Spiritual as well as the physical entity.

I AM is called many Names, as HaShem, THE NAME, in all the world’s religions and languages, even those considered pagans, who honor the Gods of our ancestors and their influences in our daily lives, but G-D, our Universal Karmic Life Creator is ONE and the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow, our bridge between the Physical and Spiritual Realms. G-D sent Their Spirit seven times to live among us on Planet Earth (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Sevenfold Meshiakh, Alpha to Omega, last embodied in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), life’s ultimate Salvation, in Whose Soul the G-D Particle, the Beauty Quark, shines brightly, G-D’s Light to the world (Isaiah 42:6; 49:6; 51:4).

Those who don’t believe in me (Yeshua) and don’t accept what I have to say have a Judge — the WORD that I have Spoken — the same will judge them on the Last Day. John 12:48