Most of us have lived the past year in real FEAR, and many sources in modern Media incite more! There’s so much to fear — death from Covid-19 or other contagion, decrease in income, increase in debt, and isolation from those we hug regularly, even social acquaintances. The French and some other cultures habitually kiss one another on each cheek, likely a remnant of their Catholic and original Protestant roots adhering to the instruction of Rav Shaul (Rabbi Paul) within the Brotherhood of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), accepting everyone as a beloved brother or sister and greeting them with a kiss, yet respecting another’s customs as a symbol of G-D’s Love. Elbow and fist bumping replaced handshakes and hugs, and smiles hide behind masks blocking the friendliness of our hearts.

The brotherly love and kindness of our Humanity caused Christ Consciousness to spread through this pandemic, as evidenced by our initial reactions of virtual camaraderie and our constant, daily, visible praise of those in service to others, so much so that we rang bells and beat on pots to psychically say “Thank you! I love you!” There were too many natural disasters during this pandemic — fires, hurricanes, tornados, excessive cold and disastrous heat — but we’ve remained strong, helping one another through the tragedies of this modern world, not simply standing up for one another, but giving material goods to those in need, giving of ourselves as to our Gifts and abilities, bonding us as good Americans.

But this Positive Media blitz caused the Forces of Evil to fight back harder. All at once there are more mass murders, excessive gun violence, people acting out violently and hurting other people. An Aura of Chaos is sweeping through America and around the world, fueled by sweet words masking vengeance and deceiving us through FEAR. Autocrats are flexing their muscles in our faces, infiltrating and twisting our psyches with lies and innuendo, threatening democratic republics such as our own with annihilation. Egoists blame others for their shortcomings, and they accuse innocents of wrongdoing, also projecting their behaviors upon others, thinking everyone is as corrupt as they are. Even we “average” Americans are absorbing Negative Energies through Media that spews a Spirit of Discord (Anti-Christ, 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3) to run rampant among us, making us fearful of others in intangible prejudices, helping us formulate outlandish theories of “What if?” and teasing us with confusions of fantasy or fact.

There will be a day of reckoning, each of us accountable in measure for the love and hate that we have for others, for the peace we sow or slay. As Christians who are good Americans, we must banish harmfulness from our behavior in faith that G-D resolves all inequities with H-S (Havah-Simon) Justice, Mankind occasionally losing battles but ultimately winning the wars of G-D’s Goodness. Karmic Judgement lies within each one of us, based upon our relations with others, and in the power of Christ’s courage and humility we prayerfully seek to balance and to compensate for any harm we cause with personal contributions to H-S WORD, the ONE to judge us all (John 12:47-48), Seven-in-ONE Messiah (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6). Seven Spirits of our Almighty Living Universe were sent to live among us on Planet Earth for our Enlightenment, the seventh and last of Alpha to Omega embodied in the Human Being Yeshua ben Yusef, a Jewish male born over 2000 years ago in the Roman province of Palestine, whose English name is Jesus, meaning Salvation in Hebrew.

This Jew was sent as Meshiakh, the True Messenger, to his own people, and they will recognize him in the end, olam haba, but his teachings are the basis of Christianity, a new religion in Renewed Covenant, the “other flock” he foretold. Yeshua taught the rabbis of his own religion, often shaming them, in order to strengthen their faith, showing them the treasures of Torah to match their psychological progression — no longer being of desert tribes, but continuing to honor regulation over compassion. He knew they would treat him as they did the Prophets, but it was his destiny to die so we can live forever.

Anyone who considers themselves a Christian should never be anti-Semitic, for Jewish values are the roots of our faith, but the Evil ones of the Dark Ages blamed them for killing their Messiah, not recognizing that their Path was already sanctified and assured. Anti-Semitism grew out of jealousy and greed for G-D’s continued favor of them, as many became bankers and other successful businessmen. Our Messiah is to be found in many religions on this planet, being also The Way, ONE Sevenfold Spirit of G-D. In true Jewish form, Yeshua tells us to love everyone as we love ourselves, defying any harm to another person or even any living thing beyond its purpose.

As Christians, we’re built strong, base-upwards in the Spirit honored by Jews before us and Muslims afterwards, all in the Covenant of AvRaham validated by Moses, and as we commit ourselves to unseen acts of kindness and charity, doing all in LOVE, we know our Final Reward is the Ecstasy of Paradise, where Harmony and Joy reign free. NO FEAR must start with us, and be strengthened by us as we respect everyone we encounter, even welcoming strangers into our homes, for thereby we may entertain Angels, yet if one proves untrustworthy, they may leave in peace. Good Christians are patient, kind to others, seeking to live with every happiness possible, and standing together united for equity among the sexes and nationalities, acknowledging that, as different as we look, we are One Race of Human Beings alive on Planet Earth, proved by DNA Science. America, the melting pot of the world, was destined in Divine Grace to become a window into the Glorious Realm of G-D as New Man/Wo-Man.

The isolation and anxieties of the past year can bring us together or tear us apart, even as we choose to accept or reject the effects of Negative Energies in our everyday lives. Conscience is the crux of Conscious Awareness, for as we acknowledge our failures and shortcomings, El Shaddai provides confidence in strength of character. When I started this Essay I intended to speak to Christian Wo-Men alone, for we’re a majority in America and many western nations, and we’ve lived under the thumbs of males too long, but now I purposefully wish to include everyone in the world, male and fe-male alike, regardless of culture, religion or distinctive physical characteristic.

LOVE your enemies. Find ways to serve others. Do good to those who use you or abuse you, even as Messiah Yeshua instructed us, whether they are spiteful or simply negligent, whether they strike out at you in revenge or for their own Self-aggrandization. If we’re truly good American patriots, we will respect everyone and honor those who prove trustworthy. We’re all conservative in some things and liberal in other ways, each of us in varying degrees, and most of us desire to leave this world a better place than we found it. We simply disagree as to how this can be achieved, but we’re not enemies. “We can work it out! Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.” (Beatles)

The Spirit of Evil in the world taunts us and ravages us, but in the Goodness of Meshiakh, we’re stronger. All Lifeforms, animals and plants alike, are electrified in the Spark of G-D’s Omnipresence and Omnipotence, Homo sapiens further enhanced by H-S Omniscience. Even as we’re washed in the Blood of the Pesakh lamb, we’re awash in the Science of the Truthful Universe, making us truly ONE People as Children of HaShem, by whatever Name our Creator is called in all the world’s languages and religions.

And the WORD was made flesh, and lived among us, and we beheld his Shekinah, the Glorious Spirit of the Father’s unique Son, full of Grace and Truth. John 1:14