Don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or drink, what you’ll wear, nothing for your body. Isn’t life more valuable than food, and your body worth more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air — they don’t plant, harvest, or gather food into barns, but our Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than them? Can any of you, by worrying, add one hour to your life?

Why be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t weave or sew, but even Solomon in all his splendor wasn’t as beautiful as one of them. So if G-D clothes the grasses of the fields, there today but tomorrow burned by fires, will HE [Havah Ezra] not clothe you better? Why do you have such little trust?

Don’t be anxious about what you’ll eat or drink or what you’ll wear, for your Heavenly Father knows your needs. Think first about the Realm of G-D and H-S [Havah-Simon] righteousness, and all things will be given to you. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. We have enough Evil to deal with today.

Matthew 6:25-31

Of course, Yeshua’s words resounded through the Jesus Freak Movement of the Hippie Generation in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, but Life proved that we must make plans for our future, for the luxuries of living as well as economic emergencies. But the pendulum swung back far away into a Gordon Gekko-like Yuppie world of Self-gratification and ostentation, making us believe that we must have the best and the greatest of everything, to revel as the center of everyone’s attention. Various Media give us channels for success, but also reveal life’s hardships and heartaches.

As the new “under 30” crowd, I urge you to listen to those who were once there, for although our joys and traumas were different, the results will be similar. Somewhere between the hopeful excess and rebellious nature of youth voiced by Aristotle, Socrates and Plato and today’s world, Human Beings didn’t change much through the centuries, and as you shock your elders, your children will also shock you. In short, many of the debaucheries of each generation become acceptable behaviors in the next, until at last some great upheaval reverts civilization back to simpler times, of love, of families. In many ways, the recent Covid pandemic presented a reset button for our American Self-Image, how each of us can attain the American Dream for happiness and self-sufficiency.

Yet in progressions there are periods of regression, often through violent means, and it’s popular among us to say that creation must begin with destruction, but the Constitution of the United States of America and its necessary Amendments uphold the basics of Human rights, freedoms and responsibilities. When it becomes necessary to enact Federal law that equitably covers everyone, then the ones who represent us must agree in reasonable compromise. As we express our views in public discussions and as we vote, we will know value in the Power of One and be justified by conscience.

As Americans, we adhere to the motto IN GOD WE TRUST, which is found on our currency and on most Federal buildings, even though one’s concept of G-D will vary from person to person, for G-D, our Universal LIFE Creator, is not any one religion. We’re endowed with certain freedoms, the pursuit of happiness foremost among them. Unless one is judged unworthy in public courts, we can live where we want and be employed wherever our talents and wishes lead us. Mankind’s only stipulations — money and education. G-D’s only stipulations — harmlessness and honesty.

Teach your children that to become a true American patriot, we must know how our government works, and if there is injustice, then it must be revealed and adjudicated within an ethical Court System. It takes more than being taught American History throughout school years, and Civics classes that were cut from school funding in recent years should be reinstated, also the various Arts and Humanities courses. Finding one’s Gifts builds Self-confidence, and nothing is more rewarding than providing some service to other Human Beings, making commitments that heal our own Souls by helping the lives of others, to give blessings in faith for returned blessings in the Circle of Life.

We become more patriotic as Americans with our arms proudly open to the entire world, E Pluribus Unum, one composed of many. Of course, immigration is a hot topic in our society, for fear overwhelms us as the “bad guys” get all the publicity, but the honest, hard-working future citizens far outnumber them. Unless one is pure Native American, these immigrants are like the people our ancestors once were, and they deserve all the benefits America can provide. Thereby we can begin to rectify the sins of past generations — slavery and butchery, all the inhumanities of our founding fathers.

So, “roll with it, baby” and deal with everything that happens to us with honesty and courage, the reality of Here and Now. As we grow up, we learn how to suppress our emotions, but they may fester and absorb negative energy emitted by the protective psychological defense mechanisms we all develop and use, and we must find healthy ways to express our reactions to life’s experiences. Fear forces us to doubt ourselves, to lose trust, and to produce conjecture and supposition of others’ intentions, but conscious awareness of truth manifests itself in Brotherly Love. A smile is a Universal symbol of kindness and compassion, available to everyone.

You’re going to be America’s leaders in the future, especially when a few generations die off, and most of us who will have passed have great hope for Humanity because of the Christ Consciousness that brings equity within our nation, regardless of gender or sexual preference, color or any other physical characteristic, attire or accouterment, national origin, culture, religion or by any of the labels we give ourselves. It’s Divine Destiny that the United States of America is the Melting Pot of the world, to become ONE family once again, before Forces of Evil and natural calamities drove us apart, as one nation under G-D, the Universe of LIFE on Planet Earth and beyond. As for me, I am assured salvation through the shed Blood of the Pesakh lamb, Yeshua HaM’shiakh, Jesus the Christ. Adonai lee. V’lo eerah! G-D is with me. There is no FEAR!