The disparate “class” system in America has existed through every generation, but now the rich and powerful blatantly use various Media to rub injustice in our faces. The fault of societal disparity lies heavily upon the Love of Money which creates vain, excessive ostentation. The Evil Forces that tempt us to selfishly seek popularity, gain wealth, or enhance our positions of authority don’t care about the harm they create, causing some to have no conscience.

Far-Right Wing religious fanatics and Far-Left Wing atheists and agnostics are images found in our political parties, while most of us, Democrats, Republicans, or any other political assignation, can agree upon certain fundamental Human rights, guaranteed sovereign, and if we claim to be Christians, we’re aligned in Brotherly Love. Yet there are many from the extremes of both parties invoking ignorance about the injustices in American History, with little concern for the privileges and responsibilities of various levels of government, how our laws are made and executed, and what our Constitution really says, interpreted in our Time and adjusted through Amendments, as prophesied by Thomas Jefferson that we must occasionally “tweak” the system for the public good.

Too many Americans lack educational/vocational opportunities, being denied equitable civil rights, although foundations and other philanthropies, along with Liberal laws utilizing Affirmative Action, attempted to solve those problems. Yet Far-Right Wing “patriots” like some who invaded our nation’s Capitol building on January 6, 2021 are threatened by the loss of a “white” society, choosing to incite revolution against the United States of America, flagrantly misusing our flag as their anthem of White Supremacy. In cult-like fashion, they blindly follow Ego-driven misinformation that foments divisive Negative Energies of FEAR, hatred and vengeance.

We’re a nation of immigrants that can live as Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) envisioned, Children of ONE Creator, destined to live in harmony regardless of nation of origin, religion, political beliefs or affiliations, of color, gender or any other physical description. That’s the message Jesus taught, to love others and treat them with kindness in empathy, and it’s the way he lived, in unconditional LOVE, accepting everyone he encountered as a beloved brother or sister, being humble, honest and generous with his service, never refusing a request, and by forgiving his enemies, loving them even as he suffered and died.

Many Republicans cry “foul” at each request for social reform in compassion for the poor and downtrodden among us, such as a supportive welfare system and free school breakfasts and lunches, ignorantly proclaiming it gives society a “sense of entitlement” and creation of a Socialist government, reacting in FEAR even of the word Socialism. But several democratic republics have successfully incorporated such concepts that have earned them worldwide high rankings in freedom, education and personal prosperity.

History has revealed that Communism is a deadly form of government, for Autocrats eliminate their adversaries and allow success for those who support them, with a heavy price to average citizens. The first Christians found out that Communism (Acts 4:32-35) didn’t work, because there always will be those among us who realize they deserve more than others. That’s also the nature of Capitalism in contrast to a Free Enterprise system that bolsters small business and provides services that give back to the community supporting it.

Many incorporated institutions, even insurance companies and some “health” agencies, make exorbitant profits for their Executives and Boards of Directors, high level management receiving “the big bucks” and bonuses for the work of their lower level employees, with no thought to implement any profit-sharing techniques. Much of their income is tax-free or subject to “write offs” enacted by Congressional legislators who depend upon the donations of corporations and other “dark” money, and the public has been denied oversight under the Citizens’ United Supreme Court ruling. Unless better transparency is enacted by our federal Legislature, no one will know if money donated by the Ku Klux Klan supported the votes of racist Congressmen/women or if greedy fossil fuel companies stifled Green Earth initiatives.

I agree with my Conservative brothers and sisters that we must eliminate waste in government spending, and I think about the billions of dollars of American military equipment rolling over Middle East sand right now. The excesses were enormous, i.e. abandonment of expensive trucks and tanks with one leaky valve and the simple tool that mysteriously costs $5000. We agree we should be making the world a better place for future generations, we just disagree on our methods to attain the world that prospers our American Democratic Republic, full of current and future citizens, worthy to be good Americans, regardless of skin color, nation of origin, religion or any gender/sexual identity label that can never judge one’s heart or the “content of one’s character.” (Thanks, Martin.)

Aren’t times of Peaceful Coexistence more valuable to our happiness than Chaos, and isn’t personal liberty enhanced as we enact safeguards that protect the voting rights of American citizens, each of us either pure Native American or a descendant of immigrants from throughout the world? As we treat others with respect for our differences, we honor the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father, by whatever NAME we use for our LIFE-Mother/Soul-Image Universe. For American politics to continue to prosper, Congress — Democrats, Republicans, Independent or other party — must actively discuss proposals and finds ways to compromise, encouraging solutions that are acceptable to the majority of legislators and their constituents.

Aren’t social programs that benefit the poor and unfortunate among us simply our obligation as disciples of Messiah Yeshua, to be as he was, a servant to all? America has had enough of Trickle Down Economics, for History and Science prove that providing a firm foundation is necessary to build upwards efficiently. Let’s get together and throw water on the fires of Discord and Disagreement by trusting that our Justice system will justly adjudicate. As a patriotic Christian American I live by the WORD (John 12:47-48) of the SEVEN-IN-ONE SPIRIT of G-D (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) in Brotherly LOVE.

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government. Thomas Jefferson