It’s been a concept of Russian Communism to rule the world with an Iron Fist, and as Media evolved, Kremlin tech ambassadors played on our weaknesses, like racial tensions, using American communications networks to divide us in any way possible. In 2016 sensitive societal attitude compositions, where we live and what we think, were given by POTUS 45 operatives (i.e. Paul Manafort) to the GRU in order to analyze us and target our beliefs and accompanying fears. Russian Communists want to enhance our differences, asking us to make enemies out of any who disagree, and yet they ignored, as atheists and nihilists do, that worldwide we’re Children of G-D — Creator/Mother of LIFE and Father SOUL/Image — as well as patriotic Americans, proud of the values ensconced in our Constitution.

In past years, the Right-Wing media called Democrats Communists, for many Liberals supported the 1917 Russian Revolution’s labor-corporation conflict, and we learned how to care for each other through the Socialistic programs of Roosevelt’s New Deal. But now Republicans have been in bed with a new Russian Communism borne by former KGB, current Authoritarian Dictator Vladimir Putin and his greedy oligarchs, like Oleg Deripaska, who financially supports the man (Lavrov) POTUS 45 took into the Oval Office in 2017 to tell him State secrets the CIA had learned from Israeli intelligence. Deripaska even made a business deal with Mitch McConnell to set up an aluminum company in Kentucky, after a successful maneuver in the Senate to lift Deripaska’s sanctions. (Of course, in 2022 an enlightened McConnell has changed course on the idea of Russian sanctions.)

Deceivers wanted Americans to think that the definition of a Russian Communist had changed after the Soviet Union dissolved, that they were simply smart businessmen, but the rise of super-rich oligarchs soon mimicked corporate America, making the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. With all the money laundering going on, especially suspected through Deutsche Bank and some other foreign banks, and with the falsifying of documents and proliferation of illegal transactions, I pray that all corruptions, whether committed by Republicans, Democrats or any other political affiliation, will be revealed in transparent Court proceedings. We must have faith in the power of the American Constitution that no one is above the Law, but not all cases are founded in truth, and while spiritual battles may be lost, holy wars are won.

There will never be a New World Order destroying America as long as we keep Journalism strong, and I think Thomas Jefferson would agree with me, for the truth and lies of our leaders, Democrat and Republican alike, will be determined in the courtrooms of an ethical Judicial system. Both audio and video transcripts should be made (jurors and select witnesses, especially juveniles, hidden from public scrutiny), allowing us to judge for ourselves their innocence or guilt. I also believe that all Judges, including SCOTUS, should be approved in a general election at a set time following their initial appointment, and periodically thereafter.

Freedom of the Press must allow for operation of networks and publications that spread misinformation, for this First Amendment Right embellishing our Constitution is one most valuable. Communist Russia does not support this freedom. The three Branches of our government were created to reflect the Will of the majority of Americans “with Liberty and Justice for all,” although Evil forces often make legal judgements seem unfair. Opinions notwithstanding, we can attempt to see opposite sides of an issue by listening to each other and finding points of agreement through which we can direct legislation.

Timing is everything. Putin has disgraced himself in the eyes of the world by revealing his tyrannic nature in Ukraine, with people of every religion, culture, and political persuasion in most nations demanding that he withdraw from the area and allow peace to return to the sovereign country of Ukraine under the auspices of their elected government. But Putin imprisons those who oppose him, monitoring and controlling Russian tele-communications, and he’s been known to poison people threatening his power.

Even so has POTUS 45 lost respect after exalting another fascist beast who violates basic Human rights and dignity. Putin’s “genius” to invade Ukraine is no different than that of Hitler, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Alexander or Genghis Khan, except now, the whole world is watching and condemning in a manner unseen in world history. Putin slams Stalin, but they have the same Charisma, deceptive, Self-serving Ego-control, that which wins hearts to warp minds, but not to nurture them.

That the attempted insurrection of Epiphany 2021 is being glossed over, minimized, and that it set us against each other in the first place, are both part of the Russian Communist desire to further separate us as Americans. I believe Ronald Reagan would not be part of the Republican Party of POTUS 45 dogma — insults, slanders and outright lies — but he would do as many of our Republican Congressmen/women have done, stand up against corruption and have faith in our Judicial Branch. G-D’s Justice will prevail.

Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire