Liberal or Conservative is not simply a “party” matter, for most of us are liberal in some things and conservative in others. On the whole, Conservatives adhere to less federal control and spending, leaving it up to the states to find ways to fund and operate their own their own programs, and they don’t support welfare income, being afraid of Socialist concepts, insisting that dependence upon an unearned, guaranteed income makes people lazy, feeling entitled to the comforts the rest of us work hard to get.

No one really wants to feel useless, for even stay-at-home moms (or dads) are the family’s caretakers, often caring for other people’s children, and deserve qualifying benefits. People who are physically or psychologically incapable of earning an income by being employed deserve society’s assistance, and we have to be quite hard-hearted to refuse them. It’s the “Christian thing” to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves, and even Liberals agree that those who appear sluggards can offer some service to others, for we each have Gifts and aspirations that encourage us to be useful, helping us feel better about ourselves, making what some would call a “hand out” become a “hand up.”

The word “liberal” is an adjective of the noun “liberty” but Conservatives today don’t want to acknowledge the connection. Liberals are “free thinkers” in our First Amendment Rights and defenders of equity regardless of status in society, religion or creed, nation of origin, gender or sexual identity, race or any other physical difference. Our Constitution was re-interpreted time and again, as in 1920, that “Men” means Mankind and not a male person, also that males and females have the same unalienable (not to be removed) rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in equal measure, as in control over our own bodies, once determined by SCOTUS in Roe vs. Wade.

Personally, I have a Conservative view that abortion is a sin, but we each answer only to Almighty G-D, making recompense as to H-S (Havah-Simon) Karmic Judgement, not the judgement of any other person or the government. Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) tells us not to judge others and to “give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,” hence, our government’s laws. Besides, it’s not determined that a Human Being, having both body and Soul, exists inside the womb, and the Separation of Church (religion) and State gives an anthem to legal abortion. Women from every possible religious or political affiliation have had abortions, yet in Christ Consciousness each woman is aware of her sin.

There are just as many Liberal Republicans as there are Conservative Democrats, with only about 10% of Republicans on the Far Right and about 10% of Democrats on the Far Left. The remaining 80-90% of us have similar American values and thoughts about the Universe around us, although we may disagree how to maintain stability, for we’re feeling less connected to reality these days, even our youth finding it hard to discern fact from fantasy, and it disturbingly, uncomfortably makes it easier to talk ourselves into believing in doomsday-like catastrophes and conspiracy theories.

It seems to me that Far-Right Wing Media is exceptionally Liberal today concerning our First Amendment Rights, for they say whatever they want, often utilizing Kremlin-inspired rhetoric, dispensing misinformation that causes us to fear and doubt each other, telling lies formed from truth twisted by supposition and innuendo. The Bad Guys will always be there, causing Discord of any nature, playing on the dysfunctions of our everyday lives, especially through this pandemic and by broadcasting the injustice in the streets, but Mainstream Media, networks under FCC regulation, have mostly shown us the godly service of our fellow Americans. Let’s pray we’re finally learning that our neighbors are our brothers and sisters, that each of us can find ways to serve other Human Beings despite our differences.

This New World Order everyone’s afraid of can occur only by military violence that controls every nation on Planet Earth, invasion of lands piecemeal like Putin wants to do in Ukraine, often wooing people into acceptance and submission, eventually making them comply under rule of an Autocratic bureaucracy. But New York’s United Nations, the Hague’s World Court and other unified, multi-national organizations were formed to deal with countries that threaten to “take over the world.” If we’re to keep America strong and viable among the nations, we must continue to support Justice worldwide, not to “police” other nations but to serve as to our unifying capabilities, willing to peacefully overcome any violent aura that invades Human politics.

Here in the United States we encourage Congressional solutions by discussion and compromise between the parties, for Congress was created to be the Voice of the People. Yet we feel disconnected, pulled in many directions, often feeling we’ve “lost” ourselves, especially being bombarded by conspiratorial deceivers. They want us to “take sides” and consider someone with different political views as our enemy, but we’re a country founded by Christians who welcomed people from all nations, with all religions free to worship as they choose, to become equal citizens, sharing Constitutional freedoms and responsibilities.

Liberal or Conservative, Republican or Democrat, Independent or claiming any other political party, we’re Americans first, and must live in the “here and now,” trying to enjoy every moment of our lives, although we know we won’t. We’re each unique individuals, and will come through adversity by accepting or rejecting ideas, coping or rebelling, trusting or mistrusting, but we remember Goodness will always conquer Evil. Techno-psycho-babble distracts us, some comforting, some irritating, and although we’d love to be comfortable all the time, taking any disruptions to our peace with love and grace, Negative Forces just don’t want to allow it. They increase paranoia and cause us to fear irrationally, then discourage us from meditation or prayer.

As followers of Christ Consciousness we’re committed to finding truth, so nothing is more important than maintaining an ethical Criminal Justice system, with every Judge an elected official. The Constitutional right for every capable American citizen to vote is necessary to sustain our Democratic Republic, and transparency in Media sources keeps us reasonable in our confrontations with others, promoting a healthy desire to settle disagreements. Our similarities far exceed our differences, and as Ego-pride is set aside, Congressional legislators can find ways to achieve harmony and conciliation. It may seem to be a harsh and unforgiving world that we live in right now, but Conservatives and Liberals who’re Republicans, Democrats, Independents or any other political affiliation, can work together in the Spirit of Brotherly Love.

I say that in politics, honorable compromise is no sin. It is what protects us from absolutism and intolerance. Bob Dole