People in America have been made adverse to the term “Globalism” due to Media fear-mongers who paint Rand Socialism or Orwellian Autocracy scenarios that government can monitor and regulate every aspect of our lives. But this isn’t possible as long as we maintain national sovereignty, a system of democracy, an agreement of Human Rights, and a dignified sense of unity.

Nations that contribute proportionally to organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, G-7 and the like can benefit from shared services. Bartering trade is valuable to everyone, with prices moderated in legal agreements between buyers and sellers, and a government’s tariffs imposed with the consent of each organization. Even as Ukraine is the Bread Basket of the world, also contributing to 90% of the world’s sunflower oil market, so is America the primary Peacekeeper.

War-mongers and vengeance-seekers test our resolve for harmony in the world, protesting compromise as weakness, making enemies of any who oppose them. Yet strength is found in our ability to avoid violence and to foster Human well-being. Technology’s evolution in expanding Media provides avenues that enable us to help one another, first at home, one on one with our loved ones, then increasing communications exponentially to inform and educate all Americans in peaceful Human interactions.

As part of our First Amendment’s Freedom of the Press, watching various networks of the Mainstream Media, particularly from other countries, gives us a more well-rounded view of reality, but it invites deceivers. There’s Good and Evil in each one of us, but practitioners of Evil are liars, immoral and selfish in their personal relationships, corrupt in their business dealings, saturated in greed, and a few become murderers. Negative Energies foment injustice by innuendo and supposition, altering facts with false, self-serving intent.

America is becoming a multi-cultural, multi-religious society, but our nation was founded on Christian values, our Constitution written by those who promoted an agnostic slogan of “In God We Trust,” to be displayed on our currency and most Federal facilities. In so doing, they emphasized that no one religious group should dictate legislation, but felt that we should acknowledge a Creative Spiritual Power greater than ourselves.

American law evolved to benefit the wealthy and powerful, reducing a once-strong middle class by absorption into riches or poverty, but we must provide for the poor as Jesus did, giving to them every penny he had at the end of every day. If we enact strong welfare and healthcare systems we can plant a firm foundation economically. encouraging and enabling every American to grow physically and psychologically healthy.

We must try to accept everyone we encounter like Messiah Yeshua did during his time on Earth — no one was turned away and everyone was treated with loving-kindness that offered service to each. “How can I help?” Were more compassionate words ever spoken? I pray for governmental reconciliation in Conscious Awareness of G-D’s Love, the Brotherhood of Mankind that includes all colors, sizes and genders of Mother Nature’s Homo sapiens as well as the Image of our Creator (Genesis 1:26-27).

Globalization can ensure national pride that is unselfish and non-vengeful within every country on our globe, with each government operating satisfactorily for the majority of its voting citizens, with peaceful transfer of power in all agencies reflecting the will of the people. True patriotism in the United States of America proves G-D’s Manifest Destiny for us to be a home for all H-S (He-She) Children, Human Beings of Planet Earth, and we must welcome those who come here to be part of our great nation. We may not look alike or think alike, yet we revel in our differences, respecting and honoring our various cultures and religions, as Jesus did.

…Whoever drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water I’ll give them won’t be thirsty again, for the water I give them is a well of water springing up into Eternal Life. John 4:13b-14