There’s been some “egg on the face” moments for Maganuts these past few weeks, with stiff prison sentences related to the riots and possible criminal activity by POTUS 45, but the yellow was especially visible on Alex Jones during his testimony in the Sandy Hook civil case. His attorney had released his text messages to the plaintiff’s attorney, making him a liar either during a formal deposition or while on the witness stand. He found it difficult to keep up the masquerade spouting his ridiculous conspiracy theory, and it reminded me of his past testimony in front of a Family Court Judge who was deciding whether to allow him contact with his own children. He had to admit at that time that his spiel was all for show, that he was an entertainer, and not really crazy like his wife’s attorney was painting him. But he’s going back to his show, and if he can’t keep up his fake theories with any credibility, they’ll drop him like a hot potato.

Alex Jones is simply a tributary of a river of bullshit, full of revenge to enhance their lies, saying, “Guess what I heard?” as they invent their story, riling up our emotions in character assassinations, slanders, and bullying. (FFLOTUS’ campaign failed.) Tricksters have come out the woodwork, still yelling about Hillary’s e-mails and Hunter’s laptop, making us wonder why the dedicated, loyal POTUS 45 Department of Justice couldn’t prosecute anything during their years. It’s hard to see what’s true and what may have evolved from the Nixon Rat-Fucker era of fake news. Roger Stone is the Granddaddy of the bunch, and Steve Bannon has certainly contributed his share of innuendo and supposition, able to take truth and twist it in a clever Spirit of Doubt and Mistrust.

Greed results in a weakness for money and power, Mankind’s greatest desires that can lead to our biggest ruin, and every political party and social status participates. Corruption is non-political — it spreads into all genres and classes of Human Beings — but members of the 2017-2021 Republican Administration incurred a number of Criminal and Civil Indictments that rivals Watergate.

Nay-sayers have tried to assert that Republican and Democrat political roles have switched, but I haven’t seen it. There always have been just as many Conservative Democrats as there are Liberal Republicans — just ask Kansas voters. But the Far Left has taken many Democrats to an extreme that undermines the will of a majority of Americans, particularly in Gun Rights legislation, and the Far Right has driven White Supremacy Republicans to the edge of revolution, also defending the injustice of Corporations and Big Money.

Fear is Evil’s greatest tool, and word and phrase repetitions take hold in one’s psyche, making many people fear words like “Socialism” but be comfortable with “Patriot” when talking about a fascist White Supremacist. What is a Progressive except someone who wants to move forward, not backwards or become stale in one place? Projections of their own mentality are the New Age Rat-Fuckers’ most valuable psychological ploy, calling others RINOs when they’re turning the Grand Old Party into the Gang Of Prevaricators.

Maganuts are encouraged to taunt “Russia, Russia, Russia” while calling Democrats Communists, when their heroes have been in bed with old KGB operatives, the ones who said they would rule the world with an Iron Fist — Putin and today’s Russian oligarchs. Bannon made money with them for many years, and was happy when POTUS 45 chose him to run his campaign, knowing it would come straight out the Kremlin to line his pockets. “Anyone who opposes us is our enemy and must be removed,” is true Orwellian style.

Prejudice breeds violence, but G-D’s Goodness conquers all, so it’s time for Democrats and Republicans to stand together in Christ Consciousness to benefit our fellow Human Beings, not just ourselves. America will grow stronger from a firm foundation by serving the poor and middle classes, enabling them to thrive and to find happiness in the American Dream. Blessed are the peacemakers and those who live ethically and honestly, unwilling to spew the rhetoric of madmen who prove to be Clowns, Entertainers of Deceit.

First, we must maintain strength in our First Amendment Rights, for the modern Mainstream Media encompasses many networks, and none should be excluded, even those who spread falsehoods. Thomas Jefferson reminded us that he would rather have Freedom of the Press than good government, so be wary of those who slam the MSM. Watching the news from all possible sources gives us a well-rounded view of what’s going on in the world around us, not just listening to those who think like we do, but to those who disagree with us, to better understand their rationale. Compromise in calm, reasonable discussion and agreement, weighing all possible facets of an issue, is the only way to successfully legislate.

As we gain trust in Law Enforcement and our Justice System, we can more fully understand the workings of Deceivers in their Aura of Discord, who most recently vilified the FBI for doing its duty to recover material from POTUS 45’s residence that belongs in our National Archives. Political Party doesn’t exist in theory within any organization of State or Federal government — it’s illegal for any employee to speak or act in support of any political party or candidate while on duty or inside their workplace.

We can’t say that all FBI agents are honest and ethical — they’re Human, just like the rest of us — but they’re required by law to be just that, and officers of other agencies take similar honorable oaths. If the Republicans were such a “law and order” party, then those real RINOs wouldn’t have assaulted officers when they stormed the Capitol. The people who support them aren’t the same Republicans as highly-admired past party leaders — Reagan, GWB and the stalwart McCain. The New RINO supports the Disinformation Campaign of POTUS 45 — Alex Jones, Steve Bannon and their cronies.

I’m a 25-year former employee/retiree of both County and State Corrections Departments, and I’ve seen the inner-workings of Criminal Justice from all sides, from beginning to end. Sure, we knew whether a Judge was running as a Democrat or Republican, but that was never a condition to vote for them — I’ve voted for both, considering the person, not the party. But it’s been hard to feel that way, for Republican Administrations defunded our substance abuse and mental health programs, while Democrats strived to fund them, and then also created educational and employment opportunities for inmates, probationers and parolees.

I believe the American Court System is our most important Institution in this out-of-control environment, which Maganut Media has exacerbated (“egg on their faces” smeared first by Ricky Shiffer), and final decisions will be made by both Republicans and Democrats. Our Civil and Criminal Courts are filled with Conservatives and Liberals alike, and our Judges and Juries will determine truth from lies to ensure that Justice is achieved. May G-D’s Will be done!!!