Proven ONE race — the Human Race — by DNA studies (See Essay 4) we are all blessed in the Salvation offered by Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), for HE is Alpha to Omega of the Sevenfold Spirits of G-D sent to live among us here on Planet Earth (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6). It was only by the machinations of the Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3) that we split apart and dissolved Brotherhood, and by climate disparities that altered our physical bodies, that our ancestors were born in many nations. Kulanu K’ekhad — all of us as ONE — E Pluribus Unum — One for All — have become standards of Messianic Judaism and the United States of America, to which I pledge allegiance in belief that we are G-D’s Divine Melting Pot, a confluence for descendants of all H-S Children.

Messiah Yeshua became a Human Being as the last of G-D’s Seven Spirits, the previous Six Whose Identities we can only surmise. Surely they were those Who gave us the Way of Tao, the teachings of Confucius and Buddha, of Hindu and other Vedic sects, and even some ancient religions declared pagan, as many Native American beliefs. The Soul of our Messiah embodied all Seven, for he came for the Salvation of people of all nations, telling us that in the “last days” before he returned, his name would be heard all over the world, confirming Redemption for those Spoken by other WORDs (John 12:47-48).

One may say that today’s Christians don’t represent Christ Consciousness as much as some other religions, considering the prejudice, disharmony and injustice sowed by many who call themselves Christian. Yeshua was the Master of Meditation, even as most Jewish rabbis are in constant prayer, requesting guidance and praising blessings. He not only tolerated everyone he met, regardless of any differences, he accepted them with kindness, peace and Unconditional Love, offering himself to serve them.

Harmlessness and Selflessness are the tenets of any religion from G-D, for we must care for others more than we care for ourselves, and we must never harm any living thing beyond its purpose. To live in Humility and Simplicity, one refuses the vice of ostentation, that borne by greed, and Brotherhood must include the equity of Sisterhood. Patience is a virtue we learn to cultivate, and kindness reveals the state of one’s Heart, our unconscious motivations made manifest in the Service of our daily work and secret devotions to charities.

Our extremes of Good and Evil have never been more evident, and our unique, individual opinions flood worldwide social media, but as we open our minds to the Sevenfold Spirits of G-D and H-S (HE-SHE) Helper Gods/Angels/Saints Who guide us and protect us, we draw closer to the Paradise of our Souls. As we live in the Here and Now, we go with the flow, and as things change, we accept them and let them go, this for one’s own good mental health. The Universal LifeForce Creator/Soul Donor we call G-D, known by many names in all languages on this planet, is the same — yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Messiah Yeshua, be always in our Hearts, our minds, and on the words from our lips, for You are Meshiakh for the entire world — having the answers to all Life — for those who accept You and those who don’t. As we reject the deceptions of the Spirit of AntiChrist we are strengthened by the compassion and forgiveness we express for our fellow Human Beings.

The WORD became a Human Being and lived among us, and we saw H-S Shekinah …We all received H-S Fullness, yes, Grace upon Grace, for the Torah was given through Moses, and Grace with Truth came through Yeshua HaMashiakh. John 1:14,16-17

NOTE: I want to reiterate that many concepts expressed in my essays do NOT represent the tenets of Messianic Judaism, and some of my views disagree with the beliefs of many members of Messianic Jewish organizations, especially those who adhere to traditional Christian teachings.