Sacrahaha is a Sanskrit word, it’s meaning having two components: non-violence and insistence of Truth. We say, “This is surely from G-D,” but the G-D of the Bible, both Tanakh and the Christian New Testament, and Qu’ran is considerably violent, whether we call H-M Jehovah, HaShem, Adonai Elohenu, El’Ah or Allah. Whether Jew or Gentile, which encompasses everyone who’s not Jewish, even others of Semitic bloodlines, also those who call G-D Vishnu or Buddha, G-D is the same — yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

The G-D of Tanakh is personified in violence from Cain to David, who slew his ten thousands, and for generations thereafter. The G-D of the first Christians (Messianic Jews) killed a couple who disobeyed the commune’s monetary laws (Acts 5:1-11), as they were true Communists (Acts 4:32-35). Christians were the killers during the Dark Ages, slaughtering both Jews and Muslims, even those unconverted, conquered pagans of Europe’s prolific colonization. Only in the last century have some Muslims unofficially declared intifada against Jews and Christians, but since the formation of Islam 1400 years ago, Shi’a and Sunni, even off-shoot successive sects, have remained violently separated.

Jewish Prophets warned that if carnage and disobedience continued, H-S Vengeance would once again turn against H-S Hebrew Adat, but the scriptures give consolation to Jews, that H-S Disfavor would last only a Time, then Favor would be returned. The descendants of Isa’ak were chosen to bear the bloodline of the Promised Messiah, Whose Kingdom would reign forever. They’re still looking for this person to be a great political leader as well as Judaism’s Great Spiritual Savior, but he was born about 400 years after the Giving of Light, Hannukah, H-S Realm not of this world.

Jews have still managed to keep their bloodlines relatively pure, although marriage with Gentiles who convert is permitted, for several Gentile fe-males (Rivka, Rachel, Tamar, Ruth) were ancestors of kings. Today’s Jews are a totally different people, for the centuries of abuse have weighed heavily upon their psyches, with numerous holocausts being committed against them, very bloody back in the Middle Ages, the worst horrors Mankind can inflict. Many demonic Spirits filled the hearts of Christian clergy through the centuries, some paying fortunes to earn power in their communities, and these monsters are still running free among us, disguising themselves to divide us as G-D’s Children.

It irked the more bigoted Gentiles that Jews succeeded in financial circles and, in recent years, the film industry, causing scoffing and resentment to melt into vicious words and acts of revenge. It’s no wonder most traditional Jewish families must psychologically obligate their adult children to adhere to basic attendance for at least one service during the High Holy Days. Assimilation into American society has fostered shame in continuing holidays and customs, and it appears that most religions are losing status for their hypocritical, prejudiced, or selfish behavior. Love of money is our New God, culminating in “pay to play” practices in our synagogues, churches, mosques and various temples.

My commadre [We’re grandmothers of a child.] who lives in Portland, Oregon, recently asked a Jewish neighbor something about her religion, but she was discouraged when the wo-man coldly said, “Don’t learn anything about us.” It’s true that Jews are threatened by those they perceive attempting conversion, which my friend was not trying to do, but it’s no surprise, considering that many are ashamed of their heritage because of the systemic prejudice proliferated in American and European institutions. The impetus for change is within us all, if we sincerely love our fellow Human Beings as Messiah Yeshua directed us, and true Christians must lead the Way, not proselytizing or patronizing, accepting and respecting our individual differences, living by his example of brotherhood.

[Now I proselytize.] Yeshua ben Yusef, born in Beit Lekhem but raised in Nazret 2000 years ago, was a Jew, steeped in Hebrew/Torah knowledge. Yet, as a Light to the Gentiles, Christianity evolved in his name, and Qu’ran was written in his honor. [Read Essay 8: The Root of Islam.] Our Messiah proved to be Akeidah’s sacrificial son (Genesis 22:1-18) fulfilled in Jehovah’s Last Pesakh bloodshed, washing our sins clear from the stake, not the Holy Altar, being the Lamb and Shepherd in One, uniting all Mankind in ONE G-D, our CREATOR.

Yeshua said “we are Gods” (John 10:34-35) in the words of his ancestor, David (Psalm 82:6), and he desires that we’re happy, living free of FEAR, loving our fellow Human Beings as we love ourselves, even more, for as we give love, so we will receive love. He prophesied fulfillment of Olam Haba so we can make T’shuvah (Return to G-D), and the signs which lead to Yom Kippur are here and now, in the world all around us. The Spirit of AntiChrist (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3) prides itself in creating discord and inciting FEAR, and because our G-D is the same forever, the Lion of Judah is a Holy Warrior for our Souls.

The Spirit of the G-D of A’Dam (Genesis 5:2) is present in every molecule of Life, animal and plant alike, and in every Soul of Planet Earth, being all-powerful and all-knowing beyond Human imagination. Whether Jew or Gentile, we can all be accepted into Heavenly Paradise by G-D’s WORD (John 12:47-48), and Sacrahaha is made manifest through Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, the Sevenfold Spirit of Messiah Yeshua (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), being both truthful and non-violent. [Even as I proselytize for my Messiah, I don’t condemn anyone for their beliefs, only acts of the Evil Spirit of AntiChrist, for Judgement lies with H-S (He-She) Universal Karmic Presence alone.]