Many of the things Liberals and Conservatives say about each other are false, stretching the beliefs of extreme radicals, Right Wing and Left Wing, to include everyone, but most of us are liberal in some ways and conservative in others. Most Conservatives are Republican and most Liberals are Democrat, but we both support and defend each section of our First Amendment. Yet when Freedom of Speech is filled with slanders or vulgarities, or when peaceful protests (assemblies) become violent, we’re all upset, asking for just resolution.

Some Liberals think of Conservatives as Nazi-loving, Bible-pounding hypocrites who incite FEAR and blatantly lie as they “wheel and deal” behind each others’ backs. Conservatives say Liberals support anarchy and agree that a baby can be snatched from its mother’s womb within hours of birth and murdered, but if one in fifty people fits either description of Conservative or Liberal, it’s a lot. These are extreme Right Wing and Left Wing radicals who claim our political parties, but our only significant differences are that more Republicans support corporations and the rights of big business while more Democrats defend labor unions and a reasonable welfare system. 80% to 90% of us have perceptions somewhere in between, and have no part of the thin wing of either side.

Abortion should never have become a political issue, because it’s likely just as many abortions occur in Republican families as Democrat, just as there’s numerous members of the LGBTQ community among Republicans, although some are still closeted, fearing scorn from religious fundamentalists. By the way, there’s as many Christian Democrats as Christian Republicans, and both parties claim a comparable number of agnostics and atheists.

As many Democrats as Republicans think abortion is a sin, but more strongly believe that a wo-man has the right to be in charge of her own body. Wo-men’s Rights groups love to point out that there’s no legal restrictions on a male’s reproductive system. Because things that are of this physical world reflect upon our Spiritual selves, having an abortion is something a wo-man must reconcile with G-D, the Great Karmic Spirit/Universal LifeForce/Soul of Mankind.

For Republicans to say that Liberals will take away our guns is most insulting, for many of us come from families of hunters, and we’ve had access to various types of guns all our lives. But even Conservatives agree that no one should walk into a gun show or a store and purchase an AR-15 or any other firearm without strict conditions being met, and it’s up to Democrats and Republicans in Congress to agree on what those conditions are. Compromise is at the heart of any good law, with the Courts to determine validity and feasibility.

Liberals and Conservatives are more alike than many can admit. We all want the same thing — a better future for our children. Some people believe this means leaving a large inheritance, but ignore their families to get rich, gaining wealth by any means possible, while other parents overly coddle, psychologically control and smother in the guise of a loving family. Both scenarios are extreme, for most of us simply do the best we can as parents, being conservative or liberal as needed in the moment.

Americans are honest, charitable people who see unethical, corrupt and criminal behavior among Democrats and Republicans alike, but Truth always comes out. The scandals of past generations are revealed and dealt with, legally or socially, and we learn from their mistakes, not to be dishonest, cheating or harming others, but to treat one’s fellow Human Being as a beloved brother or sister, as the G-D of AvRaham and other WORDs (John 12:47-48) would have us be — respectful, kind and loving.

Some laws are best enacted and enforced by our national government — Congress, the Administration, and the Supreme Court — but States’ rights are valued by Liberals and Conservatives alike. It’s always been my opinion that the Federal Government should be as a wealthy, generous parent, trusting the states to operate systems and institutions for the prosperity and well-being of the people. We not only learn from our mistakes, we learn from each other.

The extremes of Liberalism or Conservatism, the Right Wing and Left Wing, appear to derive from emotional levels, often leading us to do irrational, fervent acts we regret, if one has enough conscience. In the years ahead, cooperation and compromise must be our forte as we subdue the extreme elements of our political parties, and perseverance must come from all sides, with agreements free of selfish motives, creating and operating government that is user-friendly, equitable, and transparent.

I consider myself a Liberal Democrat as well as a good Christian, but am rarely labeled beyond mother, grandmother, cousin and friend. My beliefs are founded in the life of Messiah Yeshua, who accepted each person he met the same — lovingly, respectfully, never refusing anyone’s request — who asks us to love our enemies, practice kindness, and provide trustworthy service to those in need, each of us as to our own G-D-given Gifts and abilities.