Whether we call ourselves Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, there should be NO FEAR involved, for the things we’re most afraid of are often the things we should be least afraid of, with labels and concepts constantly changing. How has the word “Progressive” become an anathema by today’s Republican party? If we cannot be progressive as Human Beings, moving forward as Americans and citizens of Planet Earth, we become regressive, going backwards or becoming stale, failing to accept responsibility for any harm we’ve caused, and neither can we begin to heal from wrongs committed against us.

With all the conflict permeating our country today, racial and otherwise, one of the most fearful words is “antifa” but does anyone really know what it means? The word itself is an abbreviation for anti-fascist, which is what good Americans and any “free” people should be. Fascist governments are ruled by autocrats who make all the laws and enforce them with an iron hand. According to the FBI and other investigative sources, there’s no organization or central group of people, but those described as Antifa are deemed violent and disruptive by most Media. Organized right-wing terrorists such as the KKK are more feared, and conspiracy theory groups such as Q-Anon take pride in instilling FEAR.

We’re aware that there are anarchists in our country who would completely dissolve our Republic and attempt to establish another system of government (or invite another nation to take over — shudder), but there’s nothing that can replace the ideal freedoms and responsibilities that our Constitution currently provides. Any problems appear systemic, but beneficial changes must come from within a department or agency, with assurance of no underlying political or personal motivations. (I was part of a State Government, and it was protocol not to reveal political affiliation, but any solicitation or defamation of a political party or candidate was not allowed on government property. It was grounds for termination, and the reason Peter Strzok was fired.)

Who among us is more likely to defend “the underdog,” those who face racial, religious, cultural or any other injustice? The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was formed in 1920 as a non-profit organization to “defend and preserve individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” It’s designed to be non-partisan, and has represented and been supported by both Liberals and Conservatives, but has received considerable criticism from every side.

In the early years, the ACLU championed free speech, and several of their founders and some of their employees were Socialist or Communist, also planting seeds of ideas concerning the abuses of capitalism and the need for unionization. But from 1940 until 1968, neither Socialists nor Communists were allowed to work for the ACLU, and since that time, all of their rights as American citizens have been restored, the political parties they formed submitting candidates in most elections.

In recent years, the ACLU accepted court cases for abortion and LGBT rights, and are therefore more favored in Liberal circles, also due to continued support for Labor Unions demanding fair wages, reasonable work environments, medical insurance and profit-sharing benefits. They continue to work for people on civil liberties and maintaining our Constitutional rights, especially for our armed forces and military veterans.

The ACLU appeared to fail the American people during the Liberal-extreme 1970’s concerning “voluntary vs. court-ordered” institutionalization, causing the release of thousands of mentally ill people onto our streets, increasing the number of homeless, helpless individuals, and many people didn’t want to care for them, using the familiar “not with my tax dollars.” It’s more upsetting that the homelessness and helplessness has become a generational reality, but in today’s lop-sided economy, there are more disturbing causes for homelessness.

Since the 70’s, numerous states enacted laws to compensate for the relaxing of restrictions, simultaneously defending victims’ rights, justice in the eyes of both Conservatives and Liberals. The Supreme Court has approved court-ordered confinement for those who are deemed dangerous to themselves or others, but they’ve also ruled that psychological analysis is not an exact science, being subject to falsely perceived diagnoses, “in the eye of the beholder.”

Don’t be afraid of the words Socialism or Communism, for many Republicans use the words to invoke FEAR, but Americans aren’t stupid. Democrats and Republicans alike see the flaws and failures of Communism and pure Socialism, especially because the countries who’ve had these types of governments have been run by autocrats, dictators, greedy leaders who enrich their friends and refuse to give up power, physically eliminating any opposition. Those nations didn’t thrive because their leaders separated themselves as a privileged class, placing the needs of the people below their own selfish desires.

None of the Socialist-leaning countries Republicans like to point out have been Republics or Democracies where people actually do have a voice, with necessary oversight and a balance of powers. We can look around at success stories of equity in health, wealth, and individual happiness to determine the things that may work for us, but we must pave roads of cooperation between the Houses of Congress, within each Branch of Government.

Studies found that people in countries who implement some tenets of Socialism, particularly Scandinavian countries, are very satisfied with their government and their way of life. We can only hope that our children will also be happy with the facets of government we fearlessly carve out for them, beginning with an overview of our own Socialist systems of Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, open for review, input and compromise from both Conservatives and Liberals. (Have faith in people, be brave, with no FEAR.)

As we build trust in each other, regardless of political party or beliefs, we can create near-Utopia. Don’t be afraid of the word, for Utopia, the Perfect Society, peaceful and abundant, is the American Dream. Of course, we know that the Spirit of Discord will always thrive among us, spreading it’s Negative Energy, but we can positively visualize and begin to implement Utopia, where everyone is happily employed in some satisfying endeavor, having enough (and more) to meet all our needs, with Brotherly Love surging in the Hearts of all Mankind.

Our government is supposed to be “by the people and for the people,” but real improvement comes only from within each system or institution. Oh, we know we can’t be perfect, we can’t create Utopia, for our differences are too visible, physically and psychologically, but lasting legal contracts and even friendships occur through respect and honor of our similarities. The Power of One has never been more evident, nor mitzvahs done in secret more powerful, even as Messiah Yeshua instructed us.

G-D is my Light and my Salvation. Who do I need to fear? G-D is the stronghold of my life. Of whom should I be afraid? Psalm 27:1