Messiah Yeshua’s birth was prophesied for centuries by the Prophets of Tenakh (Old Testament) and even into surrounding civilizations. Matthew tells of the three Wise Men traveling from the East who knew that the emerging bright star announced the birth of a Jewish king who would become the King of the World. (Note: No one understood, as Yeshua said before his crucifixion, that his Kingdom wasn’t of this world, but the next.) As explained in Part 1, he came to live as one of us as the Seventh and Last Spirit of G-D, to remind us of H-S WAY of LOVE for our fellow Man, regardless of one’s gender, color, size or features. We can only guess the identities he assumed as the other Six Spirits, but ONE WORD he Spoke surely left Tao and the basis of various religions we label Hindu, including the offshoot Buddhism, also Speaking to indigenous people that bigoted colonizers deemed Evil.

We read in John 14:6-7 that Yeshua told his talmideem, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Because you’ve known me, you will also know my Father. From now on, you do know Him, in fact, you’ve seen Him because you’ve seen me.” We’re assured that there’s only ONE G-D Who Created all Life, yet a Universe of religions exists who claim they’re the Chosen Ones, destined to follow the only True Path to Eternal Paradise. Religions conjure an Image of G-D to suit their perceptions, even as seen in Michelangelo’s Creation on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It’s a beautiful concept, that there’s only one WAY to our Father, but there are as many Ways as people, for we come as individuals, each on our own. In Truth, the Christian Way is through a Jewish male we call Christ Jesus, my Messiah Yeshua, who explained the treasures of Torah throughout the Gospels.

Christian colonizers followed the Spirit of Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3)) into the New World, Africa and Asia, committing great injustices upon the natives of the lands they conquered, refusing to love them or learn anything from them, being militarily superior and prideful of the knowledge and experience of learned forefathers. Much good had emerged from the liberal, mind-opening Gifts of the Renaissance, but Evil thrived with its debaucheries, for hundreds of years betraying True Science that was being revealed, denying all but patriarchal, parochial practices and proclamations demanding strict allegiance at penalty of imprisonment or even death.

Hatred for Jews led to slaughters as at Prague, while the Spanish Inquisition was the Holocaust of its time in history. Jews hid themselves among Spanish explorers, most of them settling in the northern territory of Nuevo Mexico. Semitic DNA is found in the bloodlines of a majority of Hispanic New Mexicans today. Our self-righteous Christian European ancestors forced religion and man-made laws that apathetically decimated aboriginal communities. In America we drove them from their lands and ripped their children from their arms, while their languages and religions were lost in perpetuity. In their ignorance, colonizers of conquered nations saw the natives’ ignorance as stupidity, but Biological, Psychological and Social Sciences now make us realize that people worldwide have the same innate abilities.

Indeed, DNA proves that every one of us and every other Animal Homo sapiens ever born on Earth is a descendant of one male and one female Human Being, just like the Bible tells us, so modern-day Scientists call them Scientific Adam and Scientific Eve. (Note: Fewer Scientists today are atheists, for they’ve seen the signs of Spiritual miracles presenting themselves.) Every one of us has the same mitochondrial DNA directly from the female we call Eve (Havah), but it’s found only in ovum, not in sperm. Our genes provide our traits of hair, eyes, body type, coloring and other features, much dependent upon the climate where our ancestors lived and their proximity to the sun, our genes mutating and evolving separately as increasingly diverse tribes spread across the face of Earth. 99.9% of Human DNA is identical, while .001 represents our physical differences, and by G-D’s Life Force we share 50% of our DNA with plants.

G-D Created the Genesis of LIFE on our planet millions, perhaps billions of years ago, and the Homo genus likely evolved during the last tens of thousands of years. But according to new DNA discoveries, children of the First Family apparently mated with other species around them, notably Neanderthals, now extinct but genetically detectable. Yet our Souls were given by Eloheem in Genesis 1:26, “Let US make Mankind in OUR IMAGE.” G-D Created Human Beings from the “dust of the Earth” creatures, verified by having similar organs and systems, placing in us H-S Holy Spirit in Omniscience, the Soul’s Essence never to diminish, from generation to generation, pure and loving at birth, but we change as we experience and react to the joys and sorrows of Life.

My Heart and Soul began to absorb Messianic Judaism in 1999, but many Messages Yeshua left us were part of my Conscious Awareness since I can remember; Jesus always was with me, even in my own negligence. (Disclaimer: My views and opinions are mine alone, not of Messianic Judaism. My beloved friends, a new family, taught me true respect and devotion, as well as insight into the words and actions of my Messiah.) It’s only been some evangelistic Christians, colonizers and modern-day, who’ve made me a critic of Christianity, from personal experience and from afar. Horrible immoralities and injustices, including many murders, were committed by Christians in the NAME of G-D, while they hypocritically point fingers and accuse others for perceived sins. Are we not all sinners, yet some are unaware and others just don’t care? Many are complacent to their guilt and shame for harm they caused others, and fewer wish to make amends, although our Jewish ancestors remind us of restitution due. Make t’shuvah, and HE (HavahEzra), by H-S Love, will provide the means.

The ways of the nations have long-governed in injustice, but we’ll know an Evil Spirit by its secret motivation to cause fear, panic and despair, to weave an Aura of anxiety that denies peace and comfort, even to make us believe that our lives are worth less than another, or that we have no hope for happiness. As we age, we distinguish the things that are temporary from things that are permanent, finding value in our lives, being of value to others. Today we’re slammed with the realities of probabilities and a realm of possibilities, and the fantasies built around us from prolific Media sources become more invasive and traumatic, leading us to withdraw from or participate in certain websites or organizations.

We plan our lives towards happiness and fulfillment, but learn to handle things as they happen, hopefully with grace in truth, for it’s impossible to predict the wiles of adversity attempting to upset us. It’s a common euphemism that the closer we get to Nirvana, the harder an Aura of Evil fights for us. Someday our Souls will leave these bodies, so as we live every moment of every day in Brotherly Love, we’re blessed by our contributions to Planet Earth’s Positive Energy Forces, also as we repel Negativity. Salvation is found in service to others, each of us as to our own individual Gifts and abilities, with the simple desire to help someone.

Thank You, Father/Mother, for Forgiveness is given to us through the final blood sacrifice of the flawless Pesakh lamb, for from that day forward until the destruction of the Holy Temple in 70 AD, sacrificial blood on the Altar no longer ran clear as it did from his side. The paraquet (curtain) tore in mourning for a favorite Son who was ripped from their hands and hearts. It was never meant to be a symbol of separation from Judaism, for Jesus is Judaism. It’s blasphemy to say that “the Jews killed Jesus,” for his death was Divine Destiny, foretold by the Prophets, meant to be. Messiah Yeshua knows every hair on our heads, and will transport us to be where he is, as HE IS. He told us that we shouldn’t worry or be anxious for anything, assuring us that if we believe in Him, H-S WAY and H-S WORD which is ONE SPIRIT, Seventh and Last Holy Ghost of Ruakh HaKodesh, we’re redeemed for Joyous Ecstasy in Eternal Peace and LOVE.

Therefore, let’s confidently approach the Throne from which G-D gives Grace, so that we may receive Mercy and find Grace in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16