79- Hodgepodge: More Religion Than Politics

I’ve been thrown off track by all the politics lately but tried to reconcile my Soul with reviewing my real purpose in having this blog — advancing Messiah Yeshua as the Savior to the world. We’re “only dancing on this Earth for a short while,” Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) reminds us in “Oh, Very Young,” and must try to make this world a better place, with love and peace as a legacy for our children’s children and onward. Instead, the extremists of Right- and Left-Wing Media cause us to fear everything, but the Spirit of Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3) has always driven us apart, pulling us with negative energies amid clashing personalities. No one person can be Anti-Christ, although many have tried, working through human limitations to create disharmony, disaster and death, but Anti-Christ is simply an Evil Aura that lives around us, even within us.

We invented names for each other as to tribe, nation or religion, and at the bidding of Spirits of Jealousy and Vengeance we eventually gave man-made labels as to appearance and personality. Media has changed and advanced beyond simple name-calling, referring to one another in insulting, cruel and slanderous descriptions. Evil has occupied our hearts since Human Beings were created, since the First Spirit of G-D was sent to live among us on Earth and leave a WORD (Holy Message) with us. Seven incarnations of ONE SOUL were born on this planet in Human flesh (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:6; 5:6), G-D WITH US, Alpha to Omega ONE and the same. The Seventh and Last Spirit of G-D was the male Jew, Yeshua HaMashiakh, called Jesus Christ in English. H-S WORD is made manifest in his Holy Ghost, Who will come to dwell in our Souls, as we ask.

The words and actions of the Far Right reek of White Supremacy, and to me it’s much scarier than any Socialism or Communism alive in the Far Left. The first generation Christians were pure Communists (Acts 4:32-35) but found out it didn’t work, just like the Marxists in Russia after 1917. People are too different, and some will want more while others are easily satisfied. But Socialism woven into Scandinavian and other European democracies has created a higher quality of life, with excellent, free healthcare and various benefits for everyone. Labor Unions are strong in many countries, demanding reasonable concessions from their employers, especially large corporations and government agencies. White Supremacy is hateful and violent, thriving on fear of losing self-identity, that their grandchildren will be browner, unworthy of the superiority of the pure “white” race they’ve been convinced exists.

But it doesn’t, for DNA Science, which is G-D’s Omniscience, tells us that all Humans evolved from two people, one male and one female Homo sapiens, so that we’re actually one family, with everyone being brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. As previously noted, the Forces of the Spirit of Anti-Christ brought murder to the First Brothers, then also feuds developed among family members with diverse personalities, causing them to create their own tribes, nations, and religions as they moved apart. Mankind spread over the surface of Planet Earth, and Human Beings evolved as to Nature’s environment and climate, classifying certain physical characteristics into seven distinct male DNA haplogroups, yet we remain the same as Children of G-D.

I don’t believe religious groups should involve themselves in politics, although I’ve heard many pastors and priests tell their congregations who to vote for. Neither should government enact laws that are religious-based, as written in our Constitution’s First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof…” We have additionally coined the term, “separation of Church and State” to better understand our forefathers’ vision. They could foresee that non-Christian religions would someday seek our shores as a homeland, for they knew of the many teachings around the world. I maintain my stance that even though the Ten Commandments are a tenet of Father AvRaham’s three religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — its precepts apply to every person in the world, every religion, by whatever NAME we call G-D, Creator of LIFE, body and SOUL.

Congress, both the Senate and the House of Representatives, make our national laws for issues affecting all Americans, bringing uniformity to our lives regardless of the State where we reside. The NRA continues to fight the gun regulations most Americans believe should be enacted, such as bump stocks, waiting periods extended for thorough background checks, and reasonable criminal and civil penalties for federal gun violations. Right Wing Media has convinced people that Far-Left liberals want to completely abolish gun ownership, revoking our Constitution’s Second Amendment rights, but those people are few and far-between. We should be able to own guns for protection, practice their use in designated areas, and within reasonable environmental limits, we should be able to hunt for our own food.

American lawmakers must agree upon better immigration laws, also providing paths to citizenship, and must ensure the rights of women to have control over their own reproductive systems, their own physical bodies. The concept of Human rights far outweighs any religious belief that the Soul is present in the zygote of egg and sperm union, and if abortion is sin, it’s between a woman and her G-D. Such things should never have become political issues, and as with all disagreements, we must compromise to find solutions to problems without “throwing the baby out with the bath water.” It’s past time for Americans to research all sides of an issue, to raise our voices (or pens) in civil debate, and to vote as to one’s own conscience. Of all American citizenship rights and responsibilities, voting is the most valuable and effective.

America was designed to welcome people of other nations, especially the oppressed, but also everyone looking for prospective good fortune. Few of them knew that there would be many Americans with European colonial mentalities, having a “better than you” syndrome taught by prejudiced elite. If Americans are good Christians, they will welcome everyone and treat all strangers as their own families. (Read Leviticus 19:33-34 and Ezekiel 47:21-23.) Messiah Yeshua tells us to treat others the same way we would want to be treated if circumstances were reversed, loving, accepting and respecting them, overshadowing visible differences. If only Mankind could exist with the attitude that it takes a village to raise a child, but today’s society is too scary.

America is G-D’s Melting Pot for everyone in the world, divinely established to bring H-S (Havah-Shimon) Family together again — although our bloodlines evolved from different sources. It’s my firm belief that everyone should test their DNA, even with more than one facility if one doubts the results, and see your ancestors for yourself. Our families came here for different reasons, but now that we’re here, we have the opportunity to strengthen the Human Race with hybrid genetics that mirror the world’s population. Our progenitors immigrated to America with a “Vulcan” wish — “to live long and prosper,” to satisfy the wants and needs of their families, to give their children improved opportunities to find happiness and contentment. The United States of America promises a greater hope for peace and joy in our lives than most places on this planet, although we’re native-born and from different nations, being all colors, sizes, religions and politics. Neither should gender give inequity a name, for in Heaven we have Holy labels, being all color and harmony in Eternal Ecstasy.

Many rabbis (Torah teachers) were jealous that the people flocked around Yeshua, hanging on his every word, and they tried to trick him. One asked him, “Rabbi, which of the mitzvot (Commandments) is the most important?” Yeshua answered him: “You are to love Adonai your GOD with all your heart, with all your Soul, and with all your strength. This is the greatest and most important mitzvah. And a second is similar to it: You are to love your neighbor as yourself. All of the Torah and the prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot.” Matthew 22:37-40

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1 Comment

  1. Jessica Barrios

    Meaning nothing is greater than love…..