Messiah Yeshua quoted his ancestor, King David (Psalm 82:6), when he said that Human Beings are Gods (John 10:34), for we’re descendants of Angels, created in Their Image/Soul (Genesis 1:26-27) through Life’s evolutionary Homo sapiens. That we are “strangers” and “aliens” during our existence on Planet Earth is noted in Psalm 119:19a, Hebrews 11:13, and 1 Peter 2:11.

Everyone on Earth today began our lives through the fetus of a Human Being, twelve types of fruit being emitted from the Tree of Life under the Sun of our Solar System, one kind every month (Revelation 22:2), endowing different basic personalities at the moment of birth. Our Souls enter our bodies from some unseen dimension beyond the physical realm through Spiritual Forces as real as magnetism and its accompanying gravity, electricity, radiation and all other invisible energy forces.

Science serves as proof of G-D’s OmniScience, fields of medicine and computer technology evidence of our integrated collaborations, while religion often serves man-made laws, ignoring the importance of our connections with all Life on our planet. Humans have primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of all other animals and plants, utilizing but never abusing, nothing beyond its purpose, in deference to the Presence of Spiritual Life. Creating and sustaining a healthy environment is necessary for Life itself.

Some Christians call it Purgatory and the Norse called it Valhalla, but it’s a Well of Souls, that “holding place” in a Spiritual Realm short of Hell, called Gehenna or Sh’ol by the Jews, Hades by the Greeks – so many names in all languages. Yet another place was set apart by Almighty G-D for the sinners who lived before the Great Flood, a barrier to keep their Souls from returning to our planet to live here again in different bodies (Psalm 104:6-9), in punishment for their ungodly, dastardly deeds. Messiah Yeshua, after his crucifixion, went to that condemned place to preach Salvation of Souls in H-S Gospel (I Peter 3:19,20; 4:6), after he defeated HaSatan in the midst of Sh’ol.

Of one thing we can be sure, that G-D loved all Mankind so much that HE promised to guide and bless our “coming in and going out,” as David described in Psalm 121:8. Our Souls, as our bodies, are our own, to do as we wish, for we’re given Free Will, and have options to make wise or foolish choices, surely a matter of personal perception. But these carcasses will decay, while our Souls return to the Great Universal Realm of our Creator, in joy or disgrace, with redemption or rejection. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew we had another chance for happiness, if we could correct wrong-doings of past lives, that somehow restitution would be paid and Salvation rewarded?

In Ecclesiastes 1:9-11, Solomon wrote that “there’s no new thing under the sun” and “there is no remembrance of former things, and there will be no remembrance of things that are to come with those who will come after.” Ecclesiastes 3:15a,b adds that “That which was is here now, and that which will be, has already been,” leading us to question if these things have simply changed physical form. It also causes us to wonder why Earth’s population increased from around one billion people only 200 years ago, and today we have well over seven billion Souls existing in Human bodies. Our Souls enter a separate dimension when we leave our bodies (when we die), so if “there’s nothing new under the sun,” both physical and spiritual, then perhaps the entire Well of Souls, the repository for our individual persons, has returned in Divine Karma.

Jews were told that they were to set aside a Fifth cup of wine at the end of Pesakh (Passover) seder, leaving it to be consumed by the Great Prophet Elijah, for he was to announce the Arrival of Meshiakh, the Promised One Who would come as a Light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6; 49:6; 51:4). That Fifth cup of wine isn’t honored by most Messianic Jewish congregations today, for Messiah Yeshua told us that Elijah had come back to dwell on Earth in the body of Yokhanan (John) the Baptizer (Matthew 11:14; Mark 9:11-13). Kabbalah, unconfirmed Jewish lore not written down until after the destruction of the Second Temple and the subsequent Diaspora, goes even further with the concept of reincarnation, stating that Elijah embodied the Soul/Spirit of the Angel Metatron.

Edgar Cayce was an average man of his time, a farmer from central Kentucky, having G-D-given psychic healing, and his life is exceptionally worthy for study by other Christians, also very interesting in metaphysical circles. Only a few persons of the last one hundred years have lived so righteous an existence, perhaps comparable to Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi in being less sinful than the rest of us, also having great devotion to G-D. During Cayce’s remarkable readings, reincarnation was confirmed, but Cayce warned us that we shouldn’t attempt to discover our past lives, for “curiosity invites charlatanism.”

It’s not important for us to know the truths of Reincarnation in our lifetimes, for G-D will reveal everything to us when we are ONE With H-M. Patience and perseverance are keys to a successful life, as well as following the tenets of Christ Consciousness with Yeshua’s precepts of Brotherly Love for all Mankind.

NOTE: I want to reiterate that my beliefs as expressed in my essays do NOT represent the tenets of Messianic Judaism, and in the opinion of some, these views disagree with some of the values of many members of Messianic Jewish organizations, especially those who adhere to traditional Christian teachings.