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70- To Youth 3: Good Government

Good government involves more than the smooth operations of things written on paper and hard drives, with responsibilities of employees enumerated. It controls many facets of our everyday…

69- Anti-Semitism- Part 2- Blessings

…Come, let’s go up to the mountain, to the House of the God of Jacob (Israel). HE will teach us H-S Ways, and we’ll walk in H-S Paths……

68- Anti-Semitism- Part 1- Adon Olam

God of the Universe Who reigns — before all Creation was created, when all was made by H-S Will — Malekh (King) H-S Name was called. And after…

67- Where are our Blessings?

I often write in First Person, for this blog is a reflection of my beliefs and values, and I find myself repeating my thoughts and the same scriptures…

66- To Youth 2: Sex and all

My mother never talked to me about sex until after I was married, and even then it was only surface stuff. When I started my menstrual cycle, she…


LIFE mandates connections with other Human Beings, animals, plant-life, and with all the world around us — the weather, where we are, when, how and why. Therein lies…

64– Carry On!

It’s Human Nature to FEAR — we’re all afraid, and most of the time we fight it off as well as we can. It’s the Animal part of…

63– Maganuts – Victims of RF’s

How can I start? Maganuts will be offended by what I have to say, but I love them as much as anyone, for I follow the teachings of…

61– The Ten Commandments: Part I

Moses said: “These words that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Teach them diligently to your children. Talk about them when you sit in…

62– The Ten Commandments: Part 2

The first of the remaining six laws of the Commandments begins by saying, “Honor your father and mother,” and it was noted that Yeshua repeated this many times….