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40– Our Children are America’s Future

Our children are the future of America, just like we once were, but don’t be afraid, for most of them are showing us a promise of true Christ…

39– American Christians

Most of us have lived the past year in real FEAR, and many sources in modern Media incite more! There’s so much to fear — death from Covid-19…

38– Political Parties

On June 1, 1950, at the beginning of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist-seeking rampage, our first female Senator, Republican Margaret Chase Smith, said, “It’s high time that we stopped…

37– Truth and Lies in the Media

Samoa, the country, not American Samoa, has been ruled by the same political party nearly 40 years, and for 22 years, it’s had the same the same Prime…

36– The Beauty Quark

Too many of us have been in frequent manic-depressive states in the last year, even the most patient and forbearing of us having signs of personal resilience worn…

35– To Heal Our Souls

With all the BS we’ve dealt with in the last year — covid-19 circumstances, social injustice, destructive, dehumanizing rhetoric from every direction — it’s hard to tabulate the…


Every January 6 Christians around the world, and even many Muslims, commemorate the Epiphany, the day that honors the Three Wise Men from the East giving gold, frankincense…

33– America, Alive in Our Constitution

What is America? We were created to welcome the world to a country where one can freely practice the religion of one’s choice, where we can say what…

32– The Economy, a reason to vote?

Now, I can only call it as I see it, so some of my loved ones will disagree with me, but opinions don’t cause love to change, and…

31– The ACLU and Words We FEAR

Whether we call ourselves Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, there should be NO FEAR involved, for the things we’re most afraid of are often the things we…