It’s been surprising to me that in the twilight of my life, I’m still learning new things, but nothing has surprised me more than recent discoveries made in DNA studies. I’ve always believed that Human Beings are one people, for most of us were taught about Adam and Eve, though it seemed incredulous. But it’s true that all of us descend from two people, one male and one fe-male, whom scientists now call Scientific Adam and Scientific Eve. Humanity’s oldest DNA, the original from which all evolved, is found in southeast Africa.

All fe-male DNA can be traced within the same mitochondrial strain, but male DNA has now been divided into seven haplogroups, likely evolving after the Great Flood or other climactic or social tumults. The second haplogroup is found in northwest Africa, but their genetics are not found in any other group. It’s further interesting that there’s a tribe living there who say their ancestors came from waters to the west after a seismic flood covered their lands.

Semitic people live in the Middle East – Jewish, Arabic, most Turks, and some northern African Caucasians comprise this group. Further testing can even pinpoint lineage from the Hebrew tribe of Levi, designated priests who were descendants of Moses’ brother, Aaron. The fourth distinction is Aryans, and, contrary to a misnamed 20th Century designation, Aryan people are found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, the East Indies, and some Pacific islands.

DNA’s fifth haplogroup are Eastern Asians, originating in China, Indonesia, Japan, Siberia, some Pacific islands, and North and South America. All Native Americans are part of this genetic cluster, with the oldest DNA in the Americas being found in the natives of Monte Verde, Chile, at the tip of South America.

The Eastern European haplogroup, also called Western Asian, is one of the most prolific in the world, that which developed around Russia’s Caucasus Mountains, being Germanic Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian. Most European and American men test Eastern European M173.

The seventh and final DNA grouping are the Gaelic and non-Germanic Anglo Saxons found in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Natives of the British Isles are conglomerates of the sixth and seventh haplogroups, and many natives of Spain test Semitic due to the Moorish invasion.

There are hundreds of ethnic groups within these seven main sources, but 99.9% of Human DNA is identical, with only 1/100th of 1 percent giving us different physical characteristics — hair color and texture, eye color, body type and structure, inherited traits developed in disparate climates. Those living near the Equator evolved with tanned skin and nostrils flared to gasp the warm, moist air, while those living near the Poles developed thin noses to protect the lungs from cold air, the melanin in their skin unexposed to sun.

The Oneness of Humanity was further proved in a study in 2009 by National Geographic in Queens, New York, chosen due to its diverse, “melting pot” population indicative of modern-day America. After hundreds of volunteers submitted DNA samples by mouth swabs, they gathered for their results a few weeks later in a large park sectioned off for the seven main haplogroups. Most people tested the same as they were told by their blood relatives, but most surprising was a very dark-skinned Black man, a city policeman, who tested primarily for Eastern European M173, a result, no doubt, of descendants of slave-owner interactions.

Are we truly ONE people, as our genetic history confirms, or are we so entrenched in our cultural and national inheritances that we will continue to separate ourselves from others, continuing to act in fear or hatred? Each of us finds our own way to Truth as Children of G-D, but as for me, Messiah Yeshua is the answer to everything!