Sunday, 10-28-18 It’s said that G-D works in mysterious ways, and there’s no greater example in my life than the events of the last three days. On Friday, I was inspired by Daniel Hope’s violin rendition of Revel’s Kaddish on PBS’s “Amanpour & Co.” and I grabbed my Siddur to write down the words of the Mourner’s Kaddish in tribute to my parents and the parents of a dear childhood friend I recently reconnected with after 45+ years.

I meticulously wrote the words, remembering the lovely voice of my dear friend Deena Shapiro, cantor at Albuquerque’s Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue. We said the Kaddish every Shabbat, and when in mourning or in recognition of the anniversary death of a loved one, we stood and said the words in English with her. The Mourner’s Kaddish is not a sad prayer, but one of praise and thanksgiving, honoring our Father Who gives us life and Life After Death.

Then, the next day, on Saturday morning, came the horrendous massacre of eleven worshipers at the Tree of Life (L’simkha) Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and I had reason to again recite my Kaddish, this time through fresh tears. Now, on Sunday, as the names and ages of the victims are released, I’m led to recite Kaddish for each Soul who was lost to us on Earth, but are now in the arms of our father AvRaham.

Mourner’s Kaddish

Exalted and sanctified be H-S Great Name in this world which HE created according to H-S Will.

May HE rule H-S Kingdom in your lifetime and in your days, and in the lifetime of the entire House of Isra’el, speedily, soon, and say AMEN.

May H-S Great Name be blessed, forever and for all eternity.

Blessed, praised, glorified, honored and exalted be the Name of the Holy ONE, blessed be HE, Who is above all blessings and hymns, praises and consolations which we utter in the world, and say AMEN.

May there be abundant peace in H-S Heavenly Realm — life for us and for all Isra’el, and say AMEN.

HE Who makes peace in H-S Heavenly Realm — may HE make peace for us and for all Isra’el, and say AMEN.